Big Cast Changes part 2

Cannot get the interview to play for me.............
Maybe this will work better.

I really like the actor, and would have preferred he stay. He only said something about Days being in negotiations for renewal, seemed Days was not going to be, they had shut down for that long period & then again for the virus. This other job opportunity came up, he took it. As for returning, he said, Never say never. who knows?

Days does seem to be relying on "arcs" for the actors, whether they are visitors or regulars.
I know so many don't care for Eric, but I do. I just wanted him and Nicole to be happy.
Me too, but not because I have any love for Eric. I've found him hard to take since he left the priesthood, but if he's happy he won't be scowling all the time or giving Xander hate stares. As for Nicole, she's been way too much of a busybody lately, but she's been so unlucky in love, she really deserves to catch a break. Hopefully when Eric leaves, the writers won't turn an unattached Nicole into a younger version of the queen of all busybodies, Julie Williams. One Julie is bad enough.