Baby drama


Active Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Okay, so Brady and Melanie are together:sick:, Theresa is crying every time something reminds her of a baby, and has her thing with Clint.

Now, Melanie starts getting interested in what Clint is up to. We all know Kristen stole Theresa's baby. How do you think this is going to play out?

I just hope it will break up baby-Mel and Brady.:wink:
I've said this on another thread, but here's what I THINK will happen--no spoilers, and I hope the writers come up with something better:

Melanie ends up learning the truth about the baby somehow. However, because she hates Theresa and wants Brady for herself, she keeps everything a secret. Ultimately, Brady learns the truth and tells Theresa. They realize Melanie knew and kept it a secret, and Brady dumps her, deciding it'd be better if he gave Theresa another chance. Everyone coddles Melanie in her sadness and blames everything on Brady & Theresa, even though in this situation Melanie was the one in the wrong.

I think that'll happen because it's a repeat storyline--something similar happened with Stephanie/Nathan/Melanie/Philip in the Parker storyline of late 2010. Writers love to repeat storylines, and it wouldn't be difficult to do this considering the circumstances and possible motives that Melanie would have.
Daysdegrassi, unfortunately I agree your scenario is completely likely. I hate that because I do like Melanie and Brady. I would prefer that she gets caught by the bad guys right when she first gets confirmation of what's going on. That way at least she's not keeping it secret. The bad guys can kidnap her and Jeannie T for good measure. Mel and Jeannie T can bond and rescue themselves while Brady's on the way to play the knight in shining armor. And then please let it turn out that it's not Brady's baby anyway. I know that's nothing very original, but it's gotta be better than whatever nightmare they're going to come up with.
deleted unnecessary need to quote the post that is directly above your own post...JS

On one hand I would rather have Melanie keep secrets from Brady because I'm afraid that the writers are going to turn this into a scenario where Brady is going to be convinced by Victor into getting sole custody of the baby and he, Melanie and Victor will forbid Theresa from having any contact with the kid. I think the writers are trying to have us hate Theresa on purpose too just so the audience can cheer when Brady and Melanie gets custody of the kid. This is why to me she seems like she's regressing into the same person she was last year.

On the other hand, if the baby isn't Brady's, who else could it be? Theresa hasn't slept with anyone else other than him. Unless she somehow had a one night stand with J.J., which I think it's improbable. Speaking of J.J., he's probably praying that either Theresa gets murdered, commits suicide or gets killed in traffic because I believe he really hates her.

edited to write out Brady and Melanie's names...combo names are not permitted on this board....JS
I don't want Brady back with Theresa, and yet I feel that he's better with ANYONE but that babbling baby Melanie. They're not necessarily terrible, just incredibly annoying. And there's the ick-factor because the age difference, the akwardness because he's best friends with her father, and also because he over the years was like a big brother to's just all around strange. And not in a good way.
I'm with you. I really don't want Brady back with Theresa either. They've ruined them with the whole John coma mess. It's probably better if Brady ended up a monk for the next 20 years. If there was any way to make Brady not the father of the baby, I would welcome it, even if the baby ends up being J.J.'s. I was all and good for Brady and Theresa being co-parents until Melanie showed up and now everybody is basically going to crown Melanie as the baby's real momma because Theresa is Satan incarnate and even the baby will probably end up hating Theresa anyway.

Moved following comments from the summary thread for 2/3...Poirot... (since it pertains to this subject)

And regarding the stolen embryo, I honestly thought that the reason why Kayla didn't find any signs of pregnancy was just so Brady can accuse Theresa of lying to him again. Simply put, it was a plot device. I don't know. I think there is a baby out there somewhere and unless there is some indication that the baby is hidden away somewhere in Italy, Kristen coming to Salem empty-handed would be very pointless. What is she going to do, try to win back Brady from Melanie? I dread Kristen having to do battle with Melanie. I'd rather watch another Kristen/Theresa fight than Kristen having to go against the likes of Nurse Betty Boop, (pretty funny nickname if you ask me).
Thanks, Daysdegrassi! It's so nice to be here! Just trying to get around to the hang of things.

