9/3/2021 - Donuts and Happy Birthday DaysD!!!


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
I know you lurk now, primarily as your life has gotten so full and exciting. I hope you have a great birthday......

We have the Monsoon taking a break for the long weekend.... so it will be according to the weather guesser a great outdoor eating weekend.... I guess he was too busy getting ready for his segment to hear the one prior to the weather where they discussed the HUGE population growth of mosquitos..... ah... I'm not being dinner while eating dinner outside... Nope, Nadda....

Have a great Friday....
Happy Birthday, DaysD

It's partly cloudy this morning and humidity is back. It's going to be over 90 today.

I worked outside this morning. I wore myself out again. Even though I sprayed
myself against those nasty bugs I still got bit.

I need to rest before Sunday school lunch.

robin, be careful of those nasty bugs.

I hope everyone has a nice day and fun weekend.
Happy Birthday DaysD!

Not much new today, it's a very quiet day at the office. The skies are cloudy and we're currently at 65*F. Girl Scouts went well, and it was nice to avoid all the miserable mosquitos with having our meeting at the library.

Robin - I hope you can enjoy part of your weekend outside, maybe float under the water in your pool with a snorkel so the mosquitos can't get to you.
Kat - enjoy your lunch, nothing seems to scare away the mosquitos this year.
Kris - 93* sounds dreadful, but I'm a true northern girl and would rather sit in a mountain of snow than deal with all that hot weather. :rotfl:
When Siege had her kidney surgery in Boston (gah 10 years ago now) we flew in on Mother’s Day expecting our type of early summer temps. Let’s just say we were woefully unprepared and had to go buy jackets the first day

but when she actually had her surgery that July - everyone in Boston was complaining about how hot it was and it felt so nice to us because there’s no humidity there. It’s a different kind of heat.
we get hot and humid in Wisconsin, but not as bad as down south, I went to New Orleans in November once for work mid to upper 80's for temps and 90% humidity. I worn short sleeve shirts and the one day a sun dress, the local people were mostly in winter boots and coats. I was floored.
Love the pictures of your pretty girls, Kris. The one on the left reminds me a little of my daughter when she was that age. The hair is the same.

My niece and I went to town today. Took a trailer to bring home my zero-turn Kubota lawn mower, which has been in the shop for a very, very long time. Long story but though they did get it fixed up and running, there were about 3 important things that they didn't do, so we had to leave it longer and now will have to make another trip with the trailer to bring it back. We also went to Wal-Mart and the feed store. Wal-Mart was crowded. I guess everybody was getting ready for a big weekend.

Wishing a good weekend for all of you. Nothing going on here.
Thanks Manda and OC. Those curls have always made me laugh - she was straight bald until 18 months and then it was like overnight head full of ringlets

I hope they have the mower ready for you next time.
That's funny, Kris, my daughter was the same way, only longer than 18 months. When she did get hair it was full and all over the place and very curly. It's been a challenge for her but she did learn to manage it with time.
Interesting day.... nothing to do at work again today but answer the occasionally ringing phone...... the nurse has a bunch of stuff to copy and then put in alpha order... but I can't do it because it Nurse stuff...... meaning it's protected medical information...... but as a school district employee I can do this because I'm trained in privacy and HIPAA.... anyway... the vice principal seems to think that the nurse can do it herself rather than bother the office staff....NOOOOOOOO bother me.... please bother me...... and a 30 minute lunch doesn't go far when it takes 15 minutes to walk to and from the bathroom..... because yet again I am assigned to a school with a staff toilet in another building...

Anyway I went to order more tooth brushes for the BEAST.... I got his regular order.... but thought you'd enjoy knowing these exist...