9/4/19 - Donuts & Cooler Nights


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Mornin'........yep, just 50 this a.m. Sun is out, but sort of weak looking. We are to be in 60s all week, and might reach 70 by Sunday. That storm has leaves off of some trees, they are on the grass, a bit on sidewalk, but no idea what tree....maybe different ones, and just a few, so one cannot tell.
Bad night's sleep, was around midnight before I finally dozed off, only to wake at 4:30, Honestly stayed in bed trying to get back, no luck. Finally got out of bed at 6:30. Probably will be falling asleep at 8:30 tonight, while watching TV.....and then be wide awake a few hours later and round and round we go. :)
Good Morning.

Another dry, hot and dusty day in the desert. One weatherman gleefully proclaimed this morning how fortunate we are to be "only" 10 degrees above normal now. I am not rejoicing with him but longing for our average 100F.

The family is very busy with school and work projects. I am behind on household duties but determined to keep persevering in the challenge.

Hoping each of you enjoy a happy midweek day.
Morning all!

I finally made it back. I was off a couple of days a week for the past few weeks with Kris and Piper and so I have been trying to play catchup here at work. I am the only one who does my job so when I am out the work just piles up. I am no where near caught up but wanted to pop in and say Hi!

If I have time I will go back and read the past Donuts....but am curious if the snake was ever found???
Morning all..... work has started putting in the new sewer.....so I have to go out of my way to get into and out of my neighborhood.... work is scheduled to wrap up in February..... all because of a new 177 group of houses being build on what was cattle grazing land.... the man died and his kids sold the land for millions.... now thousands are inconvenienced so overpriced homes can be built..... from the plans they all have a "yard" about 4 feet deep in the back, and if you have long arms you should be able to knock on your neighbors kitchen window from your kitchen window......

I'm not a collector of things Oz.... but I liked Rob's take on the theme......co-workers didn't like it because they don't have eyes...... I however really like it.... along with some other items I got......and I have worked Wizard of Oz stage show.... a couple of times..... that is an interesting show.......

Off to take HB to get his car fixed then off to work... I'll try to get back today... no promises....
Morning everyone,
Cool, cloudy day here, not sure if we're supposed to get rain or not, I couldn't find local weather as all the talk was about Hurricane Dorian and Walmart scaling back gun sales.
Yesterday was a good day for Gena at school, she finished her homework at Boys & Girls Club, and helped them serve dinner to the other kids at the club. Apparently they serve dinner at 4:30, Gena only ate a dinner roll as a snack and waited to eat supper with me.
Tonight she'll be visiting her dad, this one is supposed to be at the park, we'll see if that really happens. Gena isn't sure how she feels about that as she likes to be able to check on her fish at the house.

Robin - I hope the construction doesn't mess up traffic too badly for you.
Noel - sometimes it's okay to let housework slide when you are busy with family. The snake is still hiding, not fun.
Poirot - I hope your day gets better.
Jammers - I hope you catch up soon, I'm sure the backlog was worth all the baby cuddles.
RK - good to see you.

Have a great day!
Hi everyone. I popped in yesterday, but only had a chance to read a few posts. It was truly a day from H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks! Today is settled down some. My first day of the new school year is good so far. The little munchkins at this morning's school were very well behaved, and the teachers were prepared. They had the next set of kids waiting in line outside the room so I could just keep screening without having to escort the kids through the hallways. Plus the paperwork was completed!!! Hopefully this afternoon in the office will be as easy.

Amanda, prayers are going up for Gena's visit. The whole situation is hard on her especially when her dad isn't even trying.
On the plus side...what a sweet girl to help serve dinner to the other children. That also shows that you're doing a wonderful job raising her.

WOW! Muzzaman, that sounds like a great show that your car is in. The plot sounds good, and there are a lot of good actors in it. I hope you got to meet them.

With production now underway in Calgary, SEVEN24 Films and Lark Productions today revealed casting for new CBC original drama FORTUNATE SON, set to premiere in winter 2020 on CBC and the free CBC Gem streaming service. NBCUniversal has international distribution rights. Inspired by a true story and created by showrunner Andrew Wreggitt (Pure, Borealis), FORTUNATE SON is a spy drama set in the social and political chaos of the late 1960s.

