9-26-19 - Donuts and Weird Weather


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone.

Weird weather indeed. Parts of Montana are to get 2 feet of snow, and my weather is supposed to go from our normal fall temps up to 90* . Yes, I said 90*. Mother Nature needs to get back on her meds. No PMS hot flashes allowed.

I finally got caught up with all of my referral paper work and data entries yesterday so went home an hour early. (I had way over 40 hours for the pay week ending yesterday.) My car is cleaned out and all windows are now clear of that nasty chemical haze they get from the air conditioning and defroster.

I wanted to see who won on the season finale of Big Brother last night, but fell asleep about 10 minutes into Survivor. Does anyone here watch those shows? Survivor has a strange format this year.
I looked on line this morning to see who won BB, and was hoping it was Holly. Nope.

Off to screen in a few minutes. The first one is on a college campus about a half hour north, and the second is in an elementary school in a different town.

Amanda - I hope all went well for Gena last night. Hoping not so well for the ex.

OC - Having different weather on different sides of your house sounds like a neat experience.
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Good morning. If I had started the thread it would have been, "Day is Breaking, Finally." Glad you got here first though, Squirrel. I've been awake since 1:30! Went to bed at 10:30, then popped awake three hours later. Sigh..... I got up for a while, went back to bed but couldn't sleep. (And I don't even have anything in particular on my mind). The hoot owls always start in around 6:00, then by 7:00 there is an orange glow in the east but the sun doesn't com up until nearly 7:30.

I'm always learning things here. Squirrel, I didn't know about the a/c and defroster causing a chemical haze on car windows. I know mine never seem very clear though. I hope you have a good day.

Thinking about Manda this morning and wondering how it went with Gena.
Happy Thankful Thursday!

Well for one grand minute last night we had hard rain. I timed it because I was walking from the kitchen to the living room and it stopped in less than 10 steps. The rest of the Valley seems to have received much more wet stuff. Any rain is needed - apart from flooding - so I just enjoy the lower temps.

My to-do list for this week has been set aside by insomia. My body is exhausted and I am now concerned this is a pattern. I sleep 1.5-3 hrs a night and then wake up. If I don't get groceries by tomorrow we'll be eating out a lot this weekend. So time to readjust my schedule a little for much needed energy and then I hope sleep will follow at night.

RS: how nice you were able to finish your project and go home an hour early. I can't even count all the OT you put in each week! Hoping your day is smooth and easy. As for the weather?!

Manda: you & Gena would on my heart last night, as every Wednesday, hoping her visit went well and you were relaxed waiting for her to return home to you.

OC: I learned about from RS' comment on the hazy windows too! So sorry you are on the insomnia merry-go-round too. Wonder if it is the southwest we should blame? Ha!

Wishing each of you a great day.
It rained most of the night here. Early this morning, it was pouring with thunder.
Cat slept in last night (first time since beginning of summer). He wanted out before
5, but changed his mind when he saw the rain.

A window opened up so Goldie and I could take a walk. We went around twice. We
gone again since the rain moved south from my area. It was suppose
to rain all day.

I'm going to a bank appointment this morning and hopefully get to Walmart.

OC, maybe you need a pillow. Mine has worked wonders for me.

rs, I hope the screenings go well today.

manda, I hope you have a good report about Gena's visit.

Wishing everyone a nice Thurs
Good morning........Was very foggy but seems to be clearing off now, tho there is still some hanging around. Was 40, am guessing we won't get much above 60, today. Yep, tis fall, and it seems the weird weather we have had this year continues on. Errands today for me, along with dr. Hate the road construction which really screws up the traffic, and not at all happy with the changes in the one high way. 3 lanes where there were 4, turning lanes you don't know about. Some traffic problems were supposed to be alleviated, but just seems to be worse. Locals try to avoid as much as possible, so makes some trips longer, as round about ways are less frustrating.
Hope all went o.k. for Manda last night. RS, do you get the day off today? LOL
Coffee is done, sun is trying, but........weatherman's forecast today is not all that nice. :)
Kat: how nice a window opened for you & Goldie to take your morning walk. The rain should beautify your garden too. Hope your bank appointment and Walmart shopping trip are enjoyable.

