Adventures & ??? while in "lockdown"


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So, we are all coping in some way with "staying home", unless we are "essential", so over 2 months now, & we are getting antsy, restless, & doing a tiny bit of cheating perhaps.

Now me, I have only gone to grocery store, get 3 or 4 items and out I go. Admittedly, not wearing mask (but gloves) as I could not find any ...anywhere. Well, a kind soul from a clinic gave me a Yep, I am wearing it.

So, I have a very good friend up here in the north, she won't even go to the store, really is terrified,. Well, we yak on phone, & she mentioned seeing an Agatha Christie bio on TV, and never had read any of her books. So me, this huge Christie fan, who has probably read every single story, had nearly all the books (gave to my niece last summer, who is also a fan) but had a few left. So I said I would lend her a couple, just so she could see....Well, she lives in an area that is rather hard to find because of winding roads, name changes, woods, and more. So a couple weeks ago I attempted to drive to her house, was not successful, had an interesting tour of the homes in the area, lol. (We have lots of streets blocked off due to repairs so it made for problems). And then, this past Monday, I decided to try again, and tho I made a couple of errors, hey, I got there. So I took the plastic bag with the 2 books, put them on the stairs outside the door, went to my car, then thought......what if this is not her house? (Been a couple years since last there......long story). So I went back, grabbed the bag, got in car, called her on phone, said I was not sure I was at her house, does she have a flag hanging from upper porch. Yep. She comes rushing out......staying 6 ft from car. lololol. Rolled down window, she points to her haircuts for over 2 months, I point to mine as well. She ventures over to window, I toss out the bag, explain all, we are so glad to see each other at least, I have to really work to get the car out of her tiny packed driveway, up a hill. but.....succeeded o.k. (Her son, who lives with her, restores cars, 3 were parked there. LOL) Anyway, that is my "cheat" story for the week. You got one?
Poirot, I loved hearing your story. I think it helps to just get out and drive somewhere and see a friend or family member, if possible, even if you can't go into their house or visit for very long. I hope more people will join in with their stories.

I haven't had a cheat story. Not really. My daughter called and she wants to come see me this weekend. She suggested she could stay in my little guest house out back and we could just visit outside. Depending on the weather, I'm not sure how much time we could/would spend visiting that way and I think I would be tempted to have her come on into my house. I'm not sure how well all this would work out. She and her husband have both been working from home and haven't been out of the house much, but they do live in Dallas, where there are a lot more cases of the virus than in the rural areas like this.
O.C saw a video of a couple of family/friends, who had their vehicles rear end to rear end.....distanced, but they sat on the trunks, facing each other, having a meal, visiting.......would something like that work for you? If I find the pic.......I would post it........but was a way to visit while being cautious. Only could be done rural..........(was SUVs, with each trunk lid open, sitting on the edge. )
We have been getting most of our groceries delivered, or we pick them up at the market that has been pre-shopped for us. When we were driving out of our neighborhood to make the pick-up, we have seen some teens (2 the first time, then 4 a couple of days ago) sitting out on beach towels 10 or so feet apart on someone's front lawn. Such a strange time we are living in!!
A couple of weeks ago was my older daughter's birthday, and she wanted to host a family dinner. I asked her how many masks would be needed. She said there would be 8 of us. Well, I knew that I and my younger daughter already had masks, so I got busy making 6 more masks to ensure that everyone present would have one to wear!! As it turned out, there were a couple of no-shows. So, it was fairly easy to maintain social distance when we took off our masks to eat. We are going to try to have some version of our traditional Mother's Day celebration. We'll see how that goes.
My adventure in lockdown was at the end of March when before dawn Hubby Bunny and I got in the van loaded with food, hand sanitizer and a kennel and drove to Los Alamos to pick up Vinnie our new puppy. New Mexico was on lockdown, no open restaurants, rest stops, gas was under $2.00. Picked up the puppy, signed papers, got back in the car and headed for home. Ate our packed food, stopped for gas and bathroom breaks arrived back home 20 hours later, with the little guy as my avatar.