8/9/23 - Donuts and thunderstorms


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I'm under a big thunderstorm right now. The rain is heavy at times and it's dark like nighttime. This
round is suppose to be over by 8 AM. Maybe I can get out to walk.

I'm driving a man to the dentist today. The next round of storms are suppose to happen when I leave
home later this morning. I took the man last year to the dentist. There might be severe storms late
this evening. I should be able to take Fenix out in between storms before I leave.

I hope everyone has a fine day.
We too were hit by a loud and heavy rain thunderstorm in the early hours of the day. The beast after waking me, the storm might not have, went to the bathroom and slept in there till it was over. Prior to the storm, as we were watching TV we heard chirping.... I haven't seen any crickets in the house and certainly no large enough crickets in the house to make that noise (crickets are removed and placed back outside, if they make their way inside) outside our front door was the Beasts friendly toad looking for love in all the wrong places..... he chirped for a really long time....before quieting down.....

I found a living room rug for sale on Facebook, we drove over and took a look at it.... it worked and we bought it..... at a store it would have been twice what we paid.... We will get it down on Friday as all the furniture has to move and I'm not sure I can do that without help. HB's daughter can come help on Friday....

Happy Wednesday to all....
83 degrees with 44% humidity, sunny and windy in NY. Picture perfect.

Kat - Safe travels during the storms. Nice of you to help a friend.

Robin - Too bad the chirping wasn't just a smoke alarm which needed batteries. Great news about the rug.

rfsexton - You sure have a lot of hot weather. Fall is around the corner and hope you get some relief.

It's Wednesday, rejoice!

Hi everyone!

kat, stay safe with those storms.

robin, glad you got a great deal on your rug.

Wilde Woman, hope you are enjoying your cooler weather.

rf, hope you get some rain soon.

The humidity didn’t smack me in the face when I went to get the mail a few minutes ago so that was nice.

I’ve canned some banana peppers, cleaned the kitchen, laundry area, and bathrooms today. Plus done laundry. I’m taking a break for now.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
No rain here either, despite the forecasts. Had an appt. at the bank this morning, took care of that business. Mail arrived early, so picked it up on way back.
Glad you found a rug you liked, and would work for you, Robin. If you have to move living room furniture, is it possible to perhaps get another person or 2, unless everything is very light. I know if I put a rug here, would not be so bad sliding furniture across the bare wood flood (yes, staine and varnished, etc. ) but getting it back in place on a rug, means lifting.....and carrying......and that is more difficult. Best of luck with it all!
Kat, so good of you to drive your neighbor. I know sometimes, dental visits make one unable to drive safely afterwards. Bless your heart.
It's clouding up again here.....am sure just a fake thing. Weather likes playing games. LOL
I had a water emergency when I got home. I can't believe it. Water was running out of my
garage. I called my friend, but neighbor across street having new shower put in and man
ran over to turn off the water.

Something broke on my toilet. Water in the garage, bedroom and bathroom. Carpet is
ruined in bedroom. I'm not sure how to handle rest of it. My friend has a wet vac, but
she couldn't get a lot out. The man doing shower put his big fan in the garage so it
dried fast. He's letting me use it in bedroom. I hate to see water bill next time.

All the loose rugs outside drying. I need to bring it all in soon. I'm under tornado watch until 10:00

I'm not sure what to do about food since I'm not hungry. I have a lot of stuff to put back
in bedroom and bathroom.

I still have to watch show and take another shower after pulling everything out of garage
and putting it all back.

Gotta dash.
My friend used her wet vac, but the carpet is still so mushy. Hopefully, the fan will help. I can
use through Monday when I'm not at home. It's so noisy.

Wilde Woman, I'm volunteering to help people who can't drive so they can stay in their homes.
This is the man my Sunday school class helps. On Monday, I have an interview and I'll be an
official volunteer.

robin, I'm glad you found a rug you can use.

red, I'm glad the humidity is lower where you live. It's nice when it's not so hot and sticky.
Oh, Kat, it's like a horror movie. I doubt the soaked carpet can be saved........it will quickly be getting moldy. Be sure to call your ins. company, see if this is covered. They might know of who can pull that carpeting up and discard, plus cleanup. And pay for it. Oh, the mopping you probably have been doing. Oh, Kat, just too much. And the repair job for the whatever broke in the toilet. Am surprised the water just did not go down the drain, so am guessing whatever broke wasn't inside the tank. Kat, I pray it will all end well for you. Please do no overdo yourself.......Rest frequently. Will say extra prayers.
Robin, I saw that headline yesterday but it didn't say Texas so I wondered where it happened. I don't know what town she was in but she was probably less than 100 miles from me, since the hospital sign said Altus, which is just barely over into Oklahoma. That is a horrifying story. Talk about something coming out of nowhere!
The story said the woman was from Silsbee, Texas, & was mowing the back 6 acres of her home.......
Silsbee is about 20 miles north of Beaumont............
Guess a lot of folks were pretty busy today...........My barometer was showing rain for today, but evidently it skedaddled elsewhere, as sun is shining, sky is blue, barometer no longer shows rain, and it is a really nice 71°
There was a ton of construction vehicles taking up the whole street this morning, resuming work on the new house going up across the street. Well just a couple small vans now, no idea what those monster vehicles were here for.
Poirot, thanks for clearing that up for me. Apparently there is a hospital named, Altus Hospital, not far from Silsbee, Tx. That part of Texas might as well be Montana or Massachusetts to me, for all I know about it. I went to Beaumont one time in the 1970s, from Dallas, to help a friend find a place to move to down there. I'm guessing it is six or seven hours away from here. Altus, Oklahoma is much closer, just above some Texas towns that are more familiar to me. Okay, I'm glad that crazy hawk won't be finding his way this far north!