About Ron.......

Sorry to hear about the loss of your son in law. Sounds as though he was much loved though, and that is what he had to help him with his journey.
Oh, I am so sorry, Poirot. You and the family are in my prayers. Take care and hugs...
Oh Barb....I am so very sorry to hear this. My prayers go out to you and all your family. We never understand why the good have to suffer so but we can be sure that their suffering is now over and they wait for us patiently at the end of the day.
Dear Barb:

I am so sorry to read of your loss. Remember though that he is free now, and without pain. He is with the angels and will be watching over all of you. By and by you will get a wink or nudge or some other unique sign from him to let you know he is watching and caring.
I'm so sorry for your loss Barb. Prayers are being said for you and your family. While your hearts will hurt, I hope that you find peace in knowing that Ron no longer has to battle that horrible disease, and is no longer in pain. The miles apart do make it very hard, but I hope that y'all can each find comfort from each other in spirit.

big hugs sweetie to you and your daughter!
I'm so sorry to hear this I wish there was something else I could say. My continued prayers for the family ,that you all will be comforted in this difficult time.
Barb am am so very sorry for your family's loss. pPayers to you and your family. May you find comfort with each other in this difficult time.
I am so sorry for you & your family's loss...My prayers are there to give everyone strength. I understand being far apart. My cousin passed away this past Saturday and being so far makes it just about impossible for me to be there.