Anyone Willing to be a Beta Reader - Romance/Drama Book?

Sounds awesome, backtodays! I didn't know you wrote as well! I've been working on a couple of books (on the side, more like a hobby) but just don't have the time to finish them. Someday I WILL. Sorry I didn't see this thread sooner, I would've loved to give it a read. Love the premise!
CentralTexGirl, send me your email and I'll email the partial to you. Yes, I love to write. I currently have a suspense book out on Amazon right now and so far it's getting really good reviews (crossing fingers and toes it stays this way LOL). My pen name is JJ Oxendine. And you need to finish those books!!
CTG - "Intentional Stranger" was the very first book that I downloaded to my Kindle from Amazon. LOVED IT!!!

I've already sent this one in the PDF file to my Kindle from backtodays' email.

(You can also get a free app from Amazon to download the books to your computer.)
backtodays - yes I will finish them. My family is on my case about it as well. LOL. I tease them that one book will be on the Lifetime channel one of these days. (It's that kind of drama! heh heh)

Cannot wait. Guess I am going to have to face technology and get me a Kindle. My best friend writes too. Uh-hem...Fantasy/Scifi Erotica. She's had one published called "Snow's Heat". The next one is "No Dogs Allowed". And they're both only on Kindle. :)