9-10-2019 -Donuts & Birthday Robin Singing!


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Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland

Robin: Sending you wishes for the everlasting presents of love, joy, peace and dreams come true. You are a joy to know! :hug::love:

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Good morning all, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, robinsnest!!!!!! I hope you get to spend your day doing exactly what you want to do.

I fell asleep last night listening to the sound of rain on the roof. Oh, happy day!! I'm working on painting the closet in one of my guest bedrooms. Will try to make good progress today.

Wishing you all a very good day.
Good morning from Castle Balmoral and a most wonderful, beautiful, cheerful birthday wish for our Robinsnest. With the exception of Brexit drama and my Prime Minister, only dear Robinsnest birthday could pull me away from the merriment of the Scottish Highlands Games and Balmoral, my summer retreat. Not even drama and the declined invitation by my grandson's wife, Megan could pull me away.......(muttering under breath....how dare she!! best friend Serena Williams my patootie... Grrr) or the unwanted claims against my son Prince Andrew can bring me out but a little birds bday can. I remember so many great things that happened on this day.

1547 - The Duke of Somerset leads the English to a resounding victory over the Scots at Pinkie Cleugh.

1588 - Thomas Cavendish returns to England, becoming the third man to circumnavigate the globe.

1623 - Lumber and furs are the first cargo to leave New Plymouth in North America for England.

1813 - The nine-ship American flotilla under Oliver Hazard Perry wrests naval supremacy from the British on Lake Erie by capturing or destroying a force of six English vessels.

1861 - Confederates at Carnifex Ferry, Virginia, fall back after being attacked by Union troops. The action is instrumental in helping preserve western Virginia for the Union.

1897 - Frist drunk driving offense occurred. London taxi driver was found guilty and fined 25 shillings.

1913 - First U.S. coast to coast Highway opens. The Lincoln Highway.

1922 - The first Our Gang Little Rascals short premiered.

1939 - Canada declares war on Germany, joining Britain and France in entering the Second World War.

1963 - President John F. Kennedy federalizes Alabama's National Guard to prevent Governor George C. Wallace from using guardsmen to stop public-school desegregation.

1980 - The U.S. approves the use of the drug marijuana for medical purposes such as to ease nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients.

I remember all of these. On behalf of great Britain, the Commonwealth and all other peasants and commoners in my world, we stand, pause and turn our attention to Robinsnest, woman of distinction.

Muzzaman will be on shortly. He has some bear photos to share with Kat and some scenery pics of where they camped, shots of filming his car and an update to what happened when his regional director came out. Let there be drama, I tell you.
Morning Everyone,

Happy Birthday Robin!! And yes that is a Bonsai Tree cake. :)

All I can say for today is thank heavens I emailed my attorney this morning, she called me seconds later to let me know that my deposition hearing is today at 4:00. Apparently the courts should have mailed me a letter and texted me, but I didn't receive either notice, nor did the caseworker, attorney or guardian ad litem call to tell me in advance. I'm beyond frustrated right now. :angry: It's a good thing my boss is amazingly understanding an flexible, and that I have plenty of vacation time. So my afternoon went from crazy to insane, team meeting from 1-2, class from 2-3, then run home to change and fly to the courthouse so I can review everything with my attorney at 3:40 for the hearing at 4:00. On top of all that I received 8 new voicemails from the ex today, no idea what he said, I won't listen to them until I can have the officer come over for the report, I'll probably have to that tonight after the parent meeting for the strings players. I feel like this horse today.

Hope you are all having a better morning than I am.
Well I came on last night and wrote a novel that would challenge the longest novel ever written......maybe not quite that much ......but I wrote a lot and THEN?? It all got erased, disappeared, I don't know so I didn't start over. Oh well

I'll take Noel's and Robins weather for a while longer. Same with RS weather. Lil0, were were ge the same with now, rain, rain and rain.

Manada, how frustrating. I wish you the best of luck today. Let us know how it went, please.

