8/9/19 - Donuts & English Muffins


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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This is in honor of our dear friend, Muzza..........

Hi all, a chilly 48 this a.m., but will get upper 70s very quickly, the sun is out. Saw the above and it made me laugh, and think of Muzza.....lol. Was so tired yesterday, I dozed off before 8 p.m. woke a few times, finally was eye open awake around 10:30. Got ready for bed, Home Alone in NY was on, watched it a bit, but by 11, knew I would not stay awake til midnight, went to bed. Yep, fell asleep pretty fast, woke at 5. (night before only had about 3-4 hrs sleep, just could not fall asleep or stay there. LOL) Anyway, sun began to arise around 6 a.m. so I did, too. LOL
Have to run out to store at some time, but will be doing some book work, taking care of a few things, did some laundry yesterday, yawwnnnn. Tis odd losing light so fast it seems. couple minutes every day.
Have a good one!
Good Morning,
Beautiful cool morning here, got so chilly overnight that I had to close the windows a bit, it was so nice to be able to turn off the air conditioner and open the windows. Gena earned her book last night, she chose Esperenza Rising, about a little girl from Mexico whose family moves to California following a tragedy. She loves biographies and historical fiction, so I think she'll like it. She also picked out 2 new books to check out, one called I am Malala (about a girl who fought for education rights for girls after being uprooted by terrorism), and one about Barack Obama. I spent my afternoon scheduling Gena's counselling appointments for the fall and setting up an appointment for myself to work with a legal advocate to start my divorce paperwork.

Poirot - glad you were able to get some sleep. I love the camping picture for Muzz!

Happy Friday Everyone!
Hi rk and everyone else. I was awake by 4, got up and read till 5, went back and dozed till 6. No sun here until nearly 7 but that gave me time to have my breakfast before I went outside to plant some Buffalo Grass seed. I'd had pea gravel put all around my little guest house, and what a mess it makes! It gets carried inside, in spite of door mat. So I decided to try to grow some grass in it. It doesn't seem very hopeful but maybe worth a try, if I can be faithful to water it good each day.

So I got out there and found water spraying out of a break in a water hose that was stretched out near the little house. One side of the house, the porch and the ground all around it were sopping wet. Hose had a nozzle at the end that was shut off but apparently the Fixit Team didn't think to turn it off at the hydrant (or take up the hose when they left a couple of weeks ago), and cows had been stomping all around. So, as always seems to be the case, I had to rebuild the world before I could do the one thing I went out to do but at least I was on the west side of the little house so I was in the shade.

Heat advisory continues. It's only going to be in the low 100s* but I guess it calls for an advisory because the humidity is up in the 70s*, though no rain in sight. I'm going now to try to make it to town (closer than the Wal-Mart town) and back before it gets too hot. I don't think I've been to the grocery store in a couple of weeks now. Wishing all of you a good day!
A long night awake guarding kiddos from slithering sleazy snake. Feel like a walking zombie but know I will make it today. It is Friday! And Hubs time to stay awake on patrol tonight.

Break is over so wishing each of you a great day.
Poirot, that's so awesome and very true. Hahaha!! I could definitely take that advice to heart today as I'm the only person in the office today and frustrated that half of my coworkers do not put their leave in a regional calendar alerting those of us who are in the office and to the region that they will not be in today. It's a matter of respect for your co workers to let them know you are not in the office so you can adjust your day, coverage, responsibilities accordingly. Grrrrrr!!!

I agree about the light in the morning. Today was the first day I kinda went, "Hmmmmm......it's not as light out this morning as past morning".

Manada, not to get into a discussion s about politics, but Canadians LOVED Obama. I remember being in Ottawa when Obama came for his first visit as President and a bakery in the old part of Ottawa had made Barack Obama cookies in honour of his visit and because he had frequented their bakery. They were so popular, I even brought some home for some friends that had asked for them. LOL! Best of luck to you in filing for your divorce and for Gena's counselling. I am so glad you and her are getting this help. I am such a strong advocate for counselling. I always say, when your car is broken where do you take to to be fixed? A mechanic. When you are feeling sick and run down, who do you see? A doctor. But when your head isn't clear and are struggling with trying to figure things out, emotions are high or non existent, nobody wants to see a psychologist, counsellor, or whatever and I think people need to just have one for those times when you just are having a hard time figuring things out, why you're feeling a certain way, assistance in dealing with emotions. This is what they are there for and should be used more to have better mental health. There's my plug for mental health.

