8/8/21 - Donuts and outside again


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I was able to work outside in the front bed again this morning. I told myself to be done at 9
so I could take a shower before Sunday school class, 9:30.

I cut leaves off more plants and cut down the glandulous since they were leaning all over
the birdbath. It got cloudy and windy just when I got done. I'm hoping for a pop up
shower later.

I hope everyone has a blessed and relaxing day.
WAs so dark this a.m. and bingo, came the rain, in buckets. Had over an inch. sky lightened up, still drizzling slightly. Wind was really tossing the rain around, could barely see out there. Lousy night's sleep, wish I could sleep better.
Glad you got to work in your garden, Kat. Heck, the garden patch out the window here, just want to take a mower and cut it all down. Nothing but leaves, big tall ones, and dead flowers. Ugh. Not sure if I will venture out, tho I am out of a couple things, & need to go to store. Sigghhhh.
I got a call as I was about to walk out the door to go to church, that it had been cancelled because the pastor was sick.

Kat, it sounds like you were doing Sunday school at home?

Poirot, I thought I was going to get some of the same kind of weather you had this morning. It got real dark and seemed to be moving right toward me, both on radar and in the sky, but then it just started to get lighter and lighter and finally the sun came out. Rain is sounding better but less likely each day.
Yes, we're still doing Sunday school on Zoom. My state is getting a lot of Delta variant. My area
some hospitals are full.

OC, I'm glad the church contacted you before you left this morning.
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Good morning...... a slow day here.... just a trip to the post office is in the works...... I mail letters to my kids every Sunday unless of course I'm vacationing in a fire zone......it appears we made it through another night......
wish I had different news so share.... just going on going on....