8/4/21 - Donuts and Bagels


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. Cinnamon raisin bagels and a selection of cream cheese flavors are ready for breakfast this morning.

It was another cool night in the low 50s last night. Temps are supposed to be back up to the 90s this weekend and going into next week. YUCK!

Going to study for my state exams that I have to take on Thursday. I just took the test a few months ago, but some wacko decided to revamp the entire test so we all have to retake it. Certification is normally for 3 years so hopefully I retire before I have to take it again.

Hope you all have a good day.
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Another smoky hazy day, with sun trying to break thru. Conflicting weather forecasts, so who knows. In 50s here as well during the night. Last night a weatherman was attempting to explain the affect La Nina &/or El Nino ocean temp have on future weather, meaning winter......but I still could not make out if he was saying we probably will have a warmer or colder winter than usual. There was something about whether a lot of snow, or not. Sure wish Adam Clark was here (Super weatherman, in North Carolina now. )
Good Morning,
RS - cinnamon raisin bagels are one of my favorites, I usually have them with peanut butter. Good luck with your exam today.
Poirot - all that weather stuff confuses me too. I just want to know how much snow to expect.

Not much going on here today, but since we have Girl Scouts tomorrow I'll take a quiet day. It's very hazy and smoky here today, the air was very heavy with the smell of wood smoke, to the point that my eyes were burning with my car windows open. I had to turn on the air conditioner to stop coughing.
Last night, the weatherman said that up there in Duluth, they thought by noon today, they would be seeing relief from the smoke, but Wisconsin was going to have it longer. Currently, can't seem to get info from Duluth stations about WI weather, except a slight mention in passing. No idea why they all talk as if their only viewing audience is in that city, and no where else. Grrrr.
Poirot - I'm very lucky that my local station across the line in Ohio always does the weather plus any storm warnings for all the counties on both sides of the state line in their viewing area. That involves weather warnings from the National Weather Service sites in Cleveland and Pittsburgh.

Amanda - Please take care when out in that awful smoke. It isn't quite as bad here as it was the last 2 weeks, but more is supposed to pour in over the weekend after passing over your area.
It's been partly cloudy here most of the day.

After I walked, I watered my front flowerbed. The Sunday rain wasn't enough.

This morning, I drove to Crystal Bridges. Last week, they mandated wearing masks again
for the visit. There were two special exhibits I wanted to see. I go there during summer
since they open at 10 instead of 11. The museum is about 40 minutes from me when I
drive on the freeway.

rs, good luck on your test tomorrow.

Poirot, I hope the air isn't too smoky today. Is your hubby home yet?

manda, be careful on your way home tonight with the haze. How's Gena doing? Is she visiting
your mom tonight? I hope she's doing better with her chores.

I hope everyone has a nice evening.
Sorry some of you are having so much smoke up north. It is hazy here again today but I can't smell smoke.

Squirrel, that seems so wrong, to make people retake the test. I'm glad to see you at least have retirement in view, even if not for right away.

I had to make a quick trip to town this morning. Got back at noon and had some leftovers for lunch. Now I'm wanting to take a nap.

I guess one of my bulls didn't realize the black bull was gone. He was wandering and calling out through the evening and night. Happy for me he didn't hang around the house much. Then this morning 2 calves knocked down my hummingbird feeder and spent some time cautiously examining it before one got brave enough to lick it. The hummingbirds were not amused and neither was I.

Kat, what type of museum is at Crystal Bridges?
Kat - Gena is doing okay, chores are still a struggle, but she's working on it. She normally sews on the Thursdays we don't have Girl Scouts, which would be next week Thursday, but next week won't work as she has a doctor's appointment in the afternoon. I'm not sure that my mom would have time next week anyway, as they will be busy preparing to go to Ohio for my cousins wedding. With my mom still working she's usually too tired to sew with Gena on other days, as she always has Thursday off. That museum sounds interesting.

OC - so your bull was out looking for a fight? That makes me laugh. :)
Hubby is currently in ICU. He had bad pain in foot, and got rash all over entire body, Reaction to something. He also had some bleeding in groin area they had trouble controling. They feel they might be able to move him to regular room today, maybe release him by Friday. It depends.
Poirot, sorry to hear about your hubby. I hope he feels better soon.

OC, sorry to hear about your hummingbird feeder. Crystal Bridges is a museum
for American art. There's a variety of things to see. Paintings, statures, and creative
pieces. I didn't take time to see the main collection today since I've seen a few times.
They redo the main collection every couple of years. This is the 10th year it's been
open so they had special exhibit about that.

Here's a link if you want to take a look
