8/8/19 - Donuts and a flashlight


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I had to take Goldie out early since it was just starting to rain. I had to use a flashlight since it was so dark.
We didn't walk very far.

This morning, I'm going out to get an ID at the university in town. I belong to the senor group that
has lessons during the year. Maybe this year I'll take course or do an activity. You can get a
student ID and do things on campus. I'm not sure if I will or not. I'm taking a lightweight jacket
and umbrella.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Morning Everyone,
Kat - what a great idea, I bet they offer some fun activities/classes.

Beautiful cool morning after some crazy rain last night. It rained so hard I lost all but 1 tv channel with my stupid antenna. I really need to get a better one. Gena's visit last night was a disaster, so much so that she texted me 45 minutes early to come get her. So despite torrential rains and crazy wind, I hopped in the car to pick her up, of course it stopped just as I pulled into the parking lot next to the house to pick her up, but that was okay and made the ride home much less white knuckle driving. It was so bad Gena's aunt called me when she got home to have me ask our social worker to call her today. All of this should make our court visit next week very interesting. She was a trooper too, as she raced straight into the bathroom to bag her clothes and take a quick shower just to make sure there were no new vampires unleashed in the house. I promptly put the bagged up clothes in the freezer.

This afternoon I think I'll take Gena to the library to finish up the summer reading program booklet and let her pick out her new book, which is their end prize.

Wishing you all the kind of weather you need/desire and an abundance of blessings.
Another hot, humid and muggy day in the desert. I am so over summer but next week we're back in the 108F+ range. :sick: I should be used to it but at this point every year I fight the blues until temps stay around 100F. My memories of August leading to Autumn are fresh and filled with lovely Indiana days.

Kat: what a fun program the university has for seniors. I don't think our colleges make that available here but it is the perfect stage in life to learn & grow -- without tests! or grades. I hope you find something to challenge and enjoy this year.

Manda: love your rewarding Gena for her steadfast spirit and huge heart of love. She's a little warrior against vampires! I am so sorry her visit went so badly she wanted to leave early. Hopefully the court will take some action soon to keep her more protected in the future.

RK: enjoy your afternoon shopping trip.

Robin: even before you post, I admire your attitude towards the weather this time of year. If you have some extra grit, I could sure use some now. Your week is almost over -- and freedom this weekend!

Oh, the transplant went well yesterday but now it takes time for the effects on his body to be monitored. Hopefully we will have only positive results. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.:love:
@mandamiee so sorry about the visit not going well. Continued prayers for your situation and for Gena.

@Noel Glad to hear surgery went well, prayers going up for continued improvement and smooth recovery.

I have great news to share. My daughter Jenna made her high school volleyball team! We are very excited for her and glad to be volleyball parents again this year. Go Patriots!
Morning all!

Have been busy busy at work and haven't been able to check in with everyone. Will have to go back and catch up later.

Kat...you should definitely do it!
Manda....UGH! I hate that Gena had a bad visit and pray that the court makes some changes
RK...shopping for something in particular? I am not an avid shopper. I like to know what I am looking for, get it, and get done. Unless it is Christmas shopping, then I can go all day.
Noel...I am with you on the heat...cant wait for October and hopefully cooler weather

Well tomorrow is the day. I am going to officially become a Mimi!!! We will get to meet her on Saturday and I plan on spending the whole day and night at the hospital. :)

A blessed day to everyone!
Morning all..... around 6 pm last night the door bell rang and started to get up but Hunny Bunny got up first..... (yea!!) it was our new patio cover being delivered.... so now our new patio is here!!!

a patio cover 1.jpg

Isn't it beautiful???? now we wait till August 15th for it to be installed... but at least it is here..... so that is a good thing.... I hope....

Manda hang in there.... I am so glad that Gena had the courage to contact you and felt safe in that choice... that you would come get her.... I hope the vampire bugs are enjoying their time in the cold.....die vampire bugs die.....

