9/5/21 - Donuts and Clouds

Good morning everyone. Quite soggy and chilly here with heavy rain turned to a drizzle.

Not quite moving yet though already did Mass on tv at 6:00 a.m. Showered, but can't decide what to do next. I can either go to Aldi or finish cleaning the bathroom. Need to do both, but don't feel like doing either.

Oc - That heat and humidity sound oppressive. I'll take my wet high 70s instead.

Poirot - It seems that Mother Nature is up to 2 months early with our seasonal changes, too. Maple trees are almost bare, and the oaks have been dropping acorns for the last month.
Another cloudy day here. I had rain last night, but not sure how much. The ditch didn't seem wet when I looked at it.
I'm sure my flowers enjoyed the drink. The high only in the 80s today. It will be back in the 90s later this week.

After picking petals this morning, I cleaned my bathroom. I got done just before Sunday school started. I sprayed bug
spray in it and closed the door. Every morning, I find new bug bites on myself every morning. I'm not sure where I get them.

OC, I'm sorry you didn't get any rain.

Poirot, enjoy your cooler days.

rs, I hope you take time today and relax.

Wishing everyone a restful, peaceful day.
Was sitting in chair watching TV last night, felt something hit side of forehead. I brush it away....ughhhh, a spider....(they sometimes swing down on a thread of web or something) it definitely came from above. Egads it was still alive. Luckily, had an envelope near my hand, squished it. Disgusting! first spider I ever saw here, in 4 years!
I woke up to rain! It only lasted about an hour and the day has gotten warmer but it was nice while it lasted.

I’ve got some batch cooking to do today for the week but my husband is handling dinner tonight so that’s good
Good day all.......
we have a nice sunny day.... very little to no humidity.... it is great... 95.5 outside at 10am...... heading to 104 F (40 C).... inside we still have skeeters buzzing about.... they are really annoying....
will be out moving trees today to their "fall and winter" locations.... the easy burning in the 110+ sunlight summer on the covered patio...... Yes!!!! I'll get my patio back.....

Happy Sunday....
Hi everyone!

It’s sunny and in the 80s here. I know this won’t last but I will enjoy it while it lasts.

OC, hope you are staying cool.

Poirot, 47 sounds chilly for early September.

rs, hope you don’t get too much rain.

Kris, hope your batch cooking went well.

robin, all I have to say about your temperatures is at least you don’t have high humidity.

I washed my produce for the week, made iced coffee for the week, and shredded a block of cheese but I forgot to make tea. I still need to finish dusting in my living room and clean that floor but otherwise a pretty lazy Sunday.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Hi all - I wish it were in the 70s here. I am slowly getting back to life. Went back to work on Wednesday but didnt feel the greatest. Yesterday was the first day I felt mostly normal. I went to Mass this morning and it was good to see people again. I did discover my oxygen levels drop when I sing so had to stop that. Got a full week starting tomorrow so hopefully I will do ok.

I actually will be in Florida in 3 weeks. Hope I do ok walking around Disney. I may need to find all the park benches instead of the rides. LOL

Have a good week all!
Dachsie, am glad you are on the mend, I have friends who have said same as you about the recovery process. I have a BAD sinus condition, so have found that if I just sort of mouth the words to the hymn in church, it helps me to not start coughing my fool head off as the phlegm gathers in my throat. LOL. Ugh, more info than anyone wants to know.
I have no idea why this popped into my mind, as it has been years since it happened or I even thought about it. But. when I was around 19 or so, & single, a neighborhood friend talked me into going to Great Lakes Naval base on their "social night" & since I had dated a guy who was stationed there, agreed, figuring good way to see him. Well, actually, this turned out to be USO hostess thing, where you dance with all the different naval men. LOL So, I happened to be a good dancer, (actually I could follow darn well) so got asked a lot (I LOVED to dance) & then this one sailor wanted to jitterbug, we were doing so well, we drew a crowd....you know, how they stand and watch, encouraging. He was really good...guess I kept up pretty well. And that is how the sailor I had dated found me......since he drifted over to join the "crowd". LOL. It was so fun, and the guy I was dancing with did not want to let me go, but......alas, all good things come to an end. Only was reminded when I saw a video today, of a fellow playing piano, an old jitterbug number, in a mall, a guy strolling by gets all hepped up, and is dancing by himself, like mad, and a little 2 or 3 year old adorable little girl sees him, and joins in, mimicking his moves. Was sooo cute. (Hubby does not or never did dance).
dachsie, I'm glad you're able to get back to work. Take care.
On August 14th I went to Santa Monica to attend a Family only party.... A member arrived and exposed everyone to the Delta Variant. My Brother in law tested positive first, not surprising as he has several pre exsisting issues.... He moved into the master bedroom and isolated. Last night my sister received her test results, due to her husband having the virus she needed to test every few days. She is the adult care giver for her mother in law as I was for my stepmother. She got the results today. She's now positive.

I spoke with my stepmother, I haven't seen her in quite some time, she has been exposed but is sure she is fine because she had COVID in January and survived. She was hospitalized and has some lung scaring. But she refuses the vaccine because, she survived it once so she KNOWS she will survive again..... She got it with some of her church people. I just love how AZ has no mask mandates.

Dachsie I hope you are able to get your oxygen levels up. Glad to see you back online with us.
Dachsie, I'm glad you checked in. I'm sorry it's taking you so long to recover. Rest as much as possible so you'll be fit for Disney.

IamRed, I'd been wondering about you. Good to hear from you.

Robin, what an ordeal for your family. I hope everyone gets okay.

Poirot, I loved your story about the Naval base dance! I could never dance well so didn't enjoy trying. Jitterbug is such fun to watch, when people are good at it. My youngest aunt and uncle were teens when I was little. They would jitterbug. I thought everything they did was perfect.