OC, wow, that will be a hot day for sure. What is Buffalo Grass seed? is that for your lawn or an ornamental grass?

Noel!!! Did you see the snake? It's still there? I thought for sure it would have left.

As I mentioned I am the only one in the office today so I guess I'll be running the country and making the big decisions in the Bankruptcy sector for everyone!! LOL! I'll actually get more work done without distractions today, I'm sure. Tonight we are taking our neighbours out to Yuk Yuks to see a few comedians to say thank you for the work one of them did on our Thunderbird. She took out the carburateur, dismantled it, cleaned it, and put it back in saving us almost 800.00 if we took it to the shop. She used to be a heavy duty mechanic but is now a cop with the city of Calgary so she really enjoyed working on the 68 t-bird.

Tomorrow we are going out to a friends farm for the night to celebrate a birthday and play some games.

Wishing you all a great Friday and weekend.
Morning all..... yesterday at work I received a couple sort of angry emails... one of those "why am I having to deal with this it's your problem" emails..... except it is no more my job than the person who sent it to me.... I have NO idea how/where she got my name..... anyway I was able to figure out whose "problem" it was and informed my "fix it, it's your problem" person who she should be sending these emails to....Did I receive an oh, sorry to bother you email? did I receive a thank you??? OH no...... that would be human.....
last night I received a text from someone asking what time did the festivities start Saturday.... I didn't recognize the number but answered 8 pm at Pegs.... I received a reply "this is mike XXXX I don't understand?".... I replied I'm Spawn 1, Spawn2 and Spawn3 (their real names) Mom......because 1,2,3 all had friends whose name was Mike......well it wasn't one of their friends he apologized for bothering me.... more manners than my coworker.....

It's Friday.... it's warm..... but the weekend is in sight....

Jammers looking forward to the picture......
Ugh......Robinsnest, it's all about being accountable which helps prevent conflict from escalating and because it's just the right thing to do!! Accountability these days is just not there and everyone wants to place blame everywhere except themselves. Sorry you had to deal with that Schmidt! LOL!

For being the only person in the office today, I'm not getting as much work done as I previously said I would. Soon!! LOL!
Hey, Noel.........Yesterday, our local newspaper had a long article by the editor about something that happened at his home. Wish our paper still was online, but changed hands a couple weeks ago. Anyway, his husband saw a pile of something indescribable, and Paul said it smelled "fishy", they did not know what it was. Next day, another one appeared, different place, a friend determined it was snake poop. Uh, oh. And then finally, Paul spots the thing on his counter, or at least the tail, grabs a shirt it tries slithering away but he managed to keep it inside the shirt, grabbed a big jar, dumped it in, screwed the cap on. Could have taken outside and freed, but wanted to have some fun with his husband, pounded airholes into the cap, put the jar right where his husband keeps a glass of water to drink when returning from run. Ahhhh, he laughed himself silly at the huge scream......he had pics. So called his friend, then, gal who knows all about snakes or something, she took the jar, released the snake into the back of HER yard, where she there are other snakes. (egads). So, o.k. was a garter snake, but they bite, and in releasing it her son was bit. It was really a hilarious read, kept thinking of you, but then garter snakes are harmless and you are not dealing with harmless. (I also would be screaming bloody murder! ) Honestly wish that dang paper would still be online so you could read it. :)
Meanwhile, if you have not seen any traces of that nasty thing all this while, how do you know still around?
Poirot: it is the not knowing that is so stressful. Snake Wrangler says "probably gone BUT", and statements like that one. If it entered A/C opening once unit connected it could not get out that way. So that leaves doorways because no open windows in this heat. Doing the best thing we know to do to protect loved ones.
It's been a busy morning and I need to find time to finish my Sunday school reading
this afternoon.

At bedtime, we had a lot of rain. I'm not sure how much we had. Bird bath full of
water, but the yard didn't had water in spots like it usually does. The ditch got
soaked, but only one puddle in it.

I went to town and before I went I heard a bang on the bedroom window. I was
in the kitchen and saw my cat fly across the yard (my backdoor all glass). I went
out and he was holding a young robin. I got the bird out and cat went inside.
Then I got shoes, hat, gloves. Robin was in shock and I got him feeling better.
I put him outside the fence. He wasn't there when I came home.

manda, tell Gena that Esperenza Rising is a great book.I really enjoyed it when I
read it. I read all age books.