Poirot: hope your doctor appointment goes better than expected, construction travel is light, and your errands are easily completed.
OC & Noel - It seems that I've been using up all of your sleep time this week.

I'm sleeping much more than usual with our cooler nights.
I had "classic insomnia" while taking care of my mom and working, and it continued after she died. My doctor had me stop trying to sleep in my bed. I had to spend the night on the couch or recline an end of the love seat. If I didn't go to sleep, I was to read a book while listening to talk radio. I started sleeping a few hours that way. Then it turned into an entire night after about 6 months. At that time, he had me start sleeping in my bed again. I still have to have talk radio or the tv on, but I sleep unless I having something on my mind that is really troubling me.

kat - I'm glad there was a break from the rain so you and Goldie could walk this morning.

Poirot - No days off. In fact, I'm still working the extra Friday each week. Thankfully, tomorrow is only a half day because my furnace inspection is to be at 2:00 (covered by my maintenance agreement) so I'll be able to use it at night if needed.
Morning ladies. The thread is alive and kicking this morning and it's only 6:44am. In Calgary at least.

RS, How nice to have finished all your paper work early. I love those days when things just seem to fall into place. I'll get the "S" in a bit.

OC, Sorry you did not sleep well. What do you do when you are awake for 3 hours in the middle of the night? Do you watch tv? Lie there trying to find a way to fall back asleep? That would be frustrating. It does happen to me a few times a year for no reason and other times for a reason, like recently but for the first time I finally accepted the doctor's prescription and got some Adavan. Just 7 and those 7 pills have lasted me 3 weeks and helped me fall asleep on those nights when my mind was racing.

Noel, same for you. What do you do for your insomnia? For me when I can't sleep, I usually try visualizing and then if the doesn't work, I move to the couch in our den and that's when I fall back asleep. It's like that for me on a weekend in the morning. If I change beds, I can always go back to sleep.......ssshhhhhhh......don't tell Mike. LOL!

Kat, And thunder is something I can always fall asleep to. I love listening to the thunder, seeing flashes of lightning with your closed eyes and hearing it pour.

Poirot, do you guys have two seasons where you live too? We have winter and road construction season.

Manada, Hope to hear from you soon.

SO.....or should I say SNOW?!?!?!? ACK!!! So stupid. We were having beautiful fall temperatures at 23*C (73.4*F) up until yesterday and now we are expecting to receive up to 3cm of snow between now and Sunday. After work yesterday, Mike brought in all the solar lamps, brought in the potted ferns as we are going to keep them over winter, and just did some general clean up. We'll likely cut back the vines, day lillies and other stuff this Saturday. We also took out everything from the tent trailer ***sniff sniff*** and are preparing ourselves mentally and emotionally that it's over BUT, you never know. We may be able to get one more weekend in.

This weekend is pretty relaxed and am looking forward to it. Tonight we are hanging out with our friend who I told you about. He is doing much better, he started a new construction job this week and where he won't have too much strain on his back as he has to have full back surgery within a year. This has picked up his spirits a bit. We are visiting a friend from Edmonton on Friday night, Saturday we are trying to keep open for ourselves to do yard work and Sunday I'll probably go to beach volleyball. I also have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow for my tennis elbow that I developed at the end of June. So frustrating and sore that I've not been able to go to crossfit. I went for an ultrasound last week and so we'll what forms of treatment I'll need to do to get it back so I can return to doing that.

Hope things are going well for all and have a great weekend.
Muzza: sure hope your doctor appointment tomorrow produces an effective treatment plan to restore pain free movement. What do I do with insomnia? Say a prayer and then power through my day. I will try RS steps starting tonight.