Here are a few pics from camping and the filming of the t. series Fortunate Sons. Thanks for posting the info about it RS. The only actor I chatted with was Alex who is from Quebec. Him, his two buddies and I chatted about Quebec and their time out here.

The rest of last week after the day of filming was doing stuff in the yard, like embedding slate in the lawn creating a patio and played in a beach volleyball tournament where we came in last in our division BUT the games were so close and were a lot of fun.

Also last week, the ball dropped on some of us in my office that has us livid, angry, fired up and appalled. There are 5 of us that have had official allegations of violence and harrassment against one girl in my Division office, who hasn't been physically in our office for over a year. In addition to this, she has pulled in everyone in our office to be questioned as witnesses to some of the events and conversations. I have two allegations against that are so littered with lies, twisting of facts, conversations that were made up, deception. Aaaggghhh!!!!!! Thankfully, I have emails that back up what I will be saying.....THE TRUTH......and as some of you suggested earlier this summer, sounds like she's going for a payout. Regardless, I cannot focus on my work and have to respond to these allegations next week. I've met and sought advice from my union, left work to see a doctor because of stress, stomach cramps, horrible bowel, and inability to focus. This girl is doing anything and say anything against everybody. I am now off for two weeks, my doctor wants me to see someone through my employee assistance services so it can be documented and to get this anger out regarding the lies that have come at me. I have 11 years of proven success in all of my competencies as do the others. Here is another example of the seriousness and absurdity of this.....my manager took early retirement because of this, my co worker was to retire in November and he walked out last week. He's still going to attend his interview to stand up for what's right. Pretty crappy way to end you career.

My interview to respond to this crap is next Tuesday.So that's where the work stuff is at.

Happier news is we have one of our good friends arriving from Netherlands on Thursday so we are taking her camping, hiking then spend a few days here at our place. Really looking forward to that.

I'm sorry I didn't respond to everyone's posts. I had before it got erased last night. Here's a few pics of the filming of Fortunate Sons. Our car is the blue Ford Thunderbird.


The view from our campsite in Kananaskis.

A short video of the view from our campsite.

The Grizzly Bears we saw.

Some random shots or our hike while camping.


Have a great day everyone. Hope those who are struggling, find the strength to overcome, to those who are having a good day, I hope that it continues to be good and be even better by the end. Chat soon friends.
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I spent two hours outside this morning. I worked in side bed, ditch and I raked
more grass in the front. This evening starts a new year for circle meetings.

manda, so ex is sending voicemails now instead of texting. I hope court goes
well today and you can get to the school meeting. Take a deep breath and

Muzzaman, sorry you're having to take time off because you're not feeling well. When
my stomach hurts a lot, I put a heating pad on it. Try to find something
to do to
forget about next week. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Lil0, I'm glad you're getting rain. Hopefully, I'll get some this week. The side
bed is very dry.

Wishing everyone a good day and evening.
Manda ~ What a mess!! So glad you reached out to the attorney this morning and at least got a few hours notice regarding the hearing! Good grief!!!! I hope you are able to catch a few deep breaths and settle your nerves before the hearing begins. Thinking of you and sending good vibes your way. :love:

Muzz ~ So, so sorry for the mess you are dealing with! I'm sure it must be next to impossible to focus on work or anything else. I hope this gets resolved quickly -- and justly!!!! Hang in their, friend.
@robinsnest I hope you have a most wonderful day celebrating your birthday!

@Muzzaman Your photos are so great! Thank you for sharing! Wow, a few were breathtaking. Also, I appreciate your kind words at the end of your post.

My heart hurts today. A friend of mine lost her 15 year old son to suicide. She found him on Friday morning, he had hung himself in his room. 15. I just can't wrap my mind around it. 15?! This is unacceptable. We have to do something to get these babies to not do this. I heard the song '100 Years' on the radio yesterday and the words that stuck out were "15, there's still time for you", there's still time.

Anyone out there hurting, no matter your age, there's still time for you. KNOW this. And if you don't know this, please please please talk to someone, anyone. KNOW there is still time for you, and this season of sadness or loneliness will pass.

