9/8/16 - Donuts and birthday cake


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Birthday, kt. I hope you have a wonderful day

Happy birthday!

High of 97° today. I have to go out. I am going to die of hot.

Oldest daughter is coming home to have her braces tightened today. Youngest daughter gets her braces put on Monday.

We will go out to eat later, before oldest goes back to college.

Here is a question for you all. Do not need a definitive answer, just opinions and experiences if possible.

So for the second time, my oldest was getting gas and someone said she was leaking. She was filling up both times.

I took the car in to be looked at last time and it was nothing I was charged for. (Though my mechanic is so confusing. He does free stuff for me all the time as long as I come by and see him regularly and if he charges me, it is off the books so I never know what I actually paid for.) Then it just happened again the other day.

I am going to have it looked at today when she gets home. When it happened again I told her to just quit topping the tank all the way off. But if it was a loose seal on the tank, it should have been fixed last time. It never happened the whole time I was driving the car.

Any thoughts on the issue? It is a 97 Chevy Lumina.

OT: Used to be a police undercover vehicle or something. I traced it because of googling the name on the next oil change sticker in the window, where the last inspection was done on that paperwork and there were holes in the floorboard between the seats, like for a radio.

So stay cool today people. Good day to you all.
@YPG...Does that only happen at the gas station? Or are there traces where the car is parked? You could have a small rusted out area in the gas tank itself (happened to my husband's truck)

Some gas stations have signs that say DO NOT OVERFILL the tank. I used to do that all the time, but now, when the pump shuts off automatically, that is it.
You people come up with wonderful cakes! I'm glad, since I don't do them myself. But I do wish you the best birthday possible, Kt. You are a fine friend and I wish we could all be there to celebrate and give you cheers in person.

YPG, I hope you get the gas tank problem figured out. It does sound suspicious that it never happened when you were driving it.

Gonna be hot here for the next two days, then a bit of a cool off with possibility of rain. I woke up at 3 this morning, was up until 6, then slept for 2 hours. This is getting to be a rut that throws me off for the whole day.

I think I may take down the hummingbird feeders pretty soon. Saw a couple on Sunday and Monday, none since.
Morning all.

I have those grey puffyish things in the sky again today on my drive. And it's cooler, but more humid, but cooler. And the blazing yellow ball is nowhere to be seen in person today. We didn't get much rain, just enough to drive the car freaks nuts. SPOTS on their SUV's and low places of the roads have, OH MY GOODNESS, PUDDLES. We have to go really slowly through those so we don't get spots on the car.

Bonsai went well, but it was a long day.

Happy Birthday, kt !!!


Another hot and humid day here. Now we have severe storm warnings.

I'm having a quiet day in the office working on referrals before going back to school Monday.

YPG - there could be a small hole in the filler neck of the gas tank. That's the part that the gas nozzle fits into. I had one in my Neon, and it only leaked when I filled the tank. A small amount of gas would go through the hole, and drip down beneath the car. Most of the gas went into the tank. The garage I use only charged $12.00 for the new piece plus labor .
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! All my favorite things on cakes, too! :hug:

Y, gas pumps are made to cut off at a certain point. Maybe the gas tank needs an air gap or something? Next time she gets gas, maybe you can be there to watch how she does it and correct her if necessary.

Take care everyone!
Happy Birthday KT!!! Have a fantastic day!

It's drier here but 93F. However, still humid enough for the heat index to be 100F. I have the day off, so will just be relaxing for a bit and eventually get to that homework stuff this evening. LOL. Nothing much else planned, though I probably will hit the gym tonight with my dad.

Have a good one.
Muzzaman, great birthday wishes for kt.

It's another summer day here. It should start getting cooler next week.
I went to class today. I'm slowly learning Microsoft Office.

Today is a special day for Star Trek fans. 50 years ago today Star
Trek started on NBC.

I hope everyone will have great afternoon and evening.

Happy Birthday KT - hope your day was perfect!

I had 4 days off and now my best friend is here from Alabama so my life has been very busy to
say the least. We have a really good time and catching up has been really relaxing.

Have a great day!
Happy birthday, KT. I hope you are still enjoying your day.

There were a couple of days of hot weather here, but now it's cooled off with a high of 81 degrees today. Which is good, because I need to go out this afternoon and have some lab work done.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon and evening.
Happy birthday, kt!

I've been a bit off my game with allergies and haven't felt like getting on the computer much this past week. The girls are doing good. Annabelle made Blue Jay of the week last week and they started dance this week. I'm still trying to clear out my DVR of some movies I've been meaning to watch to make sure I've got room when the new season starts for primetime shows. So I've been watching a lot of movies and have a few days worth of Days to catch up on now.

Our town's birthday celebration is next weekend and all the elementary classes participate in the parade. The team this year is Dr. Seuss so the floats should be super cute.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day. Today has been a pretty good but busy day. Does anyone find that four work-day weeks always feel longer then 5 day-work weeks?! I always do.

The weather has been extremely hot here and today was no exception. Right now it is partly cloudy and 84 F, another hot late summer evening here.

Happy Birthday to my dearest friend KT!! :love: Wishing you a fabulous day!

I hope that all of you have a terrific Thursday evening. Much happiness to each one of you.