RK: isn't it always a joy to help others? Enjoy today and have some fun too.
Morning Everyone,
Wow you are all here early, I had to check the clock when I saw all the posts. Yesterday was a series of train wrecks. Train wreck 1: the dentist was a no go as the exam would not have been covered by insurance, although the cleaning would have been paid for. They gave her a partial exam in January that I did not know about when the pulled out the 2 baby teeth that would not fall out, so that was considered one of her 2 allowed annual exams. I wasn't told anything until we'd been sitting there for 20 minutes waiting for our appointment and they refused to see her unless I paid for the exam up front. I rescheduled all of it for January, what a waste of vacation time and gas. :angry:

Train wreck 2: I never did get a call or email from my caseworker, so I played dumb and texted Gena's aunt to confirm that she was able to give Gena a ride to the visit, aunt tells me the visit had been cancelled by the caseworker at 2:00, not sure if it's because he refused to have the visit at the office or what, but so be it. Gena went with me to choir practice and did her homework out in the hall, she thought we'd be too distracting if she sat in the room, one of the ladies in the choir doesn't drive, so her mom sat with Gena and helped her. They got a good laugh that we started our Christmas Cantata already. Plus Gena took a couple candy orders for the Girl Scout fundraiser, so that's a win for her as it bumped her up to the next reward level.

Tonight is her night for working on her quilt with my mom, so we'll spend the evening at my mom's house, they will so, I'll work on my homework for my class. Dinner will probably be Subway.

RS - glad you were able to leave work early yesterday, great job on getting your paperwork done early.
RK - have fun at church.
Muzz - I hope the doctor can figure you why you have pain still.
OC - I bet your view out the window in the storm was amazing last night.
Noel - I hope RS's suggestions help with your insomnia, I can't even imagine trying to function on such little sleep.
Poirot - I hope your errands today go better than mine yesterday.
Kat - I'm glad you were able to catch a dry moment for your walk with Goldie.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
RS - I almost forgot, I watched Big Brother a little bit I didn't want either of the finalists to win, and I would love to watch Survivor (I caught the end), but it starts while I'm at choir and I don't have a DVR to record it currently. I would try to run the antenna into the VCR and record it old school style, but I don't think I have any blank VHS tapes either. :rolleyes:
Morning all.....
Hunny Bunny was to drive to Tucson yesterday but the person he was driving had a medical issue and they didn't go. I had a phone conference call at 7:30 that went nowhere.....
Manda I'm glad the evening was as drama free for you last night. I'm sorry ex didn't show up but at least no scene was made.
sounds like we've all be busy.... chugging along....
Happy Thursday all
Just popping in....super busy at work. Came to work with a headache and a new coworker has on some great smelling cologne....except it is making my headache worse. UGH!

RS....I watch Survivor but also fell asleep just a few minutes in and started to watch it on the CBS app this morning, but didn't have much time. Glad to see Boston Rob on there and this new format will be interesting. I love me some Rob....Sandra, not so much, though I do respect her game.

Manda....hopefully this nightmare will end soon for you and Gena.

A beautiful day to everyone!
I didn't get to Walmart since the bank appt went long. She has a new program and
had to enter all my information again. I'll have go to back because the program said
I don't have enough money live on as I get older. Hopefully, there's an error.

manda, sorry to hear your Wed didn't go as planned. I hope today is better. I've seen
VHS tapes on ebay.

rs, great suggestion about insomnia.

Noel, are you still on snake watch at your house?

Jammers, sorry to hear about your headache. Hopefully, the person will understand not all people
like that smelly stuff and have a reaction to it. Short story about a person who can't be with it
and is now on temporary leave because the co workers wouldn't stop.

Muzzaman, have a good evening and I hope the doctor can help with your pain.

rk, I hope your day went well.

Poirot, I hope you didn't have a lot of trouble with construction traffic.
I'm back from a great morning at the 2 schools. The teachers were well prepared, and the children behaved beautifully. The one lead teacher was fresh out of college, and looked like he should be a freshman or sophomore in high school! What a cutie patootie, and the kids adored him.

The method my doctor had me using was to reset my brain back to thinking that my bed was a place of solitude and sleep rather than sleeplessness and a racing mind. The reason for talk radio instead of listening to music while reading is because you have to pay attention to both which occupies your mind from going to the other aspects that are keeping you from sleeping.
rs, that's interesting how your doctor had you learn to sleep back in your
bed. I was told to stop watching TV in bed which I did every night. I haven't
TV in the bedroom for four years now.
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