9/30/18 - Donuts and clouds


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's almost noon so I thought I should start the topic. Goldie and I walked at 6 AM
this morning because the
forecast was for sun and warmer weather later. No sun yet
and it's cooler than it the forecast said. A good morning at church and Sunday

I hope everyone will enjoy the rest of their day.
Good morning..... well the rain never showed up yesterday.... they do say it will be coming.... so okay whatever......
Yesterday got a few errands run.... then spent the afternoon into the evening with Hunny Bunny...... he had his first PT yesterday he has 3 hours of PT a day.... during the weekdays... weekends it's less.... he didn't make it for a full session yesterday.... but they were okay with it because he is so depleted..... this is a guy who 4 years ago could walk for miles and work in the back yard all day..... and now just getting across the street is a challenge..... I feel so sorry for him..... but he will be coming back better and stronger.....
I have a couple of things to get done today before I go to visit today..... we will watch Poldark together then I'll go home for the day..... The Rehab center wants to have a "family" meeting and I am supposed to attend....but they can't tell me when...... it will be at the convenience of the staff at the center.... apparently they forget that family members work sometimes and can't just show up with a moments notice..... <sigh>
and not forgetting that I have surgery on Tuesday......

I think I will head outside and look at my trees and work with them.... and ignore the world for a few hours......

I hope everyone coming in later today has a great Sunday.....
robin, can you drive after you have your surgery? I hope the family meeting
goes well.
Hi folks.....still not recovered, tho better. Did not go to church today, was just not up to par, still too weak, and still on tea & toast. I was to do readings, so was calling people early this a.m. to sub for me. Luckily the 2nd one I called said o.k. Took a shower, thought it might help, but outside of feeling clean, just too blah.
Feel for HB......and thank you Kat for starting the thread. Weekends are hard, as all so busy, or sick, or something or other. I have end of month/quarter business stuff to do, and definitely am not up to par to do it. I really did sleep a lot on Saturday, surprised me, but guess the body said you need this, rest up. :)
Am guessing Muzza is on his way home so we will hear all about the doings and surprises tomorrow. Robin, sorry about the rain not coming, fingers crossed. Usually, I am at church on Sunday a.m. so have to tell you, TV is not all that interesting on Sunday a.m. And I suppose this evening will be all football again.
Poirot, sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Sunday PM is boring to me, especially today with the clouds. I'm taping two shows
on CBS tonight. I've got VCR to go a long time in case football runs over.

Yesterday and this morning, I woke up just after 4. I hope I can sleep longer Mon
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Thank you for the birthday wishes yesterday. It was a lovely family celebration.

Today waiting for the promised clouds and rain. So far not a single cloud in sight just glaring sun. And so it goes in the Valley of the Sun.
Kat... I asked and said I could drive so I will drive... if I can't get home I will call uber get home rest till I can drive then call uber again to take me to my car.....
Poirot sc lorry you are still feeling puny... stay with toast a bit longer....
HB is at OT so I gave a couple of minutes to do things. Since I am not at home not sure what those things are... silly guy....
Noel enjoy your birthday weekend and
Robin, the thing you could do was write to us here and I'm glad you did. It's good you'll be able to drive when you have surgery, or that you'll have Uber for backup, in case you can't. You sure are going to have a heavy load this week though. On the other hand, maybe it's good to get it all done and over with at once.

I saw a national weather report today with radar. It does look like rain is headed to Arizona. I hope comes a good one for both of you, Noel and Robin.

Poirot, ugh, so sorry you still were not feeling well today. I found out today that an intestinal virus is going around at the nursing home. Our friend, who occupies the room across the hall and one room down from my husband, told me today that he'd had it and had stayed in his room for two days. He also said it started with the man who is my husband's roommate! :eek: That would explain some things that were going on when I was there on Friday. :rolleyes: I guess that man still wasn't fully recovered today, since he didn't go to the dining room for lunch, as he always does.