9/4/2021 - Donuts and French Toast with Real Maple Syrup


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Well, that's what I want.... I'll have a bowl of shredded wheat instead..... sigh...... since I worked this past week I have more laundry to do... that will be fun NOT and I get to mop the kitchen floor again..... you'd think that it should last like a month or so.... but not with the BEAST and HB..... those two take destroying tile floors as an Olympic sport.....

I hope everyone has a great start to their long weekend..... and those who work in retail..... bless you......
I made my grocery run first thing this morning and don’t plan on leaving again.

French toast sounds amazing - we had cinnamon rolls this morning - perks of a baking teenager
A cloudy day. It's suppose to rain this evening and tomorrow morning. I believe it when I
see it. I picked petals this morning, but I'll be in the rest of today with the high humidity.

I had a bowl of cereal this morning.

Kris, you're lucky you have someone who likes baking.

robin, sorry you could only have cereal. Good luck getting the floor moped.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon and evening.
Looks like a lot of people have had other things to do today. Kat, if you don't want the rain you can push it back in my direction. We have a slight chance tonight and a slightly better chance tomorrow. High tomorrow of 88*, yea! But then right back up toward 100*.

Kris, good thinking to get out early, then stay in.

Robin, oh no, not the kitchen floor! Mopping is the worst thing! French toast sounds so good. I've been wanting waffles or pancakes for a while. I keep real maple syrup on hand but rarely eat it or any of the things that go with it because it wipes me out so badly, but then so does whole grain cereal, even though I love shredded wheat and others.

I had a busy morning, got completely worn out. We got some more hay delivered. I didn't really have to do any work but just being out and walking and driving around in the heat was so exhausting. The ragweeds are like a thick blanket and in some places taller than my waist! I was sneezing and gushing like a river. I'm still recovering from that and from the interruption in my eating routine, which always gives me a headache.

I learned my cows have been getting out on the county road so I must open up the river pasture to try to get them away from the county road, even though the water pipe isn't fixed yet. They'll have to walk about 1/3-1/2 mile up the hill to the tank (pond) for water until it gets fixed.

Hope the day has gone well for all of you.
Good evening everyone.

Just my normal Saturday laundry and cleaning, but still feeling out of sorts. Yesterday was a trip with friend Cindy to Menards in Ohio. Then we had a very late lunch at a restaurant near there so meds were late. That put dinner off until too late for a meal so it ended up being a poptart just to get my dinner time des in. Taking my meds late and eating late always throws me off for a few days.

OC, your cows sure have a mind for wandering. I see more horses loose on the road here than I do cows. The scariest is when a runaway horse is still pulling the Amish buggy. Without the weight of people in the buggy, they have a tendency to swerve and flip over on the road.
it because it wipes me out so badly, but then so does whole grain cereal
OC ~ I can't eat any grains at all! Every once in a while - when I'm feeling really good - I think maybe I could "get away with" something like oatmeal or rice. Nope. I always regret it. It takes me a couple of days to recover. You would think I would have learned by now. sigh.
One year my very young son wanted to "do" maple syrup, put the plugs & buckets in several of our maple trees. So it gets collected, and you have to boils so much of it just to get a pint of syrup. It was good, but so much time and work, he decided the following year he'd only do half the trees, and that was the end of making maple syrup from scratch. LOL (he was around 12 or so at the time).
Forecast said rain all day today. Ha. Yesterday it sprinkled twice for about 30 seconds each time, and evidently maybe for 1 or 2 minutes around 4-5 a.m. That's it. Has not rained all day today, nice, sunny, 63 was high. LOL
Poirot, cute story about your son collecting maple syrup. And that right there is why pure maple syrup is soooo expensive!

Lil0, I know for certain I would feel a lot better if I didn't eat any grains at all. I've quit buying bread and have cut way back but wheat and corn are very hard to avoid completely, especially wheat. I've taken it on in the past and it's an all-consuming project. It seems you've done a good job of staying on track. I don't think we ever "learn" with finality.

Squirrel, I've never seen a runaway horse pulling an empty buggy but I think I can pretty well picture it. Makes me think of pulling a trailer behind a vehicle and having the trailer start to fish-tail out of control. I regret not getting to see any of the Amish during the three years I spent in PA. We were way up in the northeastern corner of the state so maybe there weren't so many of them in that area. I hope you get to feeling better soon.