9/19/21 - Donuts and No Donuts?

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Hello. Look like everybody is occupied away from social media today. I just now saw the posts from late yesterday. Kris, I'm praying for your precious Siege, hoping it's not Covid. It's a shame it takes so long to get results I hope you can get her on some treatments soon, for whatever it is.

I went to church. Nothing much to report from here.
I see everyone is having a slow Sunday. I hope all is well with you.

Perfect weather here, it got chilly enough to need a wrap last night for dinner, of course mine was in Arizona where it wasn't close enough to grab.

Good day to all....
I wish I was having a slow Sunday.

I walked and had breakfast. I worked in the side bed before Sunday school class.
Between Sunday school class and church, I raked and used the trimmer. Before
church started, I put clothes in the washer. I just got done vacuuming. Whew.

robin, enjoy the cooler weather.

OC, enjoy your afternoon.

Kris, I hope your family is having a quiet day after yesterday.

I hope everyone will have a relaxing and restful afternoon.
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Good afternoon.......Tended to hubby this a.m., meds , breakfast. Went to church, then the store. Came home, he was complaining he was hot. Told him if he did not have his heater going all night at 82, he might be cooler, especially on a day it is su pposed to be 85! (not gonna, me thinks, as it is mid-afternoon and 75. Was talking to a friend how I doubted it would hit 80. LOL)
Anyway, so now hubby is on the living room sofa as cooler out of his room, for sure. I opened window in there, so perhaps that will help. Yes, heater is off.
Kat, sounds like you already did 2 days of work.............
We will be cooling down this week........today is our last "warm" day. We start being in the 60s til end of month.
It is Covid. Boo hiss. Nurse practitioner said she likely got it at school early last week. She’s home until the 28th. So far fever and sore throat are her main symptoms since the headache finally went away.

So far Everyone else is good with no symptoms to report.
Kris, I'm sorry she has Covid. I'm glad no one else is sick. Take care.
Kris, I'm so sorry it's Covid but I'm glad you found out. I thought it was going to be a few days before you'd know. Are they giving her any kind of treatment? When my daughter had it last month her headache was the first thing to go away. I will continue praying and hoping for Siege to get over the sore throat and fever very soon.

Poirot sounds like you will stay busy "putting out fires." It also seems like most of us are getting a cool down this week. We're supposed to get to 103* tomorrow, then will be in the 80s* on Tuesday. That's great for me, close to my comfort zone, depending on wind and sun, etc.

Kat, I almost got out of breath just reading about your day. You should be ready to kick your heels up and relax this evening.
Yes, They told me initially at the clinic that it would be 2-3 days before they had results because they send the tests to a different lab.

My Mother-in-law law dropped off an at home test this morning on my porch and we did it and it said positive. Then the clinic called this afternoon and said that her test was positive. I don’t know why it didn’t take the two days they said it would.

No treatment - they told me to treat symptoms and if she develops breathing issues to take her to ER.
Thank you for sharing that information, Kris. I know I don't have to tell you to keep a very close watch on her symptoms. It was a good idea to get the home test, and even better that the clinic got the results and called you sooner than expected.