Suicide just can't be an option anymore. It just can't! I'm sick and tired of burying young people.

Sorry for the rant. My heart just can't stop this week. On a super happy note, my older kid has a volleyball game tonight and my younger kid has soccer practice at the same time, because, of course they are at the same time. Haha, story of my life!
Oh days lady, that certainly is heartbreaking and leaves confusion, huge loss, questions, the list goes on when it comes to suicide. I'm so sorry about this. My heart and thoughts are with you all.
Oh Muzz, how terrible for all of you, sending prayers and good vibes my friend. Hopefully the truth comes out and the girl goes down like the Hindenburg.

DaysLady - my heart breaks for you and your friend. I have no words, one of the girls in my Girl Scout troop attempted suicide last year at 8, so I have a tiny inkling of the pain you feel.
OMGOODNESS.... all the creative birthday cakes..... Thank you so much.....
The day started off with Doctor appointment #1 I'm headed back to PT for my right leg....... I have hamstring issues that when I tried to fix it myself I just made it worse... so back to the professionals.... shortly off to Doctor appointment #2 with the dermatologist.... now a regular thing due to the cancer thing on my face... bleck..... then to work.....

Manda you have this crowd supporting you.... you have this

Muzz I am so sorry you have to deal with this crud.....I hope she gets what's coming to her.... exactly nada.....

rain... we had a 50% chance of rain last night..... still waiting...... for clouds..... don't you need clouds for rain??? it's been so long.....

Happy Tuesday
Thanks for your vote of confidence Robin. I hope PT goes better this time, good luck at appointment #2.

I have an appointment at 6:45 tomorrow morning to meet with my town's police chief, to officially file a report about the 8 voicemails from today. I explained that while I know I need to report them right away, my day today is full of appointments and meetings, thankfully he was understanding and willing to work with me.
Such sad and disturbing news from some of you today. Muzz, what an awful thing to have to deal with in the workplace. Wishing you rest and relief from the stress. I always enjoy your history lessons.

Manda, ten years from now, this will all be a faded memory but that doesn't help you today. My heart goes out to you as you go through this.

DaysLady, heartbreaking doesn't even sufficiently describe it. There are no words for the pain this family is feeling, and for all who know and care about them. It's a sad world, when so many of us personally know families who have gone through this. I have a friend, and also a cousin, who did, years ago, and I have two friends with grandchildren who have attempted and continue to be in danger of repeating, also one has a daughter with the same problem. It's just too much to process and there are no obvious solutions.

Kat, I was surprised you are needing rain again. With seasons about to change, maybe you won't have to work in the yard for much longer.

Lil0, I'm so glad you are getting rain. Such a nice sound, when it's needed.

Hi, rk. I hope your day is okay or better than okay.

Hello to Squirrel and Noel. I hope both of you are having days that aren't so stressful.

I went to bed at 10:30, woke up at 2:30. Finally slept again from 5-7. So tired, I'm thinking of taking a nap before lunch. I'm still doing laundry, will take at least the rest of today to finish, maybe into tomorrow.

To leave on a happier note, here's wishing Robin a good birthday--fun or peaceful or both. Two doctor appointments don't sound like either of those but I hope you'll get satisfying reports and the help you need, and maybe have a pleasant evening.

I love seeing all the lovely cakes!
Good Evening everyone,
Court went as well as can be expected, which is pretty much nothing changes, except that the judge added the stipulation that the ex maintain complete sobriety before and during visits and CPS can at any time move the location, change the supervisor, or end the visits if he doesn't comply. The casworker looking into having a casworker or other such person supervise the visits as she doesn't feel Gena's aunt is being completely honest about what happens at the visits. She's also considering have a police officer stop by during or before the visits to have him do a breathalyzer test to confirm sobriety. So yay!

Also got good news that the school offers instrument rental assistance and that I can rent a cello for $100 for the whole school year rather than $44 per month.

Today ended up okay.
manda, wonderful news about Gena's visits. I'm glad they are finally making him
do a better job. And great news about price for renting a cello.