9/6/18 - Donuts & taste of Fall - Brrrrrr


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, and the sun is managing to peep out, which hopefully will warm us all up. 42° at 6:30 a.m. I know there was to be a frost further north.
Definitely was really tired yesterday, dozed off around 8:45, woke at 9:30. That was the "nap", lol. Went to bed at 10:15, and slept straight thru for a change, to 6:30. Amazing. Would you say I needed the sleep?
I usually can fall asleep, the problem is I wake up after 3-4 hrs and cannot fall back asleep. So, it is wonderful when I can sleep straight thru. :)
Lots on the agenda today......take care all.
Good morning, all. Hope people are feeling a bit better today. Hopefully others got some sleep. I wasn't going to say anything I thought a few of you came across as little cranky pants yesterday. :)

Actually, that would've been me yesterday. Co-workers sometimes are just like families only I have to see one of them more than my own family. Long story short, we were in a meeting yesterday, a guy I work with has an ego so big, talks over you, interrupts you. I mustered 4 words before he was interrupting me. I tried again to no success. I finally stopped, and asked him to stop talking, to stop being rude and allow me the time to express my point, my opinion and provide some clarity of the situation that we were discussing based on my experience and at the end of the day I was actually agreeing with his point of view and was just providing background information for everyone. GRRRRRRR!!!!! I spoke with my manager afterwards and told her I was never angry at this co-worker but rather agreeing with him. I got annoyed when he wouldn't give me the opportunity to speak after he had the floor for so long. Oh well, today's a new day but like a child HE will not say hello likely because I asked to stop talking and I can understand that because no one likes to be told that or asked that but at the end of the end, grow up, already.

In laws arrived while I was playing vball last night. They'll be here til Friday or Saturday however we are leaving at 7am to drive to the vball tournament. I hope we don't play first thing as our mornings are very cool but daytime highs are in the 20's*C (70's*F). Definitely feeling like fall unlike Toronto and others parts of Ontario where they are still experiencing heat wave.

Hope all of you who are sick begin to get better, those who are tired, get some sleep and those who are craving cigarettes get over each hurdle........yes you, l'il Sweetness.

Hey Sweetness, the indigenous men from the tribe in South America seems like it'll be pretty cool. Let us know how that went.

A good day to all.

P.S. - Edited to add that HE in sentence above
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I forgot to add the Centigrade temp.....yep, 7°C.....
Wonder if you get the cold shoulder at work from that co-worker. Noel & family sound like really bad colds have invaded the house. Gosh, with everyone miserable, rough stuff, Hope you got soup at the store when out for those cold meds yesterday.
Back to watching for the school buses.....stay home after 3 p.m. as that is when they start rolling. Around here tho, one really has to drive slow, no matter the speed limit. Winding roads, motorcycles, deer, bear, bicycles, joggers, school buses, walkers.........let alone the logging trucks, Ha.
What does "Brrr" mean -- I have forgotten! It is 85F at 6am with high humidity and dewpoint. I took out the trash with germs and promptly came right back inside! We all continue to be very sick and I continue to play nurse. Hopefully they all nap at the same time after cough syrup so I can get some sleep too.

Take are everyone -- thinking of you all.
Morning Everyone,
I have no idea what the temperature was when I left, but I know that Gena came back in the house to get a sweatshirt as she was cold. I just breathed a sigh of relief that the miserable heat and humidity had been replace by crisp cool fall air. It will be great for our last Girl Scout meeting at the park today.

Poirot - glad you were able to get some much deserved sleep.
Muzz - good for you for standing up for your right to speak.
Noel - poor you having to play nurse while sick yourself. I hope you are all better soon.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Yup and as suspected, no returned greeting when I said hi. Oh well. Not worth worrying about. He'll get over it and will have to because we are both working together where I provide analysis and recommendations. We'll see how that goes. LOL!
Morning all..... it was a great bonsai meeting..... I've finally passed through the worst of the caffeine withdrawal.... no more headache or other aches.... today will be a day at work... OH Yea... my meeting to go over my goals......yes, that meeting was canceled... it will happen next week..... it was a good thing... the majority of the front office was hired this past summer.... so it's hard to make a goal more specific than "learn my job".....so the director is going to work with us individually to help us on a group goal....
Tonight I am stepping into a totally new area..... I've signed up and will be taking wood shop it starts before my day ends, I asked the instructor if that would work he said yes.... so I will leave directly at the end of my day and head off to the class.... I've never done anything like this but do admire people who make things so perhaps I can make something really cool.....

Poirot is the wrist any better??
Noel hope your germs and the germs of the family leave this upcoming weekend......

Have a super fantastic Thursday....
Just a quick comment to say hello. Busy busy busy today. Eating popcorn chicken, drinking water, trying not to think about deadlines!

Poirot - That’s a struggle I know all too well. I’m glad you finally got a full night’s sleep, and a nap to boot!

Muzzaman - Ugh, so sorry you have to deal with an immature coworker. I’m glad you said something to him about it. He’ll get over it in time. Sounds to me like not speaking is torture for him! I’ll let you know how the ceremony goes!

