All My Exes

If Lucas needs a place to hide from the house is available!!!

Great Chapter. :clap:
Great Chapter! I knew Kpatch wouldn't leave us hanging.:)

Like everybody else I loved this chapter!! Great reading but it ended too soon!! :) Can't wait until the next one...
Chapter 3


Lucas: What happened? I thought Melanie forgave you for the one night stand with Chloe.
Philip: Mostly, she did. But I neglected to be honest with her about something important.
Lucas: What was that?
Philip: I didn’t tell her that Tyler wasn’t really my son. That was the last straw.
Lucas: So it’s really over?
Philip: Can we talk about something else?
Lucas: Fine by me. What do you want to talk about?
Philip: Anything else. I don’t care.
Brady: Lucas, did you see the kids yet?
Lucas: I swung by Sami and Rafe’s place and saw Allie before I met you guys at the Grill. Now, Will ... he’s a little harder to pin down these days.
Philip: You remember what it’s like to be a teenager.
Lucas: Hey man, it wasn’t that long ago.
Philip: It just seems like a long time because of the way they SORAS* the kids nowadays.
Lucas: So this is the first time in a long time the three of us are all unattached at the same time. Hmmm.
Brady: Hmmm what?
Lucas: I was just thinking about how much pain we’ve all suffered because of one blue-eyed raven-haired bombshell.
Brady: If I weren’t an addict, I’d drink to that.
Lucas: Same here. Hey Philip, how did you get away unscathed?
Brady: He’s not unscathed.
Lucas: Yeah, but at least Chloe didn’t turn him into an addict or push him off the wagon.
Brady: Oh, right. She only caused the breakup of his marriage.
Philip: Come on you guys, lay off of her.
Brady: Uh oh. I think Philip still has a soft spot for her.
Lucas: Or is it a hard spot?
Philip: You’re a jerk, you know that, Lucas?
Lucas: And you’re a little sh!t, but I love you anyway, little brother.
Philip: Look, Chloe’s my friend. We’ve been through a lot together, and I don’t like it when you talk smack about her.
Lucas: Then you’d better leave the bar because we’re just getting started.

To be continued ...

*SORAS = Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome
Love that the three of the are together again. Can't wait! To hear what else Luca has to say.about Chloe.
No offense to all the Philip/Chloe fans out there (I used to be one!),but Philip's got some weird misplaced loyalty where that girl's concerned.Another great chapter kpatch!Can't wait to read more!Too bad the weekend's almost here...*sigh*
Wow. Just loved how Lucas and Brady came down hard on Chloe and Philip defended her. Looking foreward to the next chapter.
Brady: Uh oh. I think Philip still has a soft spot for her.
Lucas: Or is it a hard spot?
You make me laugh kpatch. I could totally see Brady Lucas and Philip having that entire conversation. You are always so good with the dialogue.
Thanks for another great chapter.
^^I agree, Awesome Job on the dialogue Kpatch!!! I can definitely picture this scene of the three of them ... and it is a nice, nice picture to look at!!
:clap: :clap:
Had to tell ya that at wardrobe today, I dressed them all in blue, match Chloe's eyes. :) I left Philips shirt open a bit, just for you :drool: . What I wouldn't give to be that girl. She's had all the good ones and Philip's heart too. Sigh.

Oh and as usual, your dialog for this story is on the money. Raunchy old Lucas. :D
Men...!!!!! It's always a woman's Chloe held Lucas down and poured a bottle of vodka down his throat, and she tied Brady up and held a gun to his head to force him to snort coke....damn that woman...!!!!!!!!
Go Philip go...!!!! Now he's a good man........
Chapter 4


Nicole and Chloe are sitting on a bench in the park with Parker is in his carriage, when Lucas and Allie walk by.

Allie: Chloe! Chloe!
Allie runs over to Chloe and hugs her.
Chloe: Hi honey. Wow, look at you! You have gotten to be such a pretty young lady!
Lucas: Allie, get back here.
Nicole: Chill, Lucas. We’re not gonna bite.
Lucas: Speaking of biting, I heard Pookie died because you abandoned him.
Nicole: Why don’t you grow up, Lucas?
Chloe: Probably because Kate won’t let him.
Nicole: Good one, girlfriend.
Allie: Whose baby is this?
Lucas: Now, there’s a timeless soap opera question. And it’s one we’d all like the answer to.
Chloe: He’s mine and Daniel’s. Want to know his name, Allie?
Lucas: Allie, get away from that baby carriage. You’ll get cooties.
Nicole: Lucas, you’re such a jerk.
Lucas: That’s what my brother called me too. Speaking of Philip ... Chloe are you keeping score? I think I’ve got this right. Chloe-3, Exes-Zero.
Chloe: Nicole, let’s go somewhere less hostile.
Nicole: Iraq would be good.
Chloe: Bye Allie.


Chloe is walking the floor holding her crying baby.
Nicole: What’s going on? Why is Parker crying like that?
Chloe: I think he’s running a fever. Dr. Hellman wrote me a prescription for the colic, and I just used it up.
Nicole: Is there anything I can do?
Chloe: Is there ever! I just called in a refill. Could you pick it up? Here’s the prescription bottle. The address for the drug store is on the label.
Nicole: You mean you want me to pick up the prescription now??? It’s the middle of the night. Isn’t this a 24 hour pharmacy? Why can’t they deliver it?
Chloe: They’re open 24 hours, but they don’t deliver at this time of night. Please Nicole. I just can’t stand to see my baby crying.
Nicole: Of course. I’ll be back as fast as I can.


Nicole is on her way back from the pharmacy with the baby’s prescription. She’s humming along with her Barry Manilow CD. (Her love for Manilow is a guilty pleasure that pretty much no one knows about.) Suddenly she hits a bump. She hears a loud noise and the car swerves out of control.

To be continued Monday ...