9-10-17 - Donuts and Happy Birthday


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Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Birthday, robin

A. Guy, :rotfl:

Robin, here's wishing you a very happy birthday! Aren't those cakes wonderful? I love looking at them. I hope you and Hunny Bunny and Mr. Gus have a day planned just to suit YOU!

I woke up at five this morning, thinking I heard the husband calling for me. I walked through the house, expecting to find him somewhere in his wheel chair, "stuck," but he was in his recliner, sound asleep. This is the second time in a week that I've apparently dreamed I heard him calling when I didn't. Sigh.....

Yesterday I finally got my Swurfer swing hung! I bought it months ago and had no way to hang it because it is designed to be hung from a large tree with a high branch. I have nothing like that around me so I kept trying to think of a way to hang it. Yesterday I finally got a welder to come out and weld a long pipe to the side of an old water tower stand in the back yard. If you've never seen one of these swings, you can Google it. It just looked like so much fun, and since there isn't much here for my grandkids to do when they come, I thought this would be something they'd like. But I also wanted to try it out for myself. It was a little scary for me at first but I did it some more this morning and I think I can get the hang of it. It would be good core exercise too, doing something that's actually fun. (I can't stand most exercise).

Now I have to get us some dinner (lunch).
Wow, what great cakes! I love them! Thank you so much! Had a Google Hangout chat with my son, and grandson, sort of. At 15 months, chatting isn't something he is fond of. Banging on the keyboard and blocking the light of the camera, yeah, those are good things.

This afternoon is going to be spent at the attorney's office. Then tomorrow is the court date. Not how I really wanted to spend the day, but it is what it is. You know.

I see the number that I have become. Can't believe that I am that number. How did it happen??? And there are days and times I feel twice that number, and days that I feel half that number. Ahhh, birthdays.
My cat slept in last night so "Digger" was in my yard again. Someone suggested
an armadillo. They look for bugs and grubs. It can eat all the grubs it wants. I just
wish it didn't make such a mess. Tomorrow is clean the house day. I'll put Goldie's
hair in the flowerbed. I read armadillo's like to hide. I hope it's not in the flowerbed.

robin, good luck at court tomorrow.

OC, enjoy your swing. I love swinging.

A Guy, thanks for the video. Now I want to see how the bird is walked.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of day and evening.
Robin, an afternoon in an attorney's office is not how anybody would want to spend their birthday but I hope the visit will lead the way to a court date that works out in your best interest.

Kat, if the holes around your flower beds are only a few inches in diameter and fairly compact, they probably are armadillos. I didn't think of that because I had envisioned something bigger and messier, like what a dog would dig. I have armadillos in my yard all the time. It doesn't bother me much because my yard is rather wild in nature anyway, but they do create a mess for well managed yards like yours. Armadillos have poor eyesight but they will run away fast as soon as they sense a person's presence. I hope Goldie's hair discourages whatever it is. That sounds like an excellent idea!
Hey..........my goodness, Robin has a special birthday, and has to go the Attorney office? On a Sunday?? O.K. I am wishing a very happy day, and especially dinner out, Robin. By the way, I gained 5 lbs. just looking at those cakes. LOL

Kat...saw some old friends in church this morning.....They now live in Arkansas, actually, probably not all that far from where you are.....I remember driving thru the area where they live now, and it was just so beautiful. This was a few years before they moved there...in the Ozarks......not far from Ft. Smith. When I saw them, I thought of you ....

O.C. on that swing....are there places to secure one's feet? It looks fun, but a bit scary for me, Chicken that I am.

@kat.......the more I think about it, I think these old friends are actually south of Bentonville.......Is there an area called Bella Vista? That is the place we drove thru some years ago, and thought so pretty. But then the Ozarks ARE so lovely.
Good evening. It's been quite breezy here and getting colder. With the wind and rain from Irma, my high will only be 65* F tomorrow. That is a major drop in temperature and we could have wind gusts over 50 miles per hour. I'm not in direct line for tropical storm winds, but the two counties to my east are under warnings. My neighbors' son and his family from Fort Myers, FL, evacuated and came here. It's a good thing, since the eye went right over Fort Myers. Irma isn't done yet, so stay safe.
Kt, I'd been wondering about you and the storm. Glad you aren't under warnings but please stay inside during those 50 mph winds.

Robin, it seems like things are maybe going to work out okay for you and the stepmother. I hope so.

Poirot, the swing does not have places to secure the feet but you can order anti-skid things to put on the seat. Also, extra handles are available to put at different heights for different size people. I plan to order both those things. Believe me, I will not be swinging high and wide like the kids in the video! My handyman/builder guy, who helped his welder brother-in-law install the thing, thought I was crazy to get on it at all (standing). I hope he's not right.
It sounds like an interesting show you saw, J.S., though I never saw Shark Tank and don't know anything about it. I first saw the swing on the Fox and Friends early morning show some months ago. They had some company come in and set up a bunch of different playthings and had kids there to play on them.