8/30/23 - Donuts and Wednesday


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Dec 29, 2012
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Another cool morning. It's suppose to be in the 50s when I get up tomorrow.

I went to town this morning. I stopped at the church and other places.

I hope everyone is having the best day possible.
Good afternoon........we have had really cool mornings this past week or so, which is about to change Our highs were in 70s, but we are heading now into 80s and low 90s for around 10 days. Weird weather, as that is already September, and while it is still warm and nice, not 90 usually. Seems some animal, probably a deer, knocked over a flower basket I had out back. Been fine the past few months, but........who knows? I hope I can find some mums, I really like them.......but everything costs big time these days.
Bunch of underage teens had a booze party last week someplace in town, and ....a 16 yr. old got in a truck, and ended up running over a teen girl. There are no specific details at all, being that all there were underage, so no idea how it happened, but tooo sad. Hope everyone is o.k. and enjoying the last few days before school starts........and I do mean teachers as well! :)
Poirot, that is so sad about the teenagers. Young people have no idea how tragic life can turn in an instant. I hope one of my cows didn't get out and stray up your way and knock that basket over. It also sounds like something a raccoon would do. I'd gladly give you my raccoons. I didn't put out any feed this morning. Wonder what they thought.

Kat, it seems like you shouldn't be that far north of me but your temperatures sure are going lower.

Once again, I was gone for most of the day. Drove to my Wal-Mart town (40 mi.) and picked up the cylinder from NAPA for holding up my car hood. Took it across the street to the oil change place, where they installed it for me. They don't ordinarily do this kind of work but the guy that runs it has been so kind to me over the years. When I got my oil changed last week he told me to get one and he'd install it for free. I tried to pay him today but he wasn't having it.

Then I went to the mechanic shop to once again get that sensor light checked out. It came on last week but had gone off again. I know people drive cars for years with a light on like that but after having mine in the shop several times due to chewed wiring, and once having the engine replaced, I'm paranoid about it. The first two times I went in there they told me it wasn't hurting anything, to just keep driving it. The lady at the front desk tried to tell me that today. But the mechanic did check it out and he's going to fix it. He said the drain line to my a/c hose had been chewed and so had a wire right below the hose. Water dripping from the drain hose was dripping down onto the partially chewed wire and causing a disruption, which makes it go on and off. What crazy things critters can do! He had to order something so I'll have to go another day to get it fixed.

My son mailed me my new router in Dallas on Friday. It could have gotten here the next day, and no later than two days, but apparently it's been going all over Texas. I stopped at the post office and the lady there checked it out for me. It's now in Fort Worth, should be here tomorrow.

I'm glad to be home. It has stayed just under 100* today. Not too bad except for car parked in the sun while I was in Wal-Mart. Good thing I took a cooler with ice.
Truly a shame your vehicle is so easy for those little critters to get into and feast on your wiring. Too bad there isn't a spray to make them distasteful to the dang things. Am sorry you don't have a safe place to park the car, O.C. Has to be tiring, and trying to deal with the troubles.
Boy, we sure are losing daylight hours quickly now. In August we will have lost just 4 min. short of and hour and 1/2 of daylight. And next month, September, we will be losing another hour, 32 min.

I remember a few years back, going down to Chicago at end of October, and got suprised it was still light at 6 p.m. , as up here, pitch dark at that time. LOL

So it differs all over the country. Will be interesting to see, since south of me doesn't get dark as early as we do.......somehow, they just don't lose as much daylight minutes as we do "come the season" for it. LOLOL
Wishing you a good night of sleep, Sexton. Poirot and I can empathize with you. Glad you and your dog had some milder temperatures.

Thanks, Poirot. I had hoped maybe it was under better control. By leaving the hood open it has put a stop to rats building nests there but if I set traps inside the car I still catch mice. I haven't done it lately. Just get tired of the battle that has no end. It sure seems to be getting dark earlier here now. I haven't checked the time. Also stays dark later in the mornings. Sunrise is sometime after 7:00 now. The moon was big and bright last night. I think it will be officially full tomorrow. ?
I swear I checked in earlier today.... but I don't see me here so I guess I didn't. I went to Target today to get some meds, then drove to a Stand alone CVS not one inside a Target. I checked several CVS's via the web after driving to the second one only to find it was freaking inside a Target I finally found one.... felt like OC today drove 50 miles all over Wichita looking for one.... arrrgh.... all to pay my Medi-care prescription coverage, for some reason they forgot to take it out of my Social Security. it's just wacky and very annoying....

My sister received her birthday present and really enjoyed it so that is good.

Hope the Canadian smoke leaves our sky so I can see the moon clearly tonight.....
kat, enjoy your cooler mornings.

Poirot, that is really sad about those teenagers. I wish they’d realize they are not invincible.

OC, what a wonderful mechanic you have.

rfsexton, hope you get some sleep tonight.

robin, CVS being inside Target always throws me off.

We‘re supposed to get rain tomorrow due to Idalia passing south of us and a front moving through.

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
Good evening everyone. This has been a long day with screening at a nearby school district. Half the school is now done. The rest have to be done tomorrow.

No breaks today, and I ended up with a migraine. I tried to eat supper, but it was iffy. Just had a few crackers, and off to bed I go.

Hopefully I have time to check in tomorrow.
Robin, driving 50 miles in a city is waaay worse than driving 100 miles out here.

IamRed, glad you checked in. I hope you don't get too much rain. Be safe.

Squirrel, I'm so sorry you got a migraine. I hope you can sleep it off but I know how the effects linger.

Well, I came on here to ask where is that moon but I just now got up and looked again and I saw it and was able to get a good view of it from just off my deck. I went out earlier, after sundown, and walked out on the hill to look for it, while it was still a little bit light out. (Didn't hear any coyotes). That's about the time I saw it yesterday from inside my sunroom. This evening there was nothing to be seen of it until it was fully dark, between 8:30 and 9:00. It was very pretty, still orange, and I could see the face of the man in the moon. When I went out earlier I did get to see a cotton tail and a roadrunner at my back steps, before I went out.
Yeah, around 8:30 I suddenly remembered to go look, and wow, was astounded. for a bit I thought someone put up a very tall, huge light pole, lol, as it seemed so close. I had to go outside, on the driveway to get a really good look. Dang WalMart & Slumberland behind me has a zillion light at night, so usually cannot see stars, or even the moon if far away,.
But last night, the moon was so bright, so close, so BIG! was so happy I got to see this rare occurance.