9-28-20 - Donuts and Rain


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good early morning everyone. Turning cooler again today with rain returning late afternoon. The wet stuff is supposed to hang around for a week.

Will be going to a very small school this morning. This one is in an adjoining town so only 10 minutes away. No long trek into the mountains to see leaves changing today.

Poirot, I see you asked the other day about Italians calling their grandparents Nonno and Nonna. That's what we always called my Mom's parents when speaking directly to them. When talking about them, we called them Grandma and Grandpap.
Good morning Squirrel and everyone else to come. It's a wet day on the Eastern side of our great state also!

I have to take my car in for a recall today. If the weather gets nicer I'll work outside when I come home.

Poirot, In Greek we call our grandmother YaYa and our grandfather Pa-Pous. My grandchildren call me YaYa.

Peace be with everyone today.
It's going to be sunny and high in the 60s here today.

It didn't rain as much as I thought yesterday. The birdbath isn't full.
The ground has been so dry the rain soaked in and no swimming
pools in my yard. The ditch is wet and no standing water where
I am.

My friend is supposed to come by later and measure how long I
want the living room curtains. I found some last week in Walmart.
The color looks nice. I might wait until next year to do the kitchen
and my bedroom.

I need to get going and start my cleaning.

rs, I hope your work day goes well and you won't get too much rain.

soapkitty, I hope you won't to long at the car dealer today.

Wishing everyone the best day they can have during this time.
morning all..... The Beast is at the Vet for his life changing surgery.... So a day without him.... followed by 7 days of him in a cone of shame.... and yes Auntie OC I will post a picture of him wearing proudly his cone..... and maybe one of the backs of my leg where he will purposely run into me causing strange little bruises......

I never mentioned from yesterday's posting.... I do love duck..... My dad used to hunt and when he had German Shorthairs we got mostly pheasant, which are good tasting birds when he got his first lab we started getting ducks too, depending on the season......

HB has a doctors appointment, in the pre-COVID world I'd go with him, now I won't because I don't want to sit in the car. I don't get to be part of the conversation so as I don't really need a "car ride" I'll sit at home in better comfort...... I'll have part of the morning alone.....

Still no rain, no rain in the forecast but it was 70 degrees this morning when I took the beast out to do his business..... I'll take that..... triples all week forecasted.....so much fun..... should be in the mid to lower 90s

Happy Monday to all and please all stay safe.....
Good morning everyone!

After a week off of work I've been catching up all morning.

rs, hope everything at the school goes well.

soap kitty, hope you don't have to wait too long while the recall on your car is taken care of.

kat, enjoy your fall weather.

rs, good look with Vinnie this week. I think you're going to need it:rotfl:

Sunny and 80 here. It won't last though. It's supposed to rain the next few days. Because 3 weeks straight of hurricane remnants wasn't enough lets have more rain.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Good morning. A cool front arrived last night. It was 57* earlier. I think it will get to the low 70s* but it is still a little chilly now. I may go to town for prescriptions and a couple of things at the grocery store. It will be sunny for the rest of the week and driving is more tolerable for me when it's cloudy.

Robin, I feel sorry for dogs in those cones of shame. Have you seen the pictures where somebody had taken a big brimmed cowboy hat and cut out the crown and used the hat for a cone on a dog? Crazy!

Well, I got a phone call and now the sun is out and bright but I'm dressed so I'm going to town anyway.
Hi all - busy morning, starting with a computer glitch that I finally was able to get fixed. One of the speech pathologists had a birthday this weekend and brought her cake - a lemon marscapone cake - Oh my it was good!!

This afternoon I have to see a patient who is supposed to be in quarantine because her son-in-law has Covid. Not really happy about it - will try to be quick and wear extra PPE. I really don't want to get this stuff.
Good Afternoon Everyone,

Such a busy morning with work and meetings and arguing with Gena about school work. Ooh she's becoming a moody monster. I feel like these tween/teen years are going to be rough. It doesn't help when I'm irritated because she just decides to not turn in any of her math assignments for the entire previous week. :angry: I pray daily that the people in my state can pull their heads out of the backsides so the covid numbers can go down so I can send her back to school. Trying to teach and maintain my job simultaneously is not going well anymore and it's leaving me completely exhausted.

Sorry to rant, I just have no one else to vent to.

