Ben, Ben, Ben


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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This guy is getting creepier by the day, yet he still bores me. I think it's because he's a strange blend of boring/stupid/creepy. He thinks all he has to do is turn the sex up and he wins the girl, which is boring, stupid and creepy. I would nickname him Daffy Duck because he practically stomped his feet yelling "mine mine mine", but Daffy is cute, funny and interesting.
Despite the fact that Abby is a cheater, it is her business to tell, not to be tracked by a phone app.

She will be a complete dumb dumb if she tries to salvage a relationship with Ben after her affair comes out and his stalking comes out. Hopefully the writers have her burn Ben for being so possessive/stalkerish instead of Abby flailing for his forgiveness.
I assume we are supposed to be rooting for Chad. lol I am for neither. Ben really creeped me out. Abby looked uncomfortable (he seemed a little rough) at first and then was like oh well.

Hey Abby I think the Golden ring, or whatever it's called, wants you to turn in your membership card. They want to erase you from ever existing in the club.
I can't recall the last time a female character on the show had sex with two different men in a short period of time whether willingly or unwillingly and she didn't end up pregnant.

I can't recall it ever happening on any soap and not ending up with a pregnancy. She'll probably pass out in a week or two, because that's the time honoured soap opera way of diagnosing pregnancy. :rolleyes:

It'd be slightly more interesting if Ben & Abby definitely used a condom so Abby knows i'ts got to be Chad's kid, but doesn't know that Ben knows it's Chad's kid, so goes along with Ben when he 'assumes' it's his, blah blah blah... probably won't happen.
Here's a thought. Abby discovers she's pregnant, runs to tell Chad. Ben looks at his magic phone and finds that she's at the DiMansion. Chad isn't home or is busy with Zoe, brushes her off so she doesn't get to tell him anything. Ben ambushes Abby and takes her out to the park to 'talk' to her...well, fill in the blanks. It could go a lot of ways from there, but they're all pretty predictable and none are really warm and fuzzy.
I have no sympathy for the man, but that has more to do with this character than anything Abby has done to him. He arrived in Salem hot-tempered with no explicable reason and was throwing punches at Nick and Rafe before we could bat an eye. It certainly didn't have me clamoring to see more of him or know more about him. He takes the advice of his proven to be psycho father and puts a tracking device on Abby as if she's his property. And now he's staked his almost stalkerish claim by declaring "she's mine again" after sex. None of this is normal and none of it bodes well for Abby.
Oh, I agree. Ben is a ticking time bomb that's taken waaaaaaay too long to get worked completely up. Meanwhile, we've had to watch him do nothing but badmouth evil daddy, then take daddy's name and money like he'd never had a problem with him. Now he's well on his way to becoming just like evil daddy. First he was just boring, now he's on his way to evil/boring. That's the main difference between Chad and Ben- there's nothing, not one thing, interesting about Ben.
I also believe Abby will be pregnant. Then we will have the long drawn out "who's the daddy" storyline. In the final analysis I think the baby will be Chad's and Ben will get violent with Abby or something along those lines. Of course, we are getting new writers so maybe it won't be so predictable.:)
And to think she was such a short time ago, a member of that elite group of girls that bragged about being virgins, and I was sure she was ashamed about the fact, when the fact first came out perhaps. She definitely made up for lost time, and then some. That club was a very short lived thing in the city of Salem, and she did her part to end it....:)
Well if they do have a "who's the daddy" story I want it to be one the audience is in on. I see this one of two ways. Ben goes to the extreme to have paternity results swayed his way but baby gets sick and Ben has to fess up.

Or Chad sticks to denying his feelings for Abby because of Stefano and he, as a hospital board member, is able to switch results to make it look like Ben is the daddy. Baby gets sick and Chad has to admit all. Thus Abby learns his lies were to protect her. But that is when Ben loses it and Chad has to rescue Abby from Ben. Can Stefano die for good during this story please?
Even with the various methods of birth control, accidents still happen. No birth control method is 100% effective.

Since she had sex with both men within 24 hours, it's pretty much a given she'll get pregnant.

Well...normally I would agree. But it seemed like a sure thing 2.5 years ago that there was no way Sami would be a grandma, as soap logic would dictate a miscarriage, but Arianna recently celebrated her 2nd birthday.

I hope they stay away from the trope this time, too. :)