7-9-2018 - Donuts & Raindrops!


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland

This pre-dawn morning, before 3am, I awoke to the sound of, wait for it: RAINDROPS!! I ran from my window to the front door to gaze upon the wet stuff then grabbed my phone to film me doing a rain dance. It was less than 1.5 minutes when the rain suddenly stopped. It was 86F outside so I imagine the rain just evaporated before hitting the ground. Anyway, it was a sweet way to begin a Monday, a new week, and more hot & humid days ahead.

Next I checked the news and rejoiced that 2 more boys have been rescued from the Thai cave! They are racing against the start of severe monsoon rains and have 4 more people to safely rescue on that treacherous 2.5 mile exit from the cave. I told Hubs it is impossible to have Monday blues when we have such great news to rejoice in today!

Wishing each of you a great beginning to this new week.
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Good morning. Noel, last evening we got about as many raindrops as it sounds like you got this morning. We still have some chance for this afternoon and tomorrow, before we go back to 100+ and dry for the week.

Does anybody know if the cave rescue efforts are temporarily on hold for the day, like they were yesterday, after getting the four additional boys out earlier? Yesterday morning the news was non-stop about it. Today, they have barely mentioned it. It is so heart-warming that this many have been brought out. I'm holding my breath until the rest are free from that horrible cave prison.

Wishing all of you the best Monday you can have.
OC: this early morning they covered the 6, 7 and 8th boys rescued. The plan now, like yesterday, is to replenish oxygen in the used tanks placed in the exit pathway. Tomorrow there are a couple more boys and the coach to be rescued before the monsoon rains intensify any more. Oxygen is only 15% in the cave and it is struggle to remove water faster than it flows into those areas. It is exciting to see so many boys saved, and hopefully tomorrow we can rejoice one last time that the entire group is safely rescued. It is night now in Thailand so early morning we will hear about new rescues.
Good morning..........last night, boy there evidently was a nasty storm in MN, northern...the warnings were on the TV non-stop in the early part of the evening. Maybe that is where the 10 raindrops you both got came from???

They are still talking thunderstorms here next 2 days.....who knows?

So far, 8 boys are out, the coach and 4 more remain. It is already nearing evening there, so yes, rescue efforts are on hold. I really hate all the conflicting reports that are coming. I heard the coach was one of the first 4 out, but now he is still there. I heard that the weakest were taken first, but now it was the strongest, as they needed to test their methods, so wanted the strongest first.

It was 78 here around 6:30 a.m. Is up to 82. Have a couple errands, so will be running out for a bit, sure would help if I got dressed. Enjoy your day..........
Morning all,

Noel - I'm so happy that you got rain, even if only for a few minutes.

OC - I'm glad you are getting some rain as well.

Poirot - I'm glad the storms were not bad by you.

No rain here. I think we have a 40% chance here today. We sure could use some rain the grass is starting to turn brown.

Such good news to hear that most of the boys have been rescued.

Another day full of training. I'm relieved that the morning session got done an hour early so I can get some extra normal work done, and check in with all of you.

Wishing you all a wonderful day.
Good day everyone.

Great to see more rescues from the cave. I can't even imagine what those brave children and adults are going through. Don't know that I could be brave enough myself to wear the mask and maneuver through tight passageways and in the dark muddy water no less. I keep praying for all of them.

Make someone feel good with a smile or compliment. It's good for their soul and yours.

Have a Blessed day.
Hi everybody.

I was out to school early this morning. Luckily, this one is only 4 minutes away, and that's if I get 2 red lights. Then I came back to horrendous noise at the office. The masonry guys are cutting through the cement blocks and outside brick where my office used to be.

I've also been following the plight of the stranded children and coach in Thailand. As of now , 4 children and the coach remain in the cavern. Throughout all of this, it is heartwarming to see how other nations have come to the aid of the Thai police and military to help rescue everyone.
Poirot - thank you, NOT, for that ear worm. Now I'll be humming it all day and I doubt I'll ever put the correct words to the song.:rotfl:

If we got rain on this side of the valley it was all absorbed and put to good use by the time I woke.

It is go great to wake to hear more boys have been saved.

