8-18-2016 - Donuts & Jam

Kat, I feel concerned about you working among all your plants, with copperheads around. I imagine you know you can get online and find snake pictures so you can identify them. But it would be understandable if you'd rather not look at them. I won't look at things like that in the evenings. Better if I do it early in the day, to give time for the image to fade from my brain.
I'll look tomorrow if the snake is still in the flowerbed. If so, I'll take a picture of it. Early in the month,
a garden snake was on my wire fence. It was strange to see him all looped around the chains.

I wear boots and long pants when I'm outside mowing or in the beds. Some of my neighbors wore
tennis shoes and shorts when mowing.
Every time I talk to my mother, she asks if I've seen Sneaky Snake. It must worry her as much as me. I'm paranoid of every shadow and keep having bad dreams of snakes trying to attack my feet. I can't figure out if it's fortunate or unfortunate I haven't seen Sneaky, lol. Stay safe Kat! I do like to try to identify the ones I've seen.