April 16, 2017 - Donuts and Happy Sunday


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Nov 23, 2006
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We are celebrating Easter, Passover, Spring, Flowers appearing, trees budding...Smile, we are all blessed.......

Goldie & I took our walk early. Rain started when I was in church. I let Goldie stay
in house while I was gone because she hates thunderstorms.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.
Thanks for posting the baby giraffe picture, Kat. I saw it on Facebook but others might not. I have to admit to being completely astonished at how large the baby looks when compared with my perception of its size yesterday while watching it being born and getting its wobbly legs going. I thought it was about 3' tall or under until I saw this picture today. Seeing it now, I would never have imagined it to be a newborn. Cute as can be!

A quiet day here. My two new bulls got delivered yesterday. My niece and her 12-year old (going on mature adulthood) grandson have been working for a couple of days at the back of my yard, cleaning up an overgrown mess resembling a jungle. This is a huge blessing for me. It has been grown up since my husband became disabled, several years now. The guy who mows for me hasn't been able to mow it because of all the brush and piles of dead wood, etc., so I'm hopeful now he will be able to keep it mowed. I helped a little on Friday, but then I was too wiped out yesterday to even get dressed.

Kat, I imagine Goldie appreciated being in the house.
Oh, my goodness. I was about to say that baby grew a lot overnight. Next to MaMa, he looked awful small, even when he dropped out.

Sunny and very windy day here, (was supposed to rain, but did not ) had to take off my hat so it would not blow away. Paid close attention in the packed church to gals with LONG, hair. NONE had their hair swooped to side or tucked behind an ear. LOL. NONE had hair parted in the back to drape over their shoulders. Ha. The long hair on the sides fell on the shoulders in front, at times. We have a rather large church, and of course, lots of "visitors". Anyway, maybe it is a "thing" in CA.....Long service today. I had to go to the store, not knowing if it was open, it was, so I thanked my checker for working today! :)
Hello. I've been enjoying another nice day outside. Mama and daddy mockingbird know I'm watching them. I think they are saying, "We are not April the giraffe. She didn't have a clue." LOL

Three mockingbird chicks now and all hungry, lol. The parents have been very busy, for sure.

Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fabulous day. I want to start by wishing each one of you a Happy Easter. I hope this day has been filled with many blessings. Sending much happiness to all!

The weather has been extremely warm here today. It is cloudy right now but in the 70's. It actually feels like 78 F here. The only downside is that it has been extremely windy but I swear I am not complaining.

Wishing all of you a super Sunday. I will be having a delicious turkey dinner this evening. Much love to all.
Happy Easter everyone.

I watched April, Oliver, and baby for hours yesterday. Not much else was accomplished around my house.

As of this morning, the calf is 5 ft 9 inches, and weighs 129 pounds. Dr. Tim said it lost approximately 20 pounds in the first 24 hours. It didn't like Dr.Tim's stethoscope very much yesterday or today.

Corey, on the right, is 6 ft 4 inches. That gives some perspective of how tall the baby is.