Mr. Gus has a follow up appointment today. He hasn't improved since the last one. Still falls, still unstable on his feet and he is losing weight. Not sure what she is going to suggest, but he is still so dang playful that I know he his happy. Of course he was deaf so he didn't hear the Chick-Fil-a song.

Have a great Monday.
The rain in forecast disappeared. I may have to water flowers soon. Butterflies
are finally here. Hopefully, in a couple of days I'll take a video of them on the
butterfly bush.

Great news about the boys. It's interesting how the world has come together
during this time. What the world needs all the time.

robin, sorry to hear Mr Gus isn't feeling well. It's good he's still playful.

Poirot, thanks for posting the song.

Hopefully, everyone will get to watch the show today. Last week, they
mentioned Mr Trump might make an announcement today.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and evening.
Still at a low point, still dragging. Thankfully I worked ahead on work stuff, but it looks like I am still going to be late submitting the paper because the folks in charge of the two things I'm not responsible for still haven't sent me what I need to get it done. Sigh.

Also coming out of a crazy weekend. Our hades house struck again this weekend when our well house cover sprung a leak and filled up with water, causing our pump to literally fall off of the pedestal and break a pipe. It's all fixed now, but we didn't have water there for a while aside from the mini-swimming pool in the well house we had to pump out and dry. It's always an adventure with home ownership!

Poirot - Now I want Chick Fil-A. Darn it! :rotfl:

Good to hear all these rain reports. We had our rain fest the other day (hence the well trouble), but since then it's cooled down a lot here in Southwest Virginia.
Manda: good news your morning session ended early so we could have a post from you! Hope you get some rain before your green grass turns ugly brown.

Poirot: giggling complete after listening to the Chick-Fil-A song!

Soapkitty: sending you a smile and a hug. Great advice! :):hug:

Squirrel: that noise sounds deafening at your workplace. And, yes, it is so touching to see representatives from so many countries come together to save these Thai children. And people of all faiths are praying day and night.

Robin: did you see the storm damage photos from Buckeye area? It was so short here that I didn't expect damage to any areas. Oh, poor Mr Gus, falling but love his playful attitude. Keep us posted please on his progress.

Kat: Days should air because the president isn't making an announcement until 9pm Washington DC time. Looking forward to more butterfly videos from your garden. They are always so lovely!

Sweetness: yes it is always something with old houses. have one too. Glad your area has cooled off some! Waiting on people to complete their part of a project so you can complete your own is so darn frustrating. Hang in there!

Time for a bite of food before afternoon rounds. Hope your Monday finishes with flair.
It is such great news that we are down to 4 boys and the coach. When I got up this morning at 4:30am and turned on the TV, they were reporting the few just walked out. It woke me up quick and then more to come.

We had a great mini vacation and it's sad that it's time to come back to the working world again. We found several new bike paths that were so awesome and then did some boating also. I can't wait for retirement.

I hope all of you have been good! It doesn't get much better than Noel getting rain. I can't believe you didn't run out into the street.

I hope everyone has a good day!
Our hades house struck again this weekend when our well house cover sprung a leak and filled up with water, causing our pump to literally fall off of the pedestal and break a pipe.

I feel for you with the well problem. My well house is an extension of my basement , and is in front of the outside door so that area is a dirt floor. Most folks with city water don't know what it is like to have to be careful not to use all of the water in the cold water/pressure tank when the power goes out. The biggest pluses for me are refreshing ice cold water from the faucet all year long and good tasting water without all of the chemicals.
Shan: your mini-vacation sounds like it was great adventurous fun! Retirement like that would be a great dream come true.

As for running out into the street: I had on my PJ's, but stopped before could change into clothing! Next time!!!!
Thanks, Noel about the president. I didn't know he was waiting
until tonight. I'll find out tomorrow what he decided.
Rain, wind, dust, thunder and lightning.

Big storm blowing through. The neighbor's trash can blew by. I caught it and put it in his yard.

The airport has shut down. This thing blew in quickly. Should be finished in another couple of minutes. It will hit Noel in the next few minutes. We are getting lots of rain. Something like 1 inch of rain. Over 100 days without rain, and this storm hits during the commute home.

The X is where I am. Shutting down now.
