8/13/20 - Donuts and rain again


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today is picnic day for my Sunday school class, but it's raining now. Even if it
stops raining in time, I'm not planning to go. The humidity today is making
me feel yucky.

I'm still planning to go to church library and go to the vet to get Goldie's medicine.

manda, I hope Gena's visit went well.

I hope everyone has a good day.
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Good morning. Another hot and humid day here. I'm just sitting in the office with not much going on.

kat - That humidity sounds nasty. I'm sorry that the situation isn't good for your picnic.

Red - I've never had "swamp butt", and hope to never suffer from it.

Amanda - Hope Gena is ok with no tummy issues after last night's visit.
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Good morning everyone!

kat, sorry that you can't go to your picnic.

rs, "Swamp butt" is a condition that happens when you sit down for a few minutes outside on a super humid day and the sweat for some reason ends up only on your butt. When you stand up if you are wearing the wrong color it looks like you went to the bathroom on yourself. Basically you've created your own man-made (or woman-made) swamp :rotfl: . Never wear light gray when you will be spending time outside during a super humid day is the best advice I can give.

OC, I hope you can get out and back home before it gets unbearably hot.

The entire eastern part of Virginia is under a flash flood watch. I guess we're expecting some wacky downpours today.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good Morning...... about swamp butt, didn't M*A*S*H do an episode about it... Major Houlihan suffered terribly and the supply truck instead of bringing relief supplies for her brought something useless.....

Today is Doggie Day Care day so The Beast can attend Doggie Obedience School and listen half way. His groomer did a great job yesterday. He loves to turn his ears out and looks so silly.... so here is a picture for his Auntie OC and the rest of his Aunties and Uncles....

donut ears.jpg

They look like little pom poms when worn this way...... silly beast....

Happy Thursday....
Afternoon Everyone,

Gena's visit was another disappointing one for her. They ordered subs for dinner and he spent most of the visit on his Tinder app and trying to talk about, of all things, porn. Thankfully his sister shut that down fast. Her tummy isn't bothering her today thankfully, but all she wants to do is sleep. She's spending the afternoon with my mom today, so that should help improve her mood. I took my lunch break to run out to the office today to meet up with my friend to give him the silent auction baskets.

Kat - sorry you'll miss the picnic

OC - be careful in that heat

Red - I knew right away what you meant yesterday when you said swamp butt. :)

RS - glad, you just had an unplanned "fire drill"

Robin - Vinnie is adorable, almost makes me want a dog, almost but not quite.
Was going to say 'good morning' and then realized it was already afternoon...so Good Afternoon!

We got back from our little get-away to Cape Cod yesterday. It was very relaxing and the weather was perfect. While we were at the beach on Monday, there was a shark sighting, so we had to get out of the water for a short time. We did see a few seals near the shore.

Home today catching up on laundry and grocery shopping since I'll be leaving for Chicago tomorrow to visit with my daughter and her family. This vacation week sure is flying by.

Manda - so sorry about Gena's visit with her father. What was he thinking of talking about that stuff in front of her? Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with men.

Robin - your dog is adorable. And I love the 'pom pom' ears!

Red - that description of swamp butt was funny. Now I'm going to be paranoid when I get up. haha

Hope you all have a good day.
Squirrel - oh, I most definitely notified the CPS caseworker, my divorce attorney, and the one guardian ad litem whom I have an email for. I also requested that one of them please fill in the other guardian ad litem. The more I think about it the more furious I become.

Avey - my ex is scum, I'm counting down the days until I go to court to testify in his trial for all the awful things he's done to me. While I don't really want to relive it, I hope the jury locks him up and throws the key into the Marianas Trench. I was starting to move past the anger stage, but this has me fired up to a new level of disgust.
Manda - I'm so sorry you and your daughter are going through this. I left a very abusive, some physical but mostly emotional, relationship 26 years ago. The things he would say to my kids about me when they would visit him made me so angry. So I hear you on the getting past the anger stage, only to get fired up again. And to this day, even though we have been apart for 26 yrs and I have been remarried for 22 yrs, he still gets under my skin when I see him. Luckily for me, it's not that often anymore. I will add you and your daughter to my prayers.
manda, I'm sorry to hear about Gena's visit. I wish there was a way she wouldn't
have to see him anymore starting now. I'm glad she's doing well and she's visiting
her grandma.

robin, thanks for the picture of Vinnie. It looks like he has a pom pom on his tail.

avey, I'm glad you had a nice vacation. Enjoy your trip to Chicago.

red, I hope you won't get flooded.
Manda, :angry:, this is getting hard to take, just hearing about it. I can imagine what it's putting you through. There is no excuse for those in charge to allow this to continue! His sister may have good intentions but she can't control him. I don't think Gena should have to visit him at all but if she does, at the very least, the visits should be supervised by an impartial person who can/will put a stop to the visit if your ex even hints of heading in an inappropriate direction. Grrrrrrr.

Kat, another big :angry: if our regular mail processing machines are being taken away to accommodate mail-in voting. Just the other day a form for a ballot request for early voting came in the mail for my husband, who has been deceased for nearly two years. I won't get into the politics of mail-in voting. This is for early voting, which has been around for a while anyway. But it was a reminder to me of the need for me to notify the people in charge, of his death, and I know there are people who won't do that. It hadn't occurred to me to do it until I started working as an election clerk last year, then it slipped my mind and now I need to take care of it.

Avey, I'm glad you reported in. I was thinking about you the other day and wondering if you were sticking to the pool. Good to hear you didn't get into any trouble! :)

Robin, that picture of Vinnie is precious! Makes me think of Pippy Longstocking.

Squirrel, I'm glad you didn't have a real fire. Hope they got whatever it was fixed.

IamRed, stay clear of the flooding, if you can!

I made it to the drug store and stopped at the small grocery store (this is in the smaller town) for a few things I didn't get at United yesterday. At all the regular grocery stores here they have a sacker person at the counter with the checker person. The sacker person also carries your groceries out and puts them into your car. (One more reason why I love Texas)! The checker and the sacker were both wearing masks and wearing them properly. So far, so good. But then the sacker guy was having trouble opening one of the plastic bags so he raised up his mask and licked him fingers to give him traction with the plastic bag! Ugh! Some people can follow specific rules but they are unable to apply the principle to any possible problems that arise. When I got home, before even unloading my groceries from the car, I came inside and put on disposable gloves, then I brought the bags in and gave everything an extra wipe down with alcohol and threw the bags in the trash. I am sympathetic to how challenging it can be to open new plastic bags sometimes but with the Covid virus atmosphere of today, licking the fingers and then handling the bags and the grocery items is not a good idea. I'm going to look and see if they have a suggestion box in that store and suggest they put wet sponges at the checkout counter to help the employees deal with this issue.