Baby Nathan

Nathan's Mom's post on Facebook from yesterday afternoon/evening

Update on Nathan. So last night was rough, his heart has started to degrade. The group of doctors decided they needed to intubate Nathan now while he was still somewhat stable. They prepared us for the worst as HLHS babies have a higher risk of death with intubation. The event took place at 11:30 and Nathan pulled through, the little warrior he is. They are currently still stabilizing and comforting him. He will remain resting today as the heart council group will meet tomorrow to discuss moving forward. They will perform either a CT or MRI tomorrow to try to locate the cause of all of this. The surgery date is still up in the air, more to come after tomorrow's meeting. Continued prayers please!

this was a few hours after that one -

Just got word from Nathan's surgeon that if the results from the MRI or CT are good in the morning, then he will perform the surgery tomorrow (4/27).

Always remember, God's love endures time, events, different type of factors. He will never forsake us, and will be there for Nathan. God bless the family, and all the care givers he has with him.
from Nathan's mom yesterday evening (I'm working night shift and have only been up a short while today and I'm not on-line a whole lot working 12 hour shifts)

I apologize for the late update, I know a lot of people have been wondering what's going on with Nathan. They didn't do a MRI or CT this morning. We met with a series of people today to discuss our options. Surgery or transplant. Jonathan and I have chosen to try the surgical route first. Nathan will have his aorta reconstructed and then they will perform the Glenn procedure all in the same surgery.

Nathan will be put on the transplant list in case the surgery doesn't work. We have to wait a day for the process to start with the transplant, so the surgery will either occur on Wednesday or Thursday. We should know for sure tomorrow. The Dr. is one of the best heart surgeons, so we have faith that things will go well. Thank you everyone for all the kind words and prayers! In the mean time, Nathan is doing much better. With the intubation, it has allowed his heart to rest a little. I am one proud mama that he is the fighter he is!
We know not why, but we know what, and we wonder if the whats, are the doing with the surgeons, with the guidance, and the far sightedness of Forever, our Father In Heaven will be there at the bedside, until Nathan goes to surgery, and I am sure He will do the 15 minute scrub also, and with His hands over the hands of the surgeons, assist with the delicate micro steps, and the tiny micro sutures as they finish the procedure.

I am so proud of Nathan's family, and their loving decisions that they make, that are so difficult to settle on. I commend them, and the rest of the family, and care givers that take care of Baby Nathan. Neo Natal Dept is an extremely technical Department of the Hospital in the scheme of things, and to have someone as beautiful, and trying so hard to make it through the days, and everything they do for this cherub is, and has to be, part of the long term scheme, or life plan or procedure, to assist in the joy, and the easing of life, and the success of one little fellow, enjoy even one moment of his day, and to know he is assisted by, and aided by Our Father In Heaven...

Bless You Parents of Nathan, and may God be With you too as He assists in the Surgery Wing... May he always keep you safe too. Look Up, He is always there.
That truly is an angel laying there, and I am hoping and praying with everything in me, that the success of the century is waiting behind those beautiful baby eyes, and that the smiles of joy he will show when he awakens, will tell all who can see the "darling baby" trying so desperately, to just be able to exist without being prodded.

Oh how I pray for his renewed break in life, and will once again show signs of improvement. We turn over the recovery time to you our Lord and Savior. Wrap your healing hands of understanding, and protection over and around this precious child. You are loved Nathan, Rest easy. What a brave little trouper he is, and now for him to rest in peace, and heal....
this was posted after I went to work last night -

The Dr just came to talk to us. Nathan's surgery went exceptionally well. His aorta arch was patched and his Glenn procedure is complete. Nathan is off of bypass and getting ready to come back to his room. His stats are exactly where the doctor wanted them, so they were able to close his chest up tonight. They performed an echo and his heart function looks much better than before, but will know for sure in a couple of weeks. Thank you Dr. N and staff for giving Nathan a chance at life. We look forward to seeing Nathan in his room in about an hour, after they get him comfortable. Thank you everyone for all the love, support and prayers!
Thank You Miss T for the information, and the renewal of our faith, and reassurance that God has all things in His loving and able Hands. Thank You Lord for being the shield for Nathan, and for the Peace that endures when we need it most. You deserve all the Praise and Glory.

Now little cherub, sleep in the Peace of the Lord, and Heal, so you can grow and become the child we know you can be, and the child God intends you to be.... Sleep.... and Heal.