Sorry I can't reply to you all. Hoping you have a better day than I am.
manda, I'm sorry things aren't going well. I thought someone was going to help Gena
with her school work besides you. I hope she got her work in.

robin, I hope Vinnie did well with his surgery.

red, I hope you had a nice vacation.

OC, I hope your trip to town a success.

dachsie, I'm glad your computer glitch was fixed.
manda, the COVID numbers in the city and the county next to mine are terrible too. My husband and I went to Lowes last night and other than us, the employees and two other customers I didn't see anyone wearing masks. I saw whole group including children and not the first one of them was wearing a mask. It makes me too angry.

OC, I hope your trip to town went well.

dachsie, stay safe at work!
Kat - my brother has offered to help Gena, but she never gets up early enough for me to take her to my mom's house so I can be back home in time for work. The worst part is that she's just not grasping how to convert fractions to get common denominators. I've explained it to her at least 20 times a day for the past week and a half and she still doesn't get it.

I feel like a broken record and it's making me really crabby and frustrated on top of her frustration. She'll get the denominator to match, and forget to apply the change to the numerator. I wish my uncle was still alive, he was an accountant and loved math. I always called him for help when I was a kid and he explained things so I could understand. I've run out of different ways to explain fractions to her and for some reason Gena is afraid to ask the teacher for help.

manda, it's too bad you can't make Gena get up earlier. Is she sleeping later than her
usual wake up time for school? Can your mom or brother meet you halfway? I wonder
if there are videos on YouTube for that? It has everything .
Hated fractions, but am glad I know them. New Math is 100 times worse, and there is no point to it at all, something they never ever use. Ugh, feel for you, Mandy.

Yep, one of those days, for sure. Talked to hubby today, he will soon beginning therapy, but is still in quarantine, of course, but sounded much better. Of course, he had list of things for me to bring him, plus let me know that all those sweaters & jackets neatly folded on his dresser, needed to be washed, plus I gave him wrong razor, so bring the right one, & his phone, & a few other things.

Then there were some minor business problems, some phone calls, and things I had to end up doing I was not expecting to do. Grrrr. Rained off and on today...........so weird......pours, for 10 min., sun comes out for 15 min, back to dark clouds moving. Windy all day.

Our store has gorgeous combo mums.....big pot, but $25 is just a bit too rich for me. However, they finally got in some very pretty yellow mum pots, for $10. I just may buy one. I love mums, tho like the orange & red ones mixed with yellow. But these were lovely, and mums return and spread, so???? (don't have anything to dig a hole with, tho. LOLOL)

Mandy, agree about the state. Our county up here was doing so well, for so long, alas. Our schools delayed "classroom" for 2 weeks....well, now is a month, and I still don't see school buses.

We ARE turning cooler , leaves are all over the yards, with the wind. This past weekend, tons of folks in town, peak color. High today....56. Yep, out come the jackets.
Sorry for the math problems, Manda. I feel for all the parents, teachers, and students who are having to deal with these issues.

Poirot, I hope things will lighten up some for you and your husband, once he starts therapy. He's got a lot of time to just sit there with nothing to do right now.

I made it to town and back in near record time. Not much over an hour and a half altogether. It's a 30 minute drive each way.
Vinnie cone and crate.jpg
The Beast is home feeling confused and sorry for himself. HB determined the crate to be too small so out came the playpen. So far he won't do more than sit and then not for long. I held him for a few minutes and we both fell asleep then he woke and tried to jump down. Outside we went and big piddle.....
This is going to be a very LONG night and couple of days.....

Poirot..... Why are men so difficult?? I imagine he has a television in is room.... or would he prefer a book to read till he clears quarantine? Virtual Hugs to you..... :hug::hug:

Manda.... hugs to you too..... I have no words of assistance regarding fractions...... sorry.....

We got up to 103 today only 8 degrees above normal.....
Robin, that is one sad puppy in that picture. Your 100 plus temperatures are also here in California, which we do NOT need this week with all of the fires in the area. The Glass fire is way too close for my comfort, about 2 hours away, which, if the wind blows this way, will disrupt the air quality here.
Jen67, I'm not sure where you are in California, I'm a California Girl transplanted to Arizona by my employer. I have two sons in the Sacramento area, the other son in Long Beach, a Sister in Glendale and one in Santa Monica. I watch the CA weather as closely as I watch my own. The Santa Ana's that come at this time of year will make Southern California even worse. I have an Aunt and Uncle and cousins in the Napa/Sonoma area and am worried for them now.