8/2/2023 - Donuts and last night's moon


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
This is WildeWoman's moon from last night.... I got a picture but it wasn't as impressive.... We will have another full moon at the end of the month.... two full moons the months going to be wacky.....

Just another Wednesday in the heartland.... it's hot the weather guessers say hang on it will cool down by the weekend.... Okay... maybe I'll trust you....

Good Wednesday to all....
Oh, wow, love the pic. I no longer am able to see the moon, as it appears on side of house with no windows. Thank you! Sun was out early this a.m., then it got all cloudy and hazy for over an hour, but the sun is back out now. No idea what the day will bring. Guess it depends on which way that smoke blows. Since there is just a whisper of a breeze, maybe we are good for a while now. :)
It's sunny and in the high 90s today. It will feel hotter. I saw the full moon this morning
when I walked. Rain chances for next week going down, but temps look better.

I went to the church library this morning. I took the last load of books to the bookstore.
I told them I'll be back next year with more. The bookstore is close to the university and
I wanted to be done before the students get back.

I'm washing clothes now. I'll be cleaning after lunch.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Thank you, Robin! I didn't even see it here, so that is amazing.

Poirot - You can still see the moon...on Peacock...when Days' characters don't wear much clothing, towels included! And I also include the short dresses/skirts!!

Kat - Sounds like you have a busy day.

Everyone have a great Wednesday.

Good afternoon everyone. 78* here with low humidity, but the Canadian smoke is still here. My eyes burn no matter how often I use artificial tears.

End of month reports are done except for one county. I'm not sure what is going on there.

robinsnest - that's a beautiful picture of the full moon over New York City.
Hi everyone!

robin, these days I can tell if the wackiness is due to the full moon or just people in general.

Poirot, hope you’ve had nice weather today.

kat, sounds like you had a busy morning.

Wilde Woman, hope you are having a good day.

rfsexton, hope you are able to get your laundry done.

rs, I hope you get some relief from the smoke soon.

I worked half a day today. One of the hygienists was doing cleanings so it was an easy day. I worked on getting our schedule straight. Hopefully we don’t have to move too many appointments.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Oh Wilde Woman, I love that picture of the kitties so much! I keep going back and looking at it over again.

Robin, this is probably a stupid question but what is that black thing through the middle of the moon? Maybe a wire or something between the photographer and the view of the moon?

IamRed, I agree with you about wackiness and the moon. There's so much weirdness in the world all the time now.

Squirrel, how awful to have to endure that smoke on and on. I wonder if anybody is still trying to put out the fires.

Sexton, the heat goes on.......

Poirot, your weather sure has been bouncing around from one thing to another lately. I hope the wind turned in your favor today.

Kat, good thinking to unload your books before the university students arrive.

I have white curtains in my bedroom. They aren't sheer but they do let a lot of light through. I woke up at 4:00 a.m., thinking it was much later and that daylight was arriving. Then I realized it was the moon lighting up the room. It took me over two hours to get back to sleep, then I way overslept, until 8:00. Threw off my plans for the day but I went ahead to town, did a few errands and grocery shopped. I had hoped to get off early and get home by shortly after noon but that didn't happen. It was 107* for most of the day. I took a cooler with ice for the food. Drove slower than usual over concern for tires and the scorching pavement. There was a breeze but it was like a hair dryer in the face.
Robin, this is probably a stupid question but what is that black thing through the middle of the moon? Maybe a wire or something between the photographer and the view of the moon?
I'm going to guess it was a cloud OC, I have no idea.

We hit 107 with a feels like of 110 today.... woo hoo.... blech.....
It is 11:15 pm. We are at 87, feels like 95. We hit 103 today with a feels like of 109. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter. I am
Not impressed.

I am looking forward to the busyness of this week to go away. And next week is schedule pickups for the girls for school. Countdown is on