Actress returns again

Oh great, another Sami return :rolleyes:. Due to the timing, a baby is more than likely:angry:. It's probably a way to give Rafe a baby, because more than likely he and Hope will be back together, and Hope is long past child bearing years (I hope). Unfortunately, since she will probably leave at some point again, with Sami's selfish nature, she will probably keep the baby with her and barely let Rafe see it, she never lets Lucas see Allie.

When she does come to town, I hope we get to see the kids this time
I'm really tired of the Sami bashing on this board. Just sayin.
As I have said many times, I don't really care much either way about Sami but some on this board repeat their "grief sex", "rapist" etc, etc. comments every time her name is mentioned. That is their opinion and when I get tired of it I just don't read them anymore. Pretty simple.
@oldsoapie, I know everyone bashes the character all the time. I like the actress and her Hallmark movies. I get the grief sex but she does add some excitement to the show. I'm tired of Lani and Valerie already, JJ has become very wimpy but still lovable. I just wish they would make the characters a bit smarter sometimes. I've been watching since the 80's and will continue to watch.

I like reading the spoilers and everyone's posts, but sometimes I get tired of the bashing and I had to say it. :) I hope Will remembers her this next visit and Lucas has more air time. Where is he anyway????
I have to agree with you scrullyxx. I only got into this show years ago because my mother watched it. I always criticized it and my mother would say, "It's just a story" LOL! People on social media take things too seriously. I welcome all the returns and when people say "yuck, I hope it's for a day", I'm privately hoping it's long term.

However, Sami did take all the oxygen out of the room. I only really liked her when she was with Rafe and started to become mature. Those who felt that Sami and EJ's relationship was based on blackmail and forced sex were glad they finally parted. The writers chose to have her cheat on the nicest guy on the show, making Sami and EJ a super couple. Some people won't let that go. Happens in real life too. It's just a story.
I agree that Sami and Rafe were a great pairing once they got past the whole hiding out from EJ thing, and were allowed to mature as a couple. The thing is, Sami has always been the powderkeg, just waiting for a match, and the showrunners have kept her that way. Sami being a normal human being and not getting in her own way of happiness probably reads as boring.

That's the sad part. I would like to see her settle down and be boring. If they had never gone the route of the rape storyline and paired her with EJ organically, somehow, I would have been fine with the two of them too. Just as long as the "grief sex" never happened, although, isn't that what Rafe just did to Hope, when you think about it? *sigh*