Kari Matchett (Covert Affairs, 2 Hearts) plays Ruby Howard, an American who fled to Canada as a fugitive from the law. Set in the chaos of the late 1960s, the Vietnam War and the anti-war protest movement, Ruby helps smuggle Vietnam War deserters and draft dodgers across the Canadian border. What she doesn't know is how these actions will unfold and who is watching her. Rising star Darren Mann plays Travis Hunter, a Vietnam war deserter whose troubled past follows him into Canada and the lives of the Howard family. Mann is known for the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina series and the critically acclaimed film Giant Little Ones. Stephen Moyer stars as Vern Lang, a CIA agent. Moyer is well-known for his roles in True Blood and most recently, The Gifted. Additional lead cast includes Kacey Rohl (Arrow, Hannibal), Rick Roberts (This Life, Designated Survivor), Patrick Gallagher (Night at the Museum, Glee), Ty Olsson (War for the Planet of the Apes, Supernatural), Alex Nachi (1991, Clash) and Zoé de Grand’Maison (Riverdale, Orphan Black).
A busy morning at the church library. We labeled the books we had entered into
the system last week. Then we drove to other church to put them on the shelves.
And we found more books donated so we'll be busy again next week. Almost
time to leave for the next library.

This morning, Mr Purple Finch was on the basket singing. I don't know why. It
seems late to start another family.

rs. thanks for posting information about the movie. I hope the rest of your week
goes as well as today.

Poirot, I hope your day won't be too bad.

OC, I'm glad you got your painting job done yesterday. I hope you won't
have to do
too much today.

Noel, I hope you get cooler weather soon. This week, has been another hot one
It's been close to 90 all week with high humidity. It might cool down next week.

robin, sorry to hear about the construction. The big town close to me passed laws
homes can be closer together. And yes some can stick out their arms and probably
touch their neighbors hands with their hands sticking outside.

manda, I hope Gena's visit will go well this evening. Is her aunt chaperoning again

Wishing everyone a good afternoon and evening.
Kat - yes Gena's aunt will be chaperoning the visit again, thankfully. Enjoy your time at the 2nd library.

RS - I'm glad you had well behaved kids today, makes life so much easier. Gena is a sweet heart 90% of the time, the other 10% she pulls some major spitfire attitude, which isn't entirely surprising based on her mom, grandma, great-grandma, and great-great grandma. She's comes from a long line of women with a whole lot of spit-fire, just so long as she uses that fire responsibly.
Manda: hoping Gens has a good visit with her Dad. What a sweet child to help serve the other children.

RS: bravo to those teachers who helped lighten your busy load!
Hello. Looks like it's going to be a long evening. I'm already falling asleep. My husband grew up on Long Island, NY. He used to tell the story of when he was little he would call out to his mother for a drink of water at night, and the neighbor would get her little boy a drink. (No a/c, and open windows in summer). That's how close together the houses were.

I hit the deck running before sunup (which is happening at 7:20 now). Before I even had breakfast I saw Mr. Fixit drive up. YEA (or in today's world, "YAY")! I called him last night and am so glad he us coming through to finish up with my little house before my company comes this weekend. He finished the tile grout and will seal it tomorrow (I hope, I hope, I hope), then it will be officially finished! He also did a few little odd jobs for me today.

I'm feeling pressure to get things done. Like Poirot, my plans keep getting changed for me. I need to get to the grocery store before Friday evening. Had planned to do it tomorrow but got a call the mattress will be delivered tomorrow. I had hoped it would arrive today. So I thought, okay, I still have Friday, but then a guy called to say he will come check out my water well, to see if it is dry or if I just need a new pump or what. I've been needing this for months. He's coming on Friday! Also, I get organic, grass-fed meat (beef, chicken, and pork) delivered once a month, and it's time for that delivery. I never know, within a 3-day period, exactly when it will arrive, but I need to be here and get it right into the freezer, especially in these hot temperatures. Yeah, it was 100* today and will continue at that for the coming days. That may seem like a cool spell for Noel and Robin, but I can tell you, for most of us, that is not cool!

Sure hope things are going well for Gena tonight.

Kat, maybe Mr. Finch was just praising his Creator, and bringing cheer to you!

I read all of you posts with interest. Wishing a good evening and a restful night for all of you.
OC, I hope you'll get some a good night sleep. Too bad the well person can't come the
same day your mattress comes. This evening, I heard a bird like the finch. The
was a goldfinch in the tree out front with either two females or younger birds.
OC: what company do you use for the grass-fed beef, if you don't mind answering. Wishing you a good solid nights sleep and plenty of rest before your guests arrive Friday.

Kat: are there new videos of the gold finch coming soon?
Sorry Noel, no videos. Not enough time. I still need to post videos from last
Oh, Kat, no apologies please. You are a very active woman and often so thoughtful to post your videos to share with each of us. I still contend you must have one of the loveliest gardens around maintained by their owner.
I agree, Noel. Kat's yard should be in a magazine!

I've been getting meat for several months now, from Butcher Box. They are located somewhere in New England. I forget which state but I'm sure you can find it online. To be honest, it isn't inexpensive, nor would I expect it to be. But I don't get to the store so often anymore so it's a convenience for me, and I do like the idea of it being more natural.