8/14/21 - Donuts and no rain


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Last night, I got excited when I heard thunder and saw the storm warning. I was in circle around
20 miles wide that didn't get rain. The areas outside the circle got some rain. Rain is out of the
forecast for today. I checked the radar before I did my short walk today. It showed rain, but I
only got spat on. The grass is wet this morning, but the ground isn't.

It's going to be cloudy and highs in the 80s. It will hotter with humidity.

No big plans today except doing my errands. Hopefully, I can get studying done today too.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable day.
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Good morning......feeling better today, fever gone, got decent sleep at last. Kat, that is what happens a lot here, too. I think the dew is what makes the grass wet, esp. with the high humidity. Want to laugh......Currently, it is 46...but will be 80 today. Oh, the sun is shining brightly, so the temp will climb fast. Been awake since 5:30.....going to get into the shower, then try to pay the bills I had no energy to do for the last couple days.
Hubby is getting released Mon. afternoon.
Poirot, I hope you can stay home over the weekend and get rested. Hopefully, the caregivers
will be coming back the same day your hubby gets home.
Good night's sleep and soon a shower, then I get to go see my nephew...... spend the day with the family and then head back home on Sunday....

Poirot I'm glad you are feeling better....
kat last night Hunny Bunny said it was pouring rain and another flood watch...... just hope the storms clear I really don't want to drive through a storm.

Because of COVID protection they have a TV in this room but NO guide as it's paper and I might catch COVID touching it. Also the remove was in a vacuum sealed baggie.

Happy Saturday...
Oh, wow.......(am assuming you meant the "remote", not the remove, lol). Well, you can surf thru the channels and you will see what they are. LOL Hallmark has Sealed With A kiss - Wedding March 6.........then The Baker's Son. (You are a 2 hrs. earlier than me, so this means around 6 p.m. YOUR time. Movies & Mysteries has Martha Vineyard's mysteries, then Murder She Wrote. Turner Classics has Big Country, then The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit.
As to the Networks, To me, lousy on weekends, but Shark tank & Good Doctor are on ABC, NCIS New Orleans & 48 hrs. on CBS. America's got Talent on NBC.
Hope that helps a bit......have fun with the family. Wishing the best for the trip home. !!!!
Kat, the rain missed us too. We are needing it badly now. Yesterday the people next to my property had a controlled burn and it made me a little nervous, even though they were well prepared for it.

Poirot, it's good to hear you got some rest and are feeling better.

Robin, I heard about heavy rain in Arizona. Hope you avoid it in your travels.

~~~~Well, how funny! It just started raining here. I thought it had all passed by. I don't think this will last long. It may have already stopped. This morning when we were out getting hay moved the ground was quite dusty. I've been wearing a dust mask to help with the allergy. We called it quits for the day at 11:00. It was just too hot and my niece had skipped her early morning animal chores and needed to get to them, and I needed to get out of the heat and rest. I'm about to eat a bite and then will probably take a nap.

I have to tell about my son's family's "adventure." I will say up front that it had a good ending. They are somewhere in northern CA, in a rural farming area. Spent 3 weeks there on their way farther north, now another 3 weeks on their way back down. This, because they have good friends living in the area and wanted to spend time with them. They didn't get to visit much the first time because it was the end of school and their friends were busy. This 2nd attempt hasn't worked out either because the family's daughter, early 20s, almost died with Covid last week. But my son's family had met some people in a local church during the first stop--the teens liked the youth group and the family has made good friends with an older man, Bob, who goes to the church and also lives in the RV camp.

The camp has very poor internet service so my son has been going into a town 30 minutes away to work each day. That's where he was on Wed. of this week, when one of the wildfires got into the area near the campground. His wife called and told him they were put on alert. Still assuming they could hook up and pull out, she began doing all the many things that have to be done to move their camper home, getting instructions from him on the phone as he headed for home, since she'd never done all of it herself before. Meanwhile, my son was unable to make good time because there were many firetrucks on the way, making it necessary for him to constantly pull over to let them pass. Then the wife called and said, "no time...they had to evacuated immediately." Only they had no transportation!

Son called Bob and asked if he was still in the camp. Yes, but he was on his way out! He was happy to go pick up the family though. When they got out of the camp and my son had finally made it there, of course he was not allowed to go in anyway, so thank God for Bob. ( I suppose the authorities would have gone through rescuing people but it's scary to me because there are people who don't make it out of those situations). So now that they were out, they had nowhere to go. While they were trying to consider their options, Bob once again came to the rescue. He contacted a couple in the church who were happy to take in my son's family. That couple has 4 kids and so does my son, so it must have been a houseful. But they all hit it off great and after spending two nights there, they all felt like they had some new "good friends." It was so gracious of that family to take in another family like that. My son's family got to go back yesterday. Their travel home was not damaged. The wind direction had kept it outside the camp. Oh, by the way, they were able to get their cat out too, when they rushed out of the camp. The cat and my daughter-in-law's purse and that was about it.

Robin, I'm sure that is all too familiar for you. I'm just glad I didn't know anything about it until it was all over. I had been asking my son about fires ever since they got to California in early May. I imagine he knew it would be better to not let me know about it until after they were back to their home and everything was okay.
OC, I'm glad your son and family are safe. It was good Bob was there to help them out and
find a place to stay.

robin, at one time most motel TVs had a channel with a guide for shows. I don't if the place
you're staying has that. I hope you have a good time with your family. Safe travels home.