And I meant what I said about Brady and Theresa. Theresa has done a lot of horrible things, but I don't believe she deserves to get screwed over by Princess Powderpuff. It's just not fair considering what she has gone through, even if she doesn't realize it yet. Like Brady is anymore of a suitable parent than Theresa. Shaking my head.

edited to write out text-speak....text-speak phrases must be written out....JS
We don't know if Kristen was able to successfully carry the baby to full term. She may have lost the baby, stolen somebody else's baby, and will come to town claiming it is Brady's. DNA? She will do something to make it look like Brady is the dad, even if he isn't. This is the most ridiculous program on earth.
Why would she steal someone's baby, unless she did lose that other baby? And if Theresa's baby did die, how are they ever going to prove Theresa was pregnant to begin with? I think the only way is if someone finds the blood that Theresa donated to Eve around the time she found out that she was pregnant.

I'm just afraid that Kristen is going to get away with yet another crime. And then what?

If the baby doesn't turn out to be Brady's, it better not be Daniel's!
Will say that Melanie tried to tell Theresa about Clint talking to Mandrake, and mentioning "keeping an eye on Theresa". But Theresa interupted, as usual shooting off her mouth, insisting that Melanie or Brady (whoever??) was just jealous, blah, blah, etc.
I'm sorry, I would never, ever wish that in real life, but I want Kristen to come back pregnant, go into labor in Salem, and lose the baby at the hospital. It is indeed found out that Theresa was the mother, Brady the father, they hold a funeral, Kristen is arrested and put in a jail on a remote island, storyline over, move on. Because I don't want Brady with Theresa, I want Theresa gone (I see no redeeming quality for this character), I want baby Melanie to be gone too. And I certainly don't want Theresa having a baby when Nicole lost two already. Nope, just forget this awful, idiotic, stupid, disgusting storyline, period.
Hear, hear, TheWriter! I too am not one for the abundantly overused trope of miscarried/stillborn children on soaps, but in this case, I'd make an exception. Every time Jeannie T shows an inch of promise, she hisses out a foot of vitriol at someone trying to help her. And the only interest she's even shown in her pregnancy was in hooking her drunken ex permanently.

Too much to hope that Brady and Melanie AND Jeannie T lose the kid to the foster system and it gets adopted into a loving home (I hear the Wilkens are looking for a brother for li'l Tyler "Pocket")??

(I would have suggested Will & Sonny adopt the baby, but I want Will to die painfully and/or leave town to rejoin his screechy mother. Not sure I'll ever root for them again.)
I don't want Brady and Theresa back together. I don't really care about Melanie at this point although I think she would fit in better with Chad/Ben/Abigail (I'd prefer she leave town again). However, if they get the baby away from Kristen, I still feel like the baby could be the one thing to help both Brady and Theresa grow up and accept their roles and their responsibility as co-parents, a lot like Will and Gabi raising Arianna before Gabi went to prison, or even Sami and Lucas trying to raise Will (when they were not fighting to keep him from the other, which I could easily see Brady and Theresa doing).

I don't want an innocent baby dying or being killed, even on a show, just because it has two irresponsible parents. If anything, they could let Kim and Shane or John and Marlena raise him with Brady and Theresa allowed vast visitation rights. Even though I love Nicole, I don't feel that the other women on the show should not have babies just because she does not have hers. I hope that one day Nicole will find at least Daniel Rafael similar to the way Billie found Chelsea.
BraniacGirl said:
It's so nice to be here! Just trying to get around to the hang of things.
I'd like to add my "welcome" to the others. You'll get the "hang of things" in no time flat. The Salem Spectator doesn't have many set-in-stone guidelines, but the ones we do have are easy to get accustomed to. Unlike some other boards, this one doesn't allow text speak and combo names (HOORAY!), so posts are easier to read for those of us who aren't familiar with such (my term) gibberish. Also, you won't see bashing, whether of a celebrity or another poster. Poirot and Wayne (Administrators) and Just Samantha and Sparkster (Moderators) do a fine job of keeping the board and comments going in the right direction. The edits, in red, will also help you. Many of us have been caught by the "red pencil," so don't feel badly about them. :)

I like your comments so far, and hope you stay with us.
The thing about Theresa and her "lost" baby is these odd reactions when she sees a baby. Nicole was much further along in her pregnancies, when she lost hers, Melanie, too, and yes, Kimberly also miscarried before she ever had Theresa, who was barely, and I do mean barely pregnant. I just don't get what the writers are intending here. It seems so far-fetched. I could see being sad, or a bit upset, but not what Theresa is showing.
That's because the writers are trying to make us feel sorry for Theresa. But it's not working for this viewer. I feel nothing for her, I'm not even touched. I want this storyline dropped, put in the same drawer as the infamous Halloween figure stalker from a few years back. Again, this storyline is so far fetched, so ridiculous, it makes the plot for the movie "soapdish" appear brilliant !