9/8/22 - Donuts and School


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Hi everyone. A quick pop in before I leave for school at 8:30. This one is less than a 1/4 mile from the office so I don't have to leave quite so early.

We're having a crisp fall morning at 59*. Definitely time for a sweater. The weather folks are saying it'll hit 80 later today.

Sending wishes that you all have a good day. Prayers continue for everyone.
Oh, that is terrible, Red! Better check your credit cards, if you have them. You can ask for different card (new number) they will do that immediately, but will completely close your present card, so you would not have access for a week or so. (lost a card once, that is what happened. )
Another foggy morning. I'm walking at 6:30 now. I wore long pants since it was in the 50s. When the sun comes out,
it will be in the 80s today.

This morning, is library time. I'll be inside this afternoon catching up on my studies and start work on the circle calendar
to send out to all members. I'm "secretary" for my Sunday school class and the circle group.

red, I'm sorry what happened to you. I hope it will be fixed soon. Hopefully, the unemployment office contacted
the authorities.

rs, take care of yourself with all the extra work you're doing.

Wishing everyone a fine day.
Good morning. IamRed, it's good to see you but yikes, it's dreadful to have that thing happen to you! I hope all the transfers and updates go smoothly.

Squirrel, how nice that you don't have to drive a long way today! Enjoy those cooler temperatures.

Kat, I hope the Sunday school class knows what a good secretary they have. You're always on top of things! Oh dear, I hope the Queen will be okay.

Poirot, I hope your day is good. Is your daughter still around?

It was 67* this morning but will still get into the 90s* today. And the heat goes on..... I'm always late getting around these days. I just don't want to get out of bed while it's still dark. That's not going to get better anytime soon--maybe not ever, if the House passes the bill, already approved by the Senate, to keep us on permanent Daylight Savings Time. Y'all may need to have an intervention with me when that happens.
After flooding rains in NY, we have sunny skies and 71 degrees...but 61% humidity.

Redsquirrel - Hope all goes with school and enjoy the cooler temps.

IamRed - So sorry about your identity situation and hope it gets resolved soon. I once thought about getting LifeLock, but yet another expense, and I am fearful of providing THEM my information, so this won't be something I will do.

Kat - Have a productive day at the library, "Madam Secretary." Thank you for posting that news about The Queen. Wishing her the best.

Old Cowgirl - Even though I don't commute anymore, don't like waking up in the dark, either. That Daylight Savings Time bill will likely pass next year. I like the sunset being later but not the sunrise. Can't have it both ways.

Everyone have a lovely Thursday.

People have lived with regular time for thousands of years. Sorry, but I don't like Daylight Savings time. There are kids going to school in the dark! Hogwash. Animals do not do "time changes". Nothing wrong with regular time, sorry we have elected persons with no backbone or smarts to run our country. Off the soapbox.

This a.m. twas weird as a few of the windows were covered with fog, others were fine. two east, two north, , another east was fine. That was at 6 a.m. before 7 all were clear. And did not seem foggy out. Maybe it had been earlier???
Today is daughter's last day, she leaves tomorrow. Gonna miss them (she & her hubby)
Good morning..... per weather guessers today will be "cool" as it will only be 103.......the first bands of Kay apparently will block the sun so we won't be able to warm up.....
Went to the Bonsai meeting last night....the club runs from September to May..... it was nice seeing folks I knew but now the club has 60 new members and it's like who are you?? We shall see how many folks are still there in January......
Red that is a mess to go through proving you are the only you.... I had to do that when someone used my identity.... we found out when went to purchase a house.... the lender wanted to know why I had 2 bankruptcies!!!?!?? from there it just got horrible, this was before electronic capabilities for mere mortals..... so everything had to be done by phone calls and US Postal service...... I don't think it has gotten easier..... and I know it's still annoying.....
As someone who lives in an area that doesn't change time..... please federal government kill this stupid idea... and go back to standard time...... good Thursday to all....
Robin, the report I heard did tell that your state and one other would not change to Daylight Savings. I can't recall which other one--maybe Hawaii?? Anyway, lucky you. Interesting that a lot of the Bonsai people seem to come and go.

Poirot, I'm right there on that soapbox with you, and probably on even more. I'm sorry it's nearly time for your daughter and her husband to leave. I felt that way too, when mine left on Sunday. But I can't complain. I know I get to see mine more often than you do yours, since they are only 3 hours away instead of across the country. I don't suppose you'd be interested in going to visit them. I don't very often, as too much trouble having to get my niece to drive me halfway and someone else has to drive halfway to meet us. Then do it all over again to get me home. If I had to fly, it would never happen! Things have gotten faster, while I've gotten slower.

Wilde Woman, yes, I'm pretty sure the Daylight Saving thing will pass next year because too many people want it. I guess people who are active outdoors don't mind getting out in the dark mornings if it means they can stay out later in the evening. But I agree with Poirot about kids going to school in the dark, and I remember how much I didn't like going to work in the dark back in the 1970s, when Texas first adopted Daylight Savings.

I went to town today. Took care of a couple of business things, then ate at a popular cafe. An older man and woman were sitting at the table next to mine (well, about my age, which is older than many). The cafe was noisy and they talked softly, so I couldn't hear them but somehow I could just tell by looking that they weren't from around here. Later, in the big grocery store (not Walmart), this woman stopped me and noted that they had been sitting next to me in the cafe. We had a nice conversation. They had moved here (the opposite direction from the Walmart town from me) from California a couple of years ago because they could no longer afford to live in CA. This is becoming more and more common. Even out here in the sticks where I live, some family has recently moved to within 6-8 miles of me, from Oregon! I don't know how people even find places like this to move to. There are no lakes or anything recreational here.