Ben did it!!

Hope, being dragged out of Father Louis' classroom: Kids, kids, listen to me!!! I'm **this close** to proving Ben Weston was Jack the Ripper!

Father Louis: For the love of Pete, will someone get her to Dr. Evans' office, immediately??
Next, Father Louis invites Abe Carver to talk to the class.

Student No. 1: Why do you have a crazy lady as police commissioner?

Abe: No comment.

Student No. 2: My Mom says it's ridiculous to have an ex-convict as police commissioner.

Abe: No comment.

Student No. 3: Do you think Ben Weston really kidnapped Ciara like Hope Brady says?

Abe: No comment.

Student No. 4: What do you think of your opponent in the upcoming election, Melinda Trask?

Abe: No comment. I don't want to say anything not suitable for the ears of young people.

Father Louis: Thank you, Mayor Carver, for that informative talk.
Hope sneaks into Father Louis' classroom again.

Hope: Pssst, kids, Ben Weston killed Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger, Captain Kangaroo, Mister Rogers and Bozo the Clown. It's true, it's true!

Classroom: WHO????

Father Louis: OUT!!!!
Hope (to Jennifer): Hey cuz, bring Adrienne and come to the station. I have an exclusive for the Spectator.

Jennifer: Really? What is it??

Hope: Ben Weston killed Jimmy Hoffa and I have the proof.


Hope now urgently contacts Kayla.

Hope: Kayla, get ready. Ben Weston is going to start an ebola epidemic in Salem.

Kayla: How could he possibly do this?

Hope: Don't ask dumb questions. He's going to fly a plane above Salem and scatter angry, hungry tsetse flies all over town.

Kayla: Tsetse flies don't transmit ebola, Ben can't fly a plane, and I seriously doubt tsetse flies get angry.

Hope: Stop nitpicking. I'm the detective, not you. I know what's going on. Get University Hospital ready -- now!!

Kayla: [sigh]
Hope, giving a press conference: Salem citizens, after careful and thorough investigation, I've come to the conclusion that Ben Weston IS the Phantom of the Opera. He kidnaps women and takes them to his underground lair. I know, because he currently has my daughter and we're now checking every underground bunker and tunnel beneath Salem, which will prove me correct.
Hope, giving a press conference: Salem citizens, after careful and thorough investigation, I've come to the conclusion that Ben Weston IS the Phantom of the Opera. He kidnaps women and takes them to his underground lair. I know, because he currently has my daughter and we're now checking every underground bunker and tunnel beneath Salem, which will prove me correct.
Reply from a Salem reporter: Commissioner Brady-Hernandez, if this is true, it's a shame he didn't kidnap your granddaughter. The Phantom did a great job in improving Christine Daae's voice and making her a huge star.

Reply from Hope: I beg your pardon? You must be mistaken. I don't have a granddaughter. Perhaps you are talking about my daughter Ciara's little friend, Claire?
Hope contacts the Salem Animal Control Department

Hope: Get ready. Ben Weston is about to unleash rabid dogs, cats, coyotes, raccoons, squirrels, possums, bats, grizzly bears, and foxes on the people of Salem!

Reply from Animal Control: Grizzly bears? Relax, everything is under control. Besides, there hasn't been a single report of a rabid animal in the greater Salem area in decades.

Reply from Hope: Shut up and listen to me. You'd better take immediate action before hundreds of Salemites are bitten by crazed critters because of Ben!

Reply from Abe: Hope, please, stop harassing my city officials. They know what they're doing.

Reply from Hope: Oh yeah, well how will you like it when half your voters start foaming at the mouth?

Reply from Abe: I'll take my chances. (Thinking, I'd better dump Hope before Melinda uses her idiocies against me in the election. Losing to EJ was bad enough.)
Now, Hope is pestering the Salem Water Department.

Hope: Get over to the Salem Reservoir right away. I think I overhead Ben bragging to another prisoner that he's put radioactive poison in the city's water supply.

Water Department Employee: Clean out your ears. We tested the water today. It's fine, and there were no two-headed fish and frogs swimming in it.

Abe: Hope, please stop. Whom are you going to bother next, the Public Health Department?

Hope: Yes, in fact, I am. I suspect Ben has put tainted ground beef in all the area supermarkets. I'll bet at this very moment, Pub customers are throwing up their Brady Burgers.

Abe: Hope, relax. I'll call around and check. You just worry about police work, and I don't mean Ben Weston. (Thinking, I'm calling Rafe now. He has to forget Sami Brady's problems, get back to Salem, and put a stop to Hope's nonsense.)
Soon, Hope will start rewriting Salem history:

Ted: I was reading up on some Salem history. What a tragedy when Jake Kositchek murdered Marlena's twin sister, Samantha.
Hope: No, that was Ben.
Ted: But wasn't that decades before he was born?
Hope: Nope, it was Ben.

Ted: Poor Maggie Horton. I read that Jack Deveraux's adoptive father, Harper, murdered Maggie's foster daughter, Janice.
Hope: No, that was Ben.
Ted: He hadn't even been born yet.
Hope: It was him, I remember.

Ted: Oh my, Chad and Stefan's older sister was killed by their brother Andre? That's ghastly.
Hope: I'm telling you, it was Ben Weston. He killed Renee DiMera.
Ted: But he wasn't yet a twinkle in his daddy's eye at that point.
Hope: Why don't you believe me?? It WAS Ben!

Ted: So wait, your first husband, Larry Welch, killed Stefano's other daughter, Megan Hathaway??
Hope: How many times do I have to tell you?? IT WAS BEN!
Ted: I think you're too focused on Ben.
Hope: Just wait, I'll show you, it's always Ben's fault.

Now Hope is harassing the FAA.

Hope: Be on the alert. Ben Weston is planning to launch large numbers of drones. They are armed with lasers that will bring down planes flying near Salem International Airport.

FAA employee: Who?

Hope: Ben Weston! He's the necktie strangler who's been causing havoc throughout human history.

FAA employee: Who did you say you were?

Hope: Police Commissioner Hope Brady of the Salem P.D.!

FAA employee: OMG [click].
Hope to Jenn: Cuz, I have an exclusive story for you. It's going to blow up the internet.

Jennifer: Really?? I'll save the front page for it. What's it about?

Hope: I've figured out D.B. Cooper's true was Ben Weston.

Jennifer: [silence]

Hope: Did you hear me??? I finally figured out the mystery that's stumped the world for decades.

Jennifer: Cuz, I think you've been working too hard and need to go on a cruise with Julie and Doug to relax.

Hope: Fine, don't believe me, but you'll see. I'm **this close** to proving it.