9/30/23 - Donuts and National NICU Day

Happy Last day of OMG where did September go???? Tomorrow will be October 1st....
Apparently the weather is just wacky in Wichita.... we will remain in the 90's for the weekend cool to the 80's for Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday we will cool to 79..... ah.... but then again I don't know what it's supposed to be.... but it's feeling very not fall......

work yesterday was dreadful..... I will not be going back to that location ever again....... 3 days next week at a different location.... fingers crossed I have something to do for each of those 9 hours......

Off to a band competition.... in windy hot conditions.... how fun.... at this time of day both sides of the bleachers are in the sun... oy
Rained a lot during the night and wee hours. I did not hear it, but the windows all had rain drops still visible early this a.m. Bad night of no sleep........well, was around 3 a.m. before finally fell asleep, could not believe was wide awake at 7.! Sun was out a while ago, but back to clouding over, etc. Gpt another e-mail from a fellow I went to high school with (his wife too) who got worried not hearing from me. He had e-mailed just 2 days ago & worried something was wrong when not hearing immediately back. His wife passed away a few years ago, he married again last year, (also a gal I went to school with), but she passed away a couple months ago. Poor guy worries he is losing all his friends as well. (I think he is in assisted living now). Heck at our 10 yr reunion, we learned of half dozen classmates who were no longer among us. Lots more by now. Gonna go hop in the shower before a thunderstorm finds it's way here. (Last night, kept seeing lightning flashes but no thunder, but sure did rain!
Take care all...........have a good day.
It's going to be in the 80s instead of the 90s the next few days. Cool front Wed with rain.

It was cool and dark this morning so I didn't walk before shopping. I spent a short time
at the little library today since cart half full. We're unsure if new part time employee
will have time to shelf items since she's suppose to be watching kids.

robin, I hope the band competition went well with the warm weather.

Poirot, I'm glad you got rain.

Wilde Woman, let us know how things in NYC are. I hope the rain has stopped by now.

rf, I hope you're having a good day.

I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.
Hello. I'm slowly improving. Struggling to eat. I can only work at chores a little bit at a time. Still sleeping a lot. My youngest son and 17 yr. old granddaughter came Thursday evening and stayed until this afternoon. He helped and did some things for me. It's still hot here. Was 97* today. Expecting relief by Wednesday.
Oh, so glad some family came with helping hands. Did not know Covid could throw one for a loop for so long. They say a few days, to maybe a week. Glad you are getting better, slow but sure, one step at a time. God Bless!
It was mid-70s today, tomorrow & Monday we are supposed to be in low-mid 80s. Very unusual for october. Then Wednesday, the cold front moves in, with......believe it or not.......upper 50s for the high, and every day after, lower and lower. Really weird weather this year for sure.
Just got a kick that we get the cool dive same day as O.C. and we are one end of the country to the other.
OC, I'm glad you had family come by for awhile. Is the health person coming everyday or so often.
I hope you have Gatorade or the other to help with electrolytes. It helps me when I'm feeling bad.

Poirot, Covid is different for everyone depending on their health and other things. A lot of people
who've had Covid have long Covid. That's why it's important each person needs to take care of
themselves now. My state has high Covid cases. Hopefully, I won't get it going to Bible classes.
Just checking in now, been a busy day with errands. Rain ended around 11 am, sun came out, chilly and windy, but temps will be going into the 70s and even 80s this coming week. Did not notice any major damage in the areas I walked in, so grateful for that and sending all affected by the heavy rains the best as they clean up and recover.

OC - So glad you are recovering and have family with you.

Let's all stay as safe as we can and get boosters if we can and wear masks in public.

Everyone have a lovely rest of the last day of September.

Oh wow..... we went to the competition but did not stay till the end..... we watched two talented bands that weren't the band we were there to support and our band which was talented too.:) but sitting in the sun for those hours took a toll. We got home I made a quick lunch and promptly fell asleep. At least I'm not sunburned..... HB's daughter is at her 2nd job so we don't know who won the competition. IT was so warm most of bands didn't wear their full band uniforms.

Now to find something light to eat