8/21/21 - Donuts & goofy weather


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning...Hubby, after spending 5 or 6 hrs. in E.R. room, is home, evidently the vitals were o.k. in re: heart, and as I said, he was insisting on going home. Today, he can barely walk. He just refuses to stay in hosp.
Rained during the night, not much, surprised me, as was not expecting it. Very windy now, tho sunny, and only to get in the low 70s today. However, hse very warm, had to put on a.c.
Hope you all enjoy Saturday, whether in the gardens, yards, kitchen, patio, town, at a game, or the TV. lol. God Bless.
It's very humid here too. Even though it's dark, I'm still going out before 6 because of the
heat and humidity. It was in the 70s this morning, but after three times around I didn't
feel good. I put the A/C on as soon as I got home. It took awhile, but I felt better.

When I went to Walmart, the clouds came in. This time, it poured when I was still inside
shopping. I got sprinkled on when I left the store.

My mower is suppose to come today, but may not get to mow with rain in the area.

Poirot, does the caregiver come on the weekends? I hope there's someone there to help you.

I hope everyone will be safe with all the bad weather going around.
Good Morning.... day 7 of being trapped in the house..... 3 more days and a clear test before I can go outside. But then again it's 105 outside and will be even warmer as the week moves on so perhaps staying trapped in the house is okay. It is but when you CAN'T go outside it seems to be so unfair..... it's not like I"m choosing to go outside.
The Beast is very active today.... no idea why.... I'm hoping he goes to sleep soon...
Poirot prayers for strength my father was the same way, didn't want to be in the hospital because he wasn't in control but get him home and he was like a lump wouldn't do his exercises, so annoying.... he wanted to play golf but couldn't walk to the toilet by himself because he wouldn't do his exercises to build muscles..... MEN....

Enjoy Saturday all.....
Hello. I guess it's no longer morning. I woke up at 4 again but finally went back to sleep and didn't wake up until 8. Now everything is running late. I have a pot pie in the toaster oven for my lunch. I had a hard time getting up, even after the extra sleep this morning. Have been dragging so badly for a while, I'm starting to wonder if my thyroid needs adjusting.

Robin, I had to laugh at your first paragraph. It's so true. Human nature wants what it can't have, even if it's something it doesn't really want. Vinnie's restlessness made me think, my niece has been saying all week that something is going on because her animals have been been restless and doing strange things. Maybe it's the upcoming full moon??

Poirot, your life is like a roller coaster or a yo yo for now and there seems to be no avoiding it. I pray for strength for you each day. You must be having weather like Texas. Having to turn on the air conditioner even when the temperature is not that high is almost a given here.

Kat, good thing you got inside and turned on your a/c. This time of year the heat gets to people, even when the temperatures are not so high.

I looked out and saw two of my hunters out front, trimming tree limbs that were hanging over my driveway. I've been trying to get that done before time for them to come with their campers, and especially before time for my son to come back with his RV . I had someone start on it a couple of months ago but then he soon quit and never came back. So I went out there to tell the hunters about my water having a leak and being turned off down at their camp (where my well is). While I was talking to one of them I saw the younger one off to the side, bending over, like he was trying to get his breath. (A stance that is familiar to me). I asked him if he needed some water. No, they had some. The temperature wasn't much above 80* at that time but I guess the humidity was up.

My pot pie is done. Yum yum. Haha!
Oh Poirot, I wish you could catch a little break.

Robin - hopefully it cools down by the time you can make your escape outside. Our heat index today is 110 so I don’t want to get out either
I woke up at 3:30 this morning. I couldn't get back to sleep. I got up at 5 and started
my day. I hope I won't fall asleep this afternoon.

My mower came this afternoon. There was a big storm coming my way, but it moved
north before it got to me. I'll be watering the flowerbeds tomorrow.

OC, I'm glad you got your trees trimmed at no charge.

robin, I hope you can find something to do while you're stuck inside.