Noel, do you still have the sticky things on your floor?

Muzzaman, enjoy your evening and weekend. I hope Mike is doing well.

OC, stay cool this afternoon. The rain last night cooled off my area.

rk, enjoy your evening.

Poirot, I hope your sleep will get back on a better schedule.

jammers, I hope all goes well this afternoon.

Wishing everyone a good rest of the day.
Thanks Kat. We had a bit of a blowout yesterday morning about his job, commute, happiness, moving forward, counselling, and while it was not quite the way I wanted to voice myself and still wasn't proud of the way I approached the topic and handled it, everything is ok and at the end of the day I said, you have a job when others don't,you have the ability to get to work and home, you have a home, you have this, you have that so if it's just a matter of not liking your job then deal with it, do something about it, or accept your new normal. Obviously there was a lot of in between but I think it was another small turning point.

Poirot, that is a funny story. Ll
Hi everyone!

Poirot, the days getting shorter really makes it hard to get out of bed.

Manda, it’s wonderful that Gena loves reading so much and that she’s into biographies.

OC, that’s quite the mess to deal with in the heat.

Noel, how you’ve been getting any sleep knowing that snake hasn’t been caught is amazing. I would’ve had the bank put my mortgage in Mr. Snake’s name.

Muzza, since you’re the only one in your office I’m imagining you spinning in your chair, and fake answering the phone as The Supreme Excellency.

Rk, hope you enjoy time with your extended family tonight.

Jammers, congrats on your promotion to “Mimi”

Robin, basic manners seem hard to come by.

Kat, sounds like your cat decided he wanted to be Sylvester today but the robin didn’t want to play the part of Tweety.

So on my way to work I drove past an overturned tractor trailer that was hauling hogs to Smithfield Foods. I snagged this picture from my city’s fire and rescue Facebook page


The firefighters were spraying down the hogs to keep them cool while waiting to transfer them to a new truck. Apparently a couple of the pigs decided to make a break for freedom and had to be caught by animal control :rotfl:

Hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon!
IamRed, I wonder how they kept the hogs contained? That truck looks like it would hold a LOT of live pork!

Kat, I'm glad you saved the robin. I saved a baby rabbit from the jaws of a snake one time and it made me feel good.

Noel, does the wrangler have any feel for how long the snake might live, if trapped somewhere, like in the a/c? I know they "hibernate" during the winter here but being trapped in any extreme temperature would maybe bring it to a quicker end? Also not having access to nourishment. Ordinarily I would think you'd smell it, if it died, but we never had smelled the dead one our son found in our attic a few years ago. You desperately need closure on this thing......but how to get it????

Poirot, snake jokes are funny to read about but I don't think I'd laugh if it happened to me, though I might, since it was contained and it wasn't poisonous.

If I knew how to post pictures, I'd put up one I took at my well some years ago, of a black snake consuming a rattlesnake. But then it's probably a blessing in disguise for all of you that I don't know how. Haha,

Jammers, looking forward to seeing the picture. Hope everything is going great!

Robin, I wouldn't begin to know how to respond to some of the people who call you. Hearing your stories and getting information from other places too, I am seeing more and more each day just how clueless so many people are. As if I didn't know that enough already, I've recently gotten on the "Rants and Raves" forum on Facebook, of a town close to me, a couple of times. (Was looking for the specials menu at a cafe I frequent, this morning). I hear on the news all the time about people who react to reality by opinion and feelings instead of any rational thought. Apparently the Rants and Raves forums are the place to see it firsthand, if anyone had such a desire. I could only take it in small doses. It leaves me thinking the people of Salem may not be that unusual after all.

Muzz, buffalo grass is a native prairie grass from the midwest/southwest. I don't think I have any of it growing on my property now, though it possibly did at one time. However, from what I've read and seen in pictures, it seems very similar to the native pasture grasses that are growing here and the descriptions lead me to believe it would be tolerant of the conditions. The area around my little guest house is really rough for mowing--an endless crop of rocks work up through the soil all the time. The buffalo grass doesn't need to be mowed very short and in some cases (like part of that area out there), one might not want or need to mow it at all.