9/4/2020 - Donuts and Wet Windows

manda, they were originally going to have a potluck reception too but they couldn't find place they could afford to have it and the church wouldn't let them use the fellowship hall due to COVID.

JS, "tacky" is a nice of way of putting it. I used more colorful language when my husband told me this.

Currently my mother-in-law is insisting on paying for me and my husband because I think she feels guilty we got roped into this and it's her family being tacky. The two sides of my husband's family are about as different as different can be. His dad's side of the family would never expect the wedding party to pay for their rehearsal dinner meals.

robin, you had quite the day today. I'm tired just reading all that.
Mandy, I guess with Labor Day being a holiday, and kids just returning, they are scrambling, but good. Sorry about next week. Does Gena eat at school, or come home?

She's doing school online for now, so she's always home, we pre order lunches (and breakfasts too actually) and then pick them up at the local high school for the kids to eat at home
I am suggesting a footlong Subway, if you have one in your town. You can get all those goodies on it, and they will space them, or put them only on half, etc. (I don't like green peppers, so only half side of those) . They have those sales on them, like 5 or $6 or something. Then you can cut up in quarters, 6ths, etc. Just a thought.