8/4/23 - Donuts and family


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Dec 29, 2012
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It's sunny and in the 80s this morning. This afternoon will be hot again and feel like over 100.

Today my son, his wife and my grandson are coming again to visit. My cousin is in town too. He lives in Illinois.
We're going to put down my brother's ashes. One of my brother's friends is coming too.

My cousin suggested awhile ago, my brother enjoyed the place where my family lived years ago in town. I
finally went to the house and left a note since no one was home. The owner called my back. She told me
the home is listed as a vacation home. She met my brother years ago. She's letting us have the home for the
weekend free. My son and his family will spend night there and go on to see his dad tomorrow.

My son was nice to come here early since I told him my brother's friend works in the afternoon. I was
surprised my son wanted to do that. They probably got up around 5 this morning.

I have a little more cleaning to do before I get ready. I'm not sure when I'll get home this afternoon. I'm
going to post the summary help topic early.

I hope everyone will be able to stay cool today and have a blessed weekend.
Kat, I'm so glad your son is coming through for you today. I hope the day goes well and all of you will be blessed. It was kind of the lady to let you have the use of the house.

My niece will pick me up soon. We both have doctor appointments in the city, 65 miles from here. I get the stitches from the skin cancer removal out. Yea! She has a follow up with the orthopedic surgeon about the elbow she dislocated and fractured. That is an uncertainty. The weather will be the same ol', same ol', around 108* with a brisk, hot breeze. Fire dangers, low humidity.
Weather is till the same
Way too hot
Heat advisory
90 feels like 102 at 1030ish
62% cloud cover
65% humidity
Dew Point 76--whatever dewpoint is
By 6amtomorrow we break out of the 80s with 79
Humidity returned, alas. 76 degrees, 70% humidity. Make it go away, please.

Kat - Thinking of you and your family. I am glad you will be there to support each other.

OC - Wishing you and your niece well at the doctor's office.

rfsexton - Hope you get a weather break soon.

Everyone enjoy your Friday!

Hi everyone!

kat, I’m glad your son is helping you with this.

OC, hope your doctors appointment went well.

rfsexton, hope you get some relief soon.

Wilde Woman, thanks for the picture of the puppies.

After I got off work at 1:00, I went to Tractor Supply for some jars, got a sandwich from Wawa, and got groceries. I managed to get home before a storm hit thankfully. Other then cooking dinner, I’m not planning on doing much.

Hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon!
Just gotta ask........what is Wawa?

We had a sunny morning, but sure has clouded over now. Not sure if weather related or smoke from our northern neighbors. Did go out to take care of a few errands, including a bit of grocery shopping. However, the a/c in the store had me so cold my skin was turning all red (yes, sensitive skin) and was scratching arms so much. You know, I usually take a light jacked (freeze anyway) but forgot, dang it, so cut the shopping short and left. Tis funny, the half full carts near the exit, with a few folks standing outside for a while to "warm up". before going back in to finish up. No not often, but it does happen. It's no wonder so many of the employees have a long sleeve blouse or shirt. LOL
And now, am washing a load of clothes.
hmmm, weak sun has shown up, just a short visit. LOL

kat, your brother must have really had a large book collection (I used to). You are lucky you were able to sell so many of them. (I donated to the library....no time when I moved for garage sales, etc.)
RF, sure hope the cooler temps will soon be appearing. We are in low 80s, but Sunday begins just mid-high 70s, if they are right.
OC, bet you & niece had another nice meal out. I envy you for that. Take care all, enjoy the afternoon and evening.
Everything went well. I was surprised my son got here before 10:30 than the others arrived to do to
the house. I told them not to drive down all at once since driveway is crooked and steep.

My brother's friend is an eye doctor and he had appts in the afternoon. We took the ashes
close by since house surrounded by woods. After doctor, left I took them out to eat at a BBQ place.
I used cash from the sales of books and coins. I have more coins to sell.

The house is in the middle of 20 acres. Part of the home has been changed, but a lot of is the same.
The spot where my cat scratched in the house is still there. My dad used rough cedar.. My son and
his family staying the night. I'm thinking about staying sometime. It's expensive, but I still might do
it. The house was changed in several areas. There are two bedrooms now instead of three.

It's over a 100 this afternoon, but you couldn't feel at the house since down in a valley surrounded
by trees.

Poirot, my brother had books from my mom's family and my dad's books.

OC, I hope the doctor appts went well today.

Wilde Woman, I hope the heat doesn't stay to long.

red, I hope your new work schedule works out for you.
Poirot, Wawa is a gas station chain. They make sandwiches, drinks, they even do burgers and pizza but only after 4pm. They’re only on the East Coast.
lol.....thanks I AM. Just such an odd name, (usually I see it as a baby's cry sound) .
This heat is killing us. We have hit 104-106 three times this week with heat indexes up to 115. It is ridiculous. Excessive heat warning for tomorrow as well.