8/25/16 - Donuts & a Cool Off


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning all, sun is back, shining brightly, the hummers are swarming again, but it is 52, going to 70 with winds picking up a bit. They have not, so far, but is still very early. LOL

Have a good day, enjoy!
Good Morning,

Fairly pleasant this morning, a bit humid, but not too bad, expected high temp today is 81*.

Tonight is my annual company picnic, starting at 5. Catered in chicken, burgers, or bratwurst with pasta salad, baked beans, chips, fresh veggies, and dessert, plus 4 bounce houses, a dunk tank, a little train ride, rock climbing wall, bungee cord trampolines, band, balloon animals, face painting, and kettle corn. Makes for a fun evening. I almost forgot free wine, beer, wine coolers, soda and bottled water. Thankfully Gena will have been on her eye drops for 24 hours again when the picnic starts so she'll be able to go with me and play.

Poirot - enjoy the hummers. :)

Have a great day everyone!

Have a wonderful day everyone
Good morning. Poirot, I have to think your hummers will give up on the weather there soon and head on down this way. Glad you have some sunshine, though also cool (cold, to me) and windy.

Manda, Gena would not have been happy to have missed the festivities. I'm glad she can go! Have fun, both of you.

Sunny and hot again here today. I have a question for Kt or anyone else who knows. Did I miss a solar eclipse? I heard something about one a few days ago, then forgot about it. Thought it was to be in the next day or so after that but maybe not. It was to be a full eclipse over part of the country but only partial here, so I'm wondering if the clouds here had me fooled. I think some of you in the full eclipse zone would have mentioned it though.

Nothing on my agenda yet. Need to wash up breakfast dishes, put in a load of laundry, and get dressed. Have a good day, all.
Good morning. OC, the eclipse will be next August, so I'm thinking the talk now is a marketing thing. Many rooms are already booked in the total eclipse zone, lol. It has been a long time since a full eclipse was seen from the U.S. and this one will be coast to coast (southeast to northwest). This might be a good time to order solar eclipse glasses or #14 or above welder's lenses, lol. I have a pin camera made out of a long box. I used it for the last partial eclipse. Here is a link to safely watch, but I'm sure there will be much more information closer to time.


Nothing spectacular going on here. I will be interrupted by the Treat Wagon and the weekly garbage truck (he's running late).

Take care, folks.
Happy Thankful Thursday all!

It is a full sun, high humidity day. Last night we had a huge dust storm and hopeful clouds that didn't share a drop of rain. Oh well, maybe Robin did receive rain?!

It is a very busy day. I am trying to catch glimpses of QVC's Christmas in August celebration day. I never tire of looking at Christmas decorating items or hearing Christmas music. It is especially cheerful when we're stuck in a high heat-humidity location.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day and restful night.

POIROT: what would those sweet hummers do without you feeding them? Enjoy your Autumn weather today!

MANDA: so glad Gena and you will have a wonderful time at the party.

KT: glad it is treat day for Remmy! Thanks for the link educating us on eclipses, etc.
Thanks, Kt. I can see the need to plan for lodging and such, but it always blows my mind to think of planning anything a year ahead of time for anything! We used to use my husband's welding helmets to look at solar eclipses. I wonder if there is still one around here somewhere.

Poirot, I've been in and out of the house a few times this morning. Next time I go out, I'm going to think of that picture you posted. It sounds pretty good, and would feel good, for a few minutes.

Noel, I can't wrap my mind around Christmas stuff in August, but each year, when we get our first chilly spell in September or October, I get all nostalgic for Christmas. But then it quickly gets warm again and the mood passes.

I made some phone calls this morning. Finally getting some things moving. Now to deal with some paperwork......
A busy morning going to school. It's warm and partly cloudy now. Hopefully, it
will rain tomorrow.

I saw a hummingbird on a flower when Goldie and I went on our walk this morning.

It's too early to think about December. I hope I'll have some big changes before then.

I'm glad Gena gets to go to the picnic. Sounds like fun.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Morning all. Late start for me. Very busy day. I didn't get any rain that I'm aware of last night. Was hopeful, but if it came after I went to bed, it has soaked in.

I have a quail block in the yard. A thrasher is wanting to "dine", however, a white winged dove is all fluffy and keeping her away. While those two "fight", the little sparrows dash around and get to the block for seeds. It's been packed for the majority of the morning. The block is almost gone. I have another one ready for when this one is gone.

Thanks for the snow picture. My absolute WORST nightmare.

I am also enjoying Christmas in August on QVC, without the sound, as I've been in meetings. At least I didn't get up at 3 am to watch the Jim Shore portion. I've been known to do that in the past, as I collect his Santas. I chose to sleep instead and take my chances anything new wouldn't be sold out if I needed/wanted it.

Have a great Thursday.
Robin, I loved hearing about your birds. I'd like to know more about your quail block. Do you have to put it in a "cage" or what? Does it hang on something or sit on the ground? Quails are usually on the ground. How big is it? I've been so thrilled to see some quail this year, after not having them in recent years. I would feed them if I had a good way. I've put some birdseed on the ground, hoping to get their attention, but they haven't been interested in it and they don't stay in the yard for very long. I haven't seen them in a while now but sometimes hear them out behind the yard. I think I've read that they like ragweed seeds. Boy, do they ever have a feast on the outskirts of my yard!
The last two quail blocks have sat directly on the ground. The one is going out tomorrow or later tonight. I may set the next one out on a single paver stone, just to get it 1/2 inch off the ground. Mr. Gus doesn't pay attention to them. I did pick them up when we had my sisters silly idiot Labrador (she's only 7 months old) came by, as she was eating the food. As soon as she left, it went back to the ground. I have 3 hummingbird feeders, and two other feeders out. We are a bird haven.
Poirot is that your yard in the winter? I know it looks a lot like my yard in the winter, but we don't have trees. :)
Yep, when I walk out my door,...that is my garage, my husband's truck, the yard, and yep, all the trees w/snow. LOL. I have trees on 3 sides, and the lake in front. When I tell you rural.......Yep.
Good afternoon. It's been busy getting back into the swing of the school routine for the girls and trying to figure out what I have time to get done while they're gone. Tomorrow is grocery shopping and errands after school assembly.

Noel, I'm not really longing for Christmas, but I'm ready for fall and pumpkin everything. I believe I'm just so tired of the heat and humidity we've had. I've already switched the decor in my house over to fall.
Hi everybody. Just got back from the Pittsburgh area shopping expedition with my cousin.

My feet and legs hurt and are stiff from all of the walking , but it was a great day. We got to IKEA just as they opened for breakfast so we had tea until the store opened. My cousin was amazed at everything they have.

The heat and humidity are awful. The heat index was over 105* while we were out. The severe storms are just arriving , I'm thrilled. :sarcasm:

Poirot, your snow picture looks wonderful right now. I'll take a snow storm over this weather any day.
I have been out recently, doing things with friends and both times I fell down and skinned my knees. Really I skinned them terribly the first time and destroyed them the second time. That is why I do not do things for fun lol.

Good night to you all.