Robin - Good luck with wood shop! What kind of things are you hoping to learn how to make?

Also, extremely jealous of all of you enjoying the fall weather! It’s hot and humid here as ever. Sigh.
Little Sweetness, mmm, popcorn chicken, I could eat that every day.

Robin - that sounds like a super fun class, I love wood working wish I had the time and tools to do it now, Tech Ed was one of my favorite classes in school, so much so that I assisted with set building for the musicals in high school. Glad you enjoyed bonsai last night.
Hi everyone. A bit cooler here, but the monsoon rains that were supposed to arrive at dinner time made an early morning appearance. Now they won't go away.

I've had 2 schools already today, and must head back out. Meanwhile my computer and paper work keep piling up.

Must get going. I can't promise that I'll stay awake long enough to answer all of you tonight.
Ember had an awesome day yesterday (her words) and was really happy with every thing. She said the PE teacher hugged her and told her she thought Ember had left her forever! She is going to be a busy girl for the next couple of months. She has Guitar lessons on Monday, Girl Scouts on Tuesday, Soccer Wednesday/Saturday, and Dance on Thursday! Her Mom tried to lighten her load but Ember wants to see if she can do it and the deal is Homework and reading are first - then her after school activities and if anything starts to fail she has to pick what to give up!

Poirot so happy you got some sleep. It makes for such a better day!
Muzz - nothing worse than working with children and acting so immature! Good Luck
Noel - how miserable to be sick with a cold and having the heat your having! Hang in there!
Manda - Good for Gena to come back and get a jacket - most kids won't wear them!
Robin - I hope you enjoy your wood shop class - there is so much out there to make!
LS - good luck with your deadlines.
RS - Monsoon rains and high heat - sounds muggy to me! So sorry I know you don't like it either.

Have a great day
A busy day. I tried do get the ditch finished today. I was out almost three
hours before lunch. Then I out almost another hour after lunch. I had to
stop. I'm
too tired to do anything now. I'll have to miss my Bible study
this evening.

I was trying to get done before the rain came, but I couldn't. Rain starts Fri.
Hopefully, I can get out early next week to finish.

Here are before and after pictures. I started working on this part of the ditch
on Friday.

Ditch behind house a 8-29-18.jpg Ditch behind house 9-6-18.jpg

Muzzaman, sorry about co worker. The best thing to do is just keep saying hi
and smile to him. Maybe one day he'll smile back.

Poirot, I'm glad you had a good night's sleep. Cat woke up me up at 4. I was
able to get back to sleep.

Shan, I'm glad Ember is enjoying school again.

robin, good luck with staying off caffeine.

Noel, I hope you can get some rest today.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

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:cry: I saw Burt Reynolds in an interview not long back and he looked unwell than. I was hoping the world had a little more time with him. RIP Mr. Reynolds.
Squirrel, and others of you who get up every morning and go to work, come rain or come shine, inspired me this morning. It was pouring down rain when I got ready to go to the nursing home and I almost backed out, though I really wanted to go, since I had missed the past two days. I agonized for a short time, then I thought of you lugging all your equipment around, and all of you who have to deal with copious amounts or rain and snow, so I got in my truck and went on my way. I can assure you I remembered to turn my lights off when I got there today!

Poirot, one thing I was happy to leave behind when I left Pennsylvania was log trucks! My husband worked for Proctor and Gamble, at a plant that made Charmin, in a rural area, so log trucks were everywhere on the highways. That's something we never, ever see in this part of Texas. However, we do have lots and lots of cattle trucks, oil tankers, and worst of all, gravel trucks.

I've had another inch of rain since yesterday, making a total of 4 inches over the past several days. Still hoping for more the next two days, then it clears out.

Supercouple, I like watching Burt Reynolds on the old Gunsmoke reruns. I never watched him much in anything else but it's sad losing so many of the older stars.

Kat, it seems funny to say a ditch looks pretty, but yours does.
Just a drive by post tonight... I think I'm getting a sinus infection. My head feels like it's going to explode. I had so many kids running in and out of my house after school - whew! At one point someone else's dog was here. I don't even like my own!!! My son was supposed to have soccer tonight but the threat of thunderstorms cancelled it. Guess what? 98.5 hours until cast removal.

Sad to read about Burt Reynolds.

Muzz - It's always uncomfortable when people have to be called to the carpet like that but sometimes it's necessary. Glad he came around.
Kat - Ditch looks good!
Robin - Good for you for trying something new! I've vowed to do that this coming year as well. I just haven't decided what it will be yet but I have a few ideas!
Sweetness - Good luck with the deadline. Hope you had a more encouraging day today.
Manda - I'm jealous of your cool, crisp air! Ha! I dream of a time when I can put a sweatshirt on outside of my house. Can't wait to see our A/C bill this month!
Oldcowgirl - that's a lot of rain! Hope you're staying dry!
Poirot - I'm nearing the end of my Poirot series..I'm on season 11. Not many left. Glad you slept through the night.

That's about all I can manage. Need to not look at a computer screen. Sorry if I missed anyone!