Actor and writer unions on strike

So, the soaps can still film, however they could run our of scripts due to the writers' strike. (Yes, Days films so far ahead, they probably are not worried at all, so far.)

Days had through around Christmas written when the strike started on May 1. All of those remaining written episodes by Ron Carlivati were taped in May and June. They are now taping January 2024, so everything they tape going forward will be written by scabs.
Last strike, Days was so far ahead, they could still show unseen episodes, and did not lose a beat.

I feel for those who are called in to do writing in place of the regular ones. They need work, evidently don't have full time job, and people call them names because they do the job for which they were hired.

Personally, I doubt Days is worried or seeking outide help yet. This is July, and if they have already filmed all the way to New Year's, they are sitting on easy street. Days really needs to NOT be so far ahead.......but......we will see.
Days will cock-a-doodle-do about being so far ahead that the strike won't much affect them, like they did when the other soaps had to air "classic" reruns during the pandemic and Days was able to keep showing new episodes (which is funny because I think GH, Y&R and B&B still did better in the ratings with the reruns). Being able to continue showing new episodes during the strike will be a bragging point and used to "justify" their breakneck taping schedule. :rolleyes:
Have not read any bragging at all, just my personal thoughts and memory of last strike. In fact, have not read/heard any comments at all so far, from either the actors or the show.
No, no comments, yet. But I can imagine ReRon making comments about being so far ahead that the strike won't affect what's airing vs. the other soaps possibly having to go back to reruns of "classic" storylines.

But comments were made back during the pandemic when the other soaps were airing reruns and Days was able to keep airing new episodes, and bragging about how their taping schedule worked in their favor at the time.
Yes, I know. And we had chats about that here as well. Who knows how long the strike will last, or what will happen. Summer is a rerun season for prime time as it is, but we sure are seeing a lot of game shows in the evening......and those, in the past, were mostly daytime. We just have to wait and see how it all goes.
I've seen a few articles where actors in various capacities posted their payments of services (for residuals via streaming services) and they ranged from a few pennies to a few dollars. Meanwhile, the studio executives rake in the millions on those same residuals.
And the trouble is, if they work out a monetary solution, it is the public who gets their costs raised. Cuz the suits won't take even 1% less than they do, so to make sure they get the same as before......fork it over viewers.
Ding ding ding. You are correct on that one! You know the executives won't give up a penny of their salaries and bonuses.
