Baby Nathan

From his Mom -

Nathan's been doing great with development given his circumstances. He's now rolling to his side, grabbing and reaching toys and almost holding his head completely on his own. He hasn't had much tummy time due to his two heart surgeries, but now that he is recovered we get to play catch up.

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Now I have to tell you, that is one nice looking little hunk, and what ever they have done for him, or feeding him, and let us not forget, the loving Hands of God, have done wonders for that little trooper, it is showing as a positive response in the darling little future football players. Thanks Miss T for the update, on Nathan, and the picture of the beautiful cherub. I guess that is proper, to call boys pretty, but even if it is not, he looks great. He is still so robust looking, and put on the helmet and the jerseys, and he could be out on the field playing foot ball.

Thanks Sweet Jesus for the loving hand You have kept over Nathan, and for protecting him. Thank You for guiding the hands of Medical Staff, for caring for him while in the Hospital, and his loving family for caring for the little cherub each day of his life. God is there, Need Him, call out for Him and He will have His loving arms around you. We give Thanks.