Another DiMera?

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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New spoilers indicate another DiMera is revealed.

So, is it someone already in town? Or a new character to be revealed?

Maybe it's Li Shin, from an affair between Stefano and Wei Shin's wife?

Wendy Shin? So far she's only kissed Johnny (I think?), so we're good on the no incest thing. But if they had sex, then it wouldn't be her.

Please God, don't let them say that Megan really did secretly have Bo's child when they were in high school. Knowing Re-Ron, I could see him going in this direction and making Harris Michaels their secret love child. :rolleyes:

Maybe Talia is really Stefano's child and not Marcus Hunter's daughter?

Sloan or Colin? We know they had the same mother, but maybe they had different fathers.

And while we're at it, why can't a new DiMera be the child of Andre, or Tony, even though he's not a biological DiMera.

If I could wish for any Salemite to be a new DiMera, it would be Rory. Imagine Rory as the chilled out DiMera, growing pot down in the DiMansion tunnels and making special brownies for everybody. He could then get into business with Chanel and turn Sweet Bits into a marijuana edibles bakery. They would quickly be the richest Salemites in town. Even EJ, Stefan and Chad would be begging them to work for Sweet Bits.
What always astonished me about DiMansion.......besides no locks on the doors. No guards, no fence, etc. That place would have been surrounded by a fence, gate, guards, etc.

See, up here in the very sheltered, rural Northwoods is a tourist attraction called "The Hideout". You all have heard of Al Capone, right. Well, I sure have, being from Chicago. So got the shock of my life, after moving up here, to find that Capone gang hideout was just a few miles down the road from me. Quite the tourist attraction back then. We finally visited one day.

Pillars both sides of the big iron gate, with covered places on top of each for the guard to sit with his machine gun. Thru the gate, (place entirely fenced and a large property) a long driveway to the house. Yes, all cement & brick. The only other way one 'MIGHT" get tp the house was the little lake right nearby. No idea how one would get to it past the fence, woods, which were huge and thick, guards, etc.

So this was where the illegal booze was brought, stashed during prohibition, before truckin it down to Chicago. And where they would go hide when wanted for something in Illinois.
Gosh, is it too much to hope it's not another Stefano spawn? Re-Ron's dug that hole twice already, not including resurrections and possessions. GROSS!!

That said - 10 years ago I'd have loved a Megan/Bo clonebaby or something. But now, the kid should be pushing 50 because he has to be older than Shawn-D who is the parent of an adult. I hate 50 year olds coming to town and boo-hooing about not knowing their rapist murdering drug kingpin daddy.
But now, the kid should be pushing 50 because he has to be older than Shawn-D who is the parent of an adult.
Enter Harris Michaels. :rolleyes:

Can't you just see it now? Bo learning one-note Harris is his child? Hope being grossed out to discover she was going to marry Bo's son? :rotfl:

I really hope Re-Ron doesn't go this route. Again, this is all just me spit-balling possible scenarios for the reveal of another DiMera with who we have on canvas right now.

If we're going to get a new DiMera in town, if it can't be Rory, then I'd love to see Steven Hawk (Benjy's son) come to Salem to take down his corrupt family.
Agreed. Why not shake the Horton family tree and bring in some new blood? Tommy had a daughter named Sandy. She could have kids and even grandkids now. Scotty Banning (David's son/Julie's grandson) could have kids. Same with Steven Olson's son, Spencer (who was never seen, only mentioned once). Steven is Julie's full brother and Hope's half-brother.
A Banning would be good because that means closer ties to Eli and Lani’s babies should they ever return.

I miss them. They were the one semi-stable family where, after the Gabi mess, they were allowed to be together without a love triangle or breaking up for well over a year, had children without paternity questions, and were raising their kids. The rehash of Lani’s story because of the Shawn situation has me irritated all over again that they were let go, but we get more Rolf and Kristen and now Megan sci-fi nonsense.
I'd love another Horton (they could even pull a Guiding Light and invent a branch descended from a brother of Tom's if needed, or graft another love child on to Bill's, etc) as there are so many to choose from out-of-town at the moment.

But, since re-Ron loves witches and baddies, why not bring another Toscano to town or better yet, a villain from - gasp - a new family? One with eyes that express human emotions?
I can’t get over anchoring Frown on a Stick (aka Sloan) in the canvas by giving her a sibling and having him date a new character we’re not attached to whose sibling we’re barely attached to. But we’re supposed to care about this story.

I guess that’s why Sloan and Eric are so important. We care so much about legacy character Eric because he’s been so well written and consistent. Naturally, we watch all this with great interest.