Off to a Tremendous Thursday......
JS - there are channels that I know I should be getting that I don't, so while I agree about the planes, rain, and bumblebees, I also know that I need a stronger antenna. Well, if we lose Gena's aunt as a supervisor, which is highly likely, the visits will have to be supervised by the authorities at secure location. I'm not even sure he would show up, seeing that he has a warrant for his arrest for 36 counts of violating the restraining order.
Noel - so glad the transplant went well, prayers that it takes well and he's on the road to recovery soon.
Jammers - yay, so excited for you.
RK - have fun shopping.
Dayslady - congrats to your Jenna!! Go Patriots!! (my school's mascot is/was Patriots too)
Good morning....a bit cooler morning here, I know Noel would love it! Ran out to WalMart to get a few things, and whatever the reason. In stores when I get near the coolers/freezers I start itching like mad. I wear a jacket no matter how warm outside because of this, but today it was my hands. Egads, I just could not stand it after 20 minutes, so checked out. Doesn't happen outside much, just inside.
Mandy, I was thinking that sooner or later, a visit with dad was not going to turn out well, and am so sorry Gena had to experience whatever it was. Glad she called you, and assume her aunt has told you what went on. As JS said, perhaps visits will be either shortened, limited, or whatever will help the situation.
rk, been so long since I have been able to get out of town to go shopping....I envy you.
Actually, the little mall I used to go to in the town...about 60 miles away......well, they lost the Penny store which closed, and then this past year, the nice Herbergers store, part of that Bon-Ton group of different stores that all closed last year.....well that is gone as well. So I think nearest dept. store is probably EauClaire, just 135 miles. LOL (if still open)
Kat, that does sound like a good idea the college has come up with. Bet you will have fun at whatever piques your interest. :)
Good morning. I guess I finally wore myself out enough to sleep through a night. Didn't wake up until 7:30. Just now finished my breakfast.

Noel, so glad to hear the transplant went well. Hope a great recovery continues!

Rk, hope you get done what you planned. Have a good day!

Kat, I admire you for trying out new activities and associations.

Just Samantha, a bumble bee passing gas. :rotfl: You always manage to make me laugh!

DaysLady, big congratulations to Jenna!

Woohoo, Jammers, big day indeed! Hope all goes smoothly and you can get a little shut-eye, though you will probably be too excited.

Robin, based on experiences I've had and observed, of dealing with delivery people and contractors, I would say yes, your new patio IS beautiful. At least it's a step in the right direction and you know the materials are they when the workers do show up.

Manda, it's sad that Gena is having to got through this, and my heart goes out to you as you have to deal with it. But oh my, how blessed your little girl is, to have you taking care of her and keeping her best interest in the forefront! Lately I've had to interact with some people in the area, where children are involved, and I'll just say there are no words for the conditions under which many kids are existing these days. We've heard these things on the news for a long time but I've become increasingly aware from a closer perspective, of how widespread and terrible it is. Parents like you, who persevere through the adversities, need all the support and encouragement available. God bless you, sweet mom!

Our heat advisory continues. In view of what Noel and Robin endure all summer, I'm reluctant to even mention it. It's going to reach "only" 103* today, with heat index of 109* but after the relatively mild spring/early summer we had, this feels pretty hot. Or maybe in my old age I'm just less able to tolerate it. I've lived through summers much hotter. I'm just thankful I now have the advantage of being able to stay inside more than I once did.

Poirot, how strange, about the itching near the cold foods. I wonder if there is something in the environment inside the store or if it is just from being extra cold. About the shopping places, I saw a report just recently about how malls are on the way out. I guess all the online shopping is finishing what Wal-Mart started years ago--in putting other stores out of business. I haven't been to my closest mall (also 65 miles away) in a few years but I know the Sears store and some others have closed there.
OC - thank you, your post has me all teary.
Poirot - I bet the air is too dry near the freezers, causing your skin to dry out and get itchy. As for the visits, I knew it was a matter of time before things would get ugly, I had hoped it would take a lot longer than it has, but I can't say I'm surprised. Gena really loves her dad, but even she know that he's got some serious problems with his feelings. I haven't heard back from the caseworker since I contacted her this morning, so we shall see.

Our local shopping mall is getting to be more of a ghost town all the time, Sears closed last winter, Pranges closed 3 or 4 years ago, Target has a wing and will probably last forever, but JC Penney is struggling, as is Macy's. The movie theater closed eons ago (okay probably 20 years ago), but that became a Scheel's Sporting goods store. Some of the smaller boutiques in mall are doing okay, but most cater to the teenage scene. And many of the store fronts that used to be small little shops are being taken over by bigger stores like Bath & Body Works/White Candle Barn, Williams Sonoma, and Victoria's Secret.
The rain stopped at a good time this morning so we didn't get wet on the tour.
I haven't been on campus much since I moved back 12 years ago. A lot of things
have changed since I was in school. I got my ID and I won't have to renew
unless I loose it. You can get discount tickets the performing hall on campus.

The last two years I signed for OLLIE, but didn't take classes. This year they
are planning to go to the Tyson main office to see the art. Only 13 can go
and the ones on the tour were told how to sign up. Maybe I can get there.
I tried a couple of years ago.

manda, sorry to hear the Gena's visit didn't go well. I'm glad her aunt was there.
I hope tonight will be better going to the library.

Noel, I'm glad the transplant went well.

OC, be careful in the heat. The rain this morning cooled everything down until
next week.

Poirot, sorry to hear about the problem with the cold in Walmart. I always take
a jacket inside during the summer. I haven't itched before.

robin, good news the patio cover is there. There's no excuse why they can't
do the job.

Jammers, enjoy seeing the baby.