8/29/17 - Donuts & Storms


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2014
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Southeast Virginia
Good morning everyone!

Continued prayers for those affected by Harvey.

There's a tropical system off the coast of North Carolina so it's a little rainy and windy here this morning. It was really loud at 3 this morning but has calmed down. We're under a flood warning until 8 pm. The joys of living on the coast near a swamp.

It's off to work for me soon.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Just a quick morning to all. Another busy day for me.
Another cool, foggy morning here.

Neighbor's son decided to stay. A sheriff's dept in my state is going to Texas
with a boat and several men. Boats are what needed the most in Texas.

President Trump is going there today so who knows what we'll see on TV later.

Stay safe, red.

I hope everyone has a best day possible.
Morning Everyone,

Red - be careful in the storm

kat - how wonderful of that department to go help.

Poirot - ugh, laundry.

As for me, my phone decided to die last night. I've done the hard factory reset 4 times, and the stupid thing still will not turn back on properly. Currently it's frozen on the android logo. I can't even get it to turn off without removing the battery. I've only had the dumb thing for a year and it looks like I'm going to have to buy a replacement. Not a happy camper this morning. :angry:

The good news is that hubby is still at work today. :)

Hope you all have a wonderful safe day!
Morning all.

Just a quick drop by. Will try to catch up later today.

We are going to be 111 today!!!!! I mean how cool is that??? It's almost September and we are looking at day 24 this summer of being 110 or higher!!

If only I was really that excited. But either way, it is going to be hot. It is almost September.

Good luck with the phone, manda.

Happy Tuesday all.
Well it feels like Monday, but it is the end of my workday on Tuesday. Leaving the unit people were greeting me with "happy Tuesday" and "see you tonight, Wednesday". Night rotating shifts are the worse and leave you exhausted. Time for bed as the house us all mine but it is impossible to just relax that quickly.

Watching hurricane coverage to catch up on news. It remains heartbreaking. People being rescuers lifts the heart!

Red - wishing you a light work load and no more storms.

Kat - a big bravo to the men of your sheriff's department. Hope your day is relaxing.

Poirot - a least favorite chore is ironing and laundry for most of us. Hope they are small, light loads.

Manda: electronics are an expensive inconvenience. Hope you have a replacement policy.

Robin: I know, 111F predicted for about ten days! :eek:
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Mandy.....I have Tracfone.....and last week I went bananas trying to get my phone to turn on, I rarely use it, so figured it had died. turned out, battery was dead. I swear they just seem to drain on their own....
Well this is our 60th day with no rain and looking like it will be awhile before we see any also. We are breaking records daily. I can't remember ever being able to swim in our pool this late in the season without turning on the heater. Our pool is staying right at 87-89. We all swam last night until after dark!

I hope everyone has a great day. Keeping so many in our thoughts and prayers
Good afternoon. Harvey is throwing his menacing rain bands my way, but I can't complain. The storm isn't even done with Texas. I haven't seen much of the sun or night sky for a month, but that is a minuscule issue. I don't have any watches going on here. My NOAA weather alerts come from Mobile, AL, so I've heard the ones in that area.

Take care and stay safe.
I had a busy morning. I applied for a job I found in Sunday's paper. Application was
on website. The easiest way I could get it done was to print it out. I typed in answers.
Then I scanned it since they wanted it sent by email. It's only part time, but I thought
I would apply anyway.

Noel, I hope you got some sleep today.

manda, sorry about your phone. At least, hubby is still working.

robin and Noel, sorry about the heat.

Shan, I hope you get rain soon.

kt, I hope the sun visits your area soon.

I hope everyone has a good evening and sleeps well when they do.
Good evening. This waking up at 2:00 in the morning is getting to be a habit. If it isn't the husband waking me up, it's me. It throws me late getting started in the mornings. Then things were busy again. Home health nurse came. Handy man came and rebuilt the wire gate for me. Later, I took the truck to the farm store to get gas. Went to check out the new gate. I emphasized that he make it loose enough that I could open it handily. (Barbed wire gates can be murder to open, if tight). His idea of loose and mine are not the same. Good thing he put a "cheater" on it. I hope to replace that gate with a metal one when I'm not pressed for time on it. Got some phone calls. One thing and another.
OC sorry you still are among our reluctant group of insomniacs. Great news about the cheater handles on the new wire gate. Wishing you a relaxing evening and peaceful sleep all night.
Good evening everyone. I'm heading off to bed shortly. Working 12 hours yesterday and 11 hours today has me wiped out. I just finished reading Donuts from yesterday and today, but please don't get upset at me for not "liking" or responding to all of your posts.

A huge thank you to Noel and her hubby for volunteering in the disaster areas in Texas.

Prayers continue for all of you and your loved ones.

Night night.
Heya Everybody! I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day. Today has been an okay but pretty busy day. I went to work, came home and had dinner. After dinner I had to do a few chores around the house and right now I am relaxing. After I write this message, I will do a small chore and then relax for the rest of the evening. I just wish today was Friday, I need my long weekend already.

On Thursday, my cat is going to the vet again because my cat is still suffering from nausea and is vomiting. My cat is eating, which is positive, but without medication, my cat vomits at least once a day. I am really scared that there is something else wrong with my animal. I just want my cat well.

The weather has not been very good here and the pattern continues. I am wearing a sweater or coat outside in the mornings as it is cool. Right now it is partly cloudy and 66 F. 66 F will actually be a high for Thursday and Saturday and Friday it will be a degree lower then that. Summer, what's that. I don't know such thing.

Wishing all of you a terrific Tuesday evening. Sending so much happiness to each one of you.