8/5/22 - Donuts and Friday afternoon


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I spent time in the back of the flowerbed this morning. I'm making space for some flowers a neighbor wants me
to have. Hers are tall and attract butterflies. So I'm clearing out the back to plant. I've got one square done and
more to go.

It's the first time I've been in the back area since the roof has been on. You should see all the nails I've finding.
The magnet they use doesn't work in the flowerbed. I found a piece of metal in the mum after I pulled it apart
to see if any nails there. Then I found a cigarette butt. That's poison when it's not thrown away properly. I found
out how to sent my comments to the roofing company. It will take me awhile to do that properly. The invoice I
got said to send comments via the smart phone which I don't have.

I'll be catching up on studies the next couple of days. I hope no rain Monday or Tues mornings so I can work
outside. I have a lot of weeds to take out get out the flowerbed.

robin, I hope you got home safely this morning.

OC, I hope you're enjoying your visit with your family.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and fun weekend.
Good morning.... I'm in Sacramento this morning. I went to a Pokemon tournament last night with the Grandsons. I have no idea other than they had a great time....
I'll get on the summary when it airs....
Tonight dinner with friends and then Saturday the drive back to Phoenix starts with a night spent with my sister. Home to HB and the BEAST on Sunday.
OC, the bull I found, that wasn't yours, was moved to the lower pasture, I guess those ladies needed a visit.

Have a great and safe weekend.
NY under air quality alert, with 82 degrees and high humidity. Will rain tonight into tomorrow.

Kat - The best to you with your horticultural activities.

Robin - Enjoy the rest of your Sacramento trip and safe home.

Everyone have a nice Friday!
Good evening. Sorry I've been absent much of this week. My daughter and granddaughter went home on Wednesday. It was a short visit but a good one. I enjoyed them so much and my granddaughter did a few little things for me that needed attention and I couldn't do them. She spent time out in the guest house studying, and they had to get back home because she had a zoom test that evening and my internet is not reliable enough for it. She's been working this summer on getting her EMT certification, as part of her college requirements.

Yesterday and today had me occupied with some things that weren't pleasant enough to mention.

Kat, your yard could be a wildlife sanctuary! I was afraid you were going to be finding nails after those roofers were gone. Too bad their magnet wouldn't work in the beds. But leaving cigarette butts is inexcusable. I've had that happen when I've had work done in the past.

Wilde Woman, I can't imagine there ever being good air quality in a city with so many people! I guess there are a lot of different factors that affect it though, including weather conditions.

Robin, I bet the bull was happy to get back with the girls. It makes calving season more manageable when you can control the timing. He was a good-looking animal. I hope you enjoy your last evening away from home. Have a safe drive tomorrow.