8/22/17 - Donuts & Big Breakfast


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Ahhh, me and my toast, but others.......eat up...


Good morning all..........Still cloudy here, but can't see that it rained during the night.....not sure if it is still to come, or ???? Busy day ahead, not sure I am going to get to do the summary. Someone is coming, an appt. and no idea about time. I was supposed to go to town yesterday, and there was something else happening, (besides not wanting to go out during the eclipse) and needless to say, did not make it, so will be trying again today. Never ends for me. 14 things to do, only time for 3. LOL

Have a good day.......
Good Mornng,

Chex cereal and half banana for my breakfast. As usual I am the only one awake. It is going to be 107F today per forecasters.:rolleyes:

Another long day of errands for me too. Class day trip assistant for desert botanicals. Plus whatever spiders, critters, and snakes appear. Right now getting out sunscreen, bug repellent hat, and water bottles. Now I just need the energy to keep up with the kiddos.

Hope each of you has a great Tuesday despite your busy schedules.:)
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Good Morning,

I had my usual breakfast ham & Swiss cheese on an English muffin, with a little bit of garden veggie cream cheese to moisten the muffin, with a small glass of milk.

Working from home as hubby has an interview today, and my sister-in-law has an appointment and can't watch Gena. I have no idea what our weather is like as I haven't even opened the drapes.

Gena had a wonderful time at the Aaron Rogers presentation last night. Tonight my company is doing a family fun night and showing Moana on the grounds, so we'll be headed out for that after supper.

Poirot- best of luck getting as much as possible done today.

Noel - have fun on the field trip. I don't know that I could handle it in that heat.

A.Guy - I've never tried corned beef hash, what all goes into that? I imagine it would be tasty.

Have a great day everyone!
Manda: your breakfast sounds yummy and I think I will try it soon. So glad Gena had fun last night and you have a company event tomorrow. Best wishes for your hubby's interview today and enjoy your day.

Corned beef hash is an Indiana staple too and yummy. Hope your day is a great one.
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WOW, way cool picture. When I was sent to help train a district in Alaska, one night in January we went out to see the Aurora in -0 degree weather and wind. Not all that wonderful but once they started, it was well worth the almost freezing to death.

Mr. Gus is still suffering from the anesthetic from yesterday, unstable and confused. They said it could take as much as 3 days for him to come out of it. But he didn't loose any teeth so this is good.

Another warm day in the city with insanity scheduled for tonight downtown. Planning on staying as far away from it as possible.

Have a great Tuesday.
Good morning everyone. Been slowly catching up on the donuts over the past week. Lots going on. Hoping for the best with RS.

The weekend with our company went very well. Our friend's wife was great and no issues.

We just got back from a fun, awesome, family reunion with 85 people that came. This email who camped loved it and others came out for the day.

Today I'm packing the trailer up to head out again for 5 days tomorrow.

Back to work next week. Have a good week everyone. Sorry for not commenting on everything. Lots to comment on and get done today.
I'm home again today. Morning clouds and humidity. I skipped morning beetle patrol. Instead
I raked the piles of grass the mower left Sat since rain coming later today. I filled up the trash
can twice. Then I worked in the side flowerbed. Then the wind picked up and things blowing
around. Cat and I decided to go inside. Nothing on the radar close, but 10 minutes later
it started pouring.

Glad to see you post Muzzaman, I knew you were busy, but still wondering about you.

robin, I'm glad Mr. Gus got through his teeth cleaning and didn't lose any teeth.

Poirot, great picture.

manda, I'm glad Gena had a good time last night.

Noel, I hope you have a good time on the class trip.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of day and evening.
Poirot, that picture is beautiful. I would rather see the northern lights than the eclipse.

Robin, I always avoid crowds when possible. I hope Mr. Gus comes around soon.

Manda, I'm glad Gena had a really good time last night. Wishing the best for your husband's interview.

Noel, you are a brave soul to go out on a field trip in those conditions. I hope the bad critters stay away.

Muzz, I'm glad the friend's wife behaved and that you had a good reunion.

Kat, it sounds like you used your time wisely this morning. More rain for you, oh my, it keeps you busy!

Hello, A. Guy.

Home health nurse came earlier than usual today. Glad that's done but it got me off my track and I haven't gotten back on. Another nice, hot day here. Chances of rain come back tonight.
Based on what hubby said when he got home from the interview, it sounds like the job is his if he wants it. Most of the positions are 7am to 7pm Monday through Saturday, but they have 1 position that is 7-3 Monday through Friday, and it sounds like hubby can have it if he decides he wants it. He plans to think about it while he's donating plasma, but I'm 90% certain he's going to accept.

kat - that's a lot of grass clippings

Poirot - wow, beautiful picture

Robin - I hope Mr Gus, is feeling better soon

OC - it's nice to have the physical therapy out of the way, but rather inconvenient when it throws off the whole day.

Muzz - sounds like the family reunion was a success.
Oh Poirot, the breakfast looks delicious but I can only eat toast for breakfast. Hope you get some of your list taken care of. What a gorgeous picture. Thanks

Noel - enjoy your field trip with the kids. I always enjoyed going with my daughter. Stay cool!

Manda - crossing my fingers for your husbands interview! Have fun this evening.

Robin - Poor Mr Gus. 3 days is a long time.

Muzzaman - Enjoy your 5 days out. Glad the company turned out good this time.

Kat - it sounds like your weather just can't settle down.

Glad all the talk of the eclipse is over. It was kind of fun to go out and see it with our special glasses but actually, if someone hadn't of told me (and we were 97%) other than the temperature dropping from 85 to 76 in about 13 minutes, and a little brown hue to the air, we wouldn't have known.

Swam last night with Ember. Then we went on a bike ride around the streets in our neighborhood as she has learned to ride her bike with no training wheels and thinks she is pretty hot stuff now.

Have a great day.
Yep, a lot of grass clippings because they mow every two weeks. And it rained since he
mowed last. Grass was heavy
to move since full of dew. I'm glad I took the time to
move it before the rain.

Shan, congrats to Ember riding without her training wheels. Sounds like a fun time you
had last evening.

manda, I hope hubby makes the right decision.
Poirot: love that gorgeous aurora snapshot! Wow to your views!

Robin: Glad Mr. Gus is healing. Insanity downtown is a perfect description. And it is so awful hot out here in the desert! Ewwww

Muzza. 85 people at a reunion is a fun time. Enjoy your next 5 day trip!

Kat: you and cat were smart!

OC: try to stay as cool as possible this afternoon. Hope your day finishes with relaxation.

Manda: happy dance! Your hubby has a good job offer! :)

Shan: a swim and bike ride sounds perfect on a temperate summer afternoon. Good day!

This is all til tonight folks. This glaring sun and 98F at 11:18am is already wilting me!

Manda, the hash is just corned beef and potatoes, ground or chopped up fine. Probably a little onion, too. The canned "Mary Kitchen" brand is good enough for me! Crisp it a little in a frying pan. Then scrape a spot clear, and drop an egg, or two on it. Talking about this has me hankering for some hash within the next couple of days! :drunk:
A.Guy - thanks, I'll have to give hash a try. :)

RS - sometimes it's nice to just kick back for a day.

Noel - glad you all made it back okay from your jaunt in the desert. Sounds completely awful to me. I much prefer walks through pumpkin patches and apple orchards, although I have a feeling you'd like that better too.

Hubby is on the phone right now with the lady at the staffing agency, discussing the job. I've got my fingers crossed.