Brady's Backyard Barbeque

Thanks kpatch. Just have a great vison of Jack, Bo and Shaw D filpping burgers. Loved the line of Victor saying he would drop it on the ground and Jack saying it was alright Bo would just put it back on the grill like he always does.
Chapter 13


Molly: I’m jealous.
Dorkay: Of what?
Molly: Everyone at the reunion. It seems like they’re having a fantabulous time. I wish I was there.
Dorkay: Why don’t you ask kpatch to write you in?
Molly: That’s a good idea! I’ll bet she’d do it, too! I’ll give her a call.


Mickey: Look, Red. Here comes Nathan and Melanie.
Maggie: Nathan! Melanie! I’m glad you made it.
Nathan: I’m hungry. Let’s grab some hot dogs.
Melanie: You go on ahead.
Mickey: Wait up, Nate, I’ll go with you.
[Mickey and Nathan head for the grill.]
Maggie: What’s wrong, sweetie?
Melanie: I feel a little funny being here.
Maggie: Why?
Melanie: I don’t belong here. Everyone else is family, except me.
Maggie: There you go again. Are you going to make me say it?
Melanie: I guess so.
Maggie: You are so family. You’re a member of our extended family. Even if you weren’t Max’s sister, we would still love you.
[Max comes rushing over, gives Melanie a bear hug and lifts her off her feet.]

Philip: Steph, can I talk to you for a minute?
Stephanie: I’m busy.
Caroline: It’s alright. You go ahead.
Stephanie: But I ...
Philip: Please... Just for a minute ...
[Stephanie and Philip walk to a quieter part of the backyard.]

Melanie: You’re Jack Deveraux.
Jack: I am?
Melanie: Aren’t you? I mean, that’s what Nathan told me.
Jack: If Nathan said so, then it must be a fact. Hortons never lie. Who are YOU?
Melanie: Melanie. Melanie Layton.
Jack: Melanie Melanie Layton, are you a friend of Nathan’s?
Melanie: Uh huh. And I’m Max’s sister. Do you know Max Brady?
Jack: Sure do. He’s Francoise’s brother. Hey Francoise. Come here a second.
Frankie: Hey Jack. What’s up, man?
Jack: Have you met Melanie? She’s your brother’s sister.
Frankie: So you’re Melanie. I’ve heard a lot about you.
Melanie: Uh oh. That’s usually not a good thing. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s not true. I mean ... what have you heard?

Stephanie: Philip, why do you have to keep making this so hard.
Philip: You know the reason. I still love you ...
Stephanie: I can’t do this anymore, Philip. Not after everything that’s happened. I’m leaving.
Philip: Wait. [He chases after her to the front lawn.] Steph, wait. Don’t leave.
Stephanie: It’s no use, Philip.
Philip: Of course it is. We love each other. Let’s not squander what we have.
Stephanie: Did you say “squander”?
Philip: Mrs. H said it first. I was just quoting her. She’s a wise woman.
Stephanie: Now you sound just like my Uncle Bo.
Philip: Well, he IS my brother. There are some similarities.
Stephanie: I wish you COULD be like my Uncle Bo.
Philip: I can. I will. Whatever it takes, Steph. I’ll give up everything for you. We can find our own place. Away from Salem, if you still want to go.
Stephanie: Do you mean that?
Philip: I’d do anything for you. You know that.
Stephanie: Oh Philip.
Philip: Does that mean “yes”?
Stephanie: It means “maybe.” [They kiss.]

To be continued ... Tune in tomorrow for the finale.
Boy thanks kpatch. Loved Melanie at the BBQ. So nice when Maggie said she is family. Ohh and so happy that she got to meet Jake and Frankie. Loved the line when Frankie said he hear a lot about her. That is usually not a good thing.
So Philip and Stephanie may get back together. I hope it works out for them.
Darn, now where's my tissues? :D I wish I could be there also!! This BBQ is turning out to be fantastic! Can't wait for the finish, but I will be sad as it's over. :(
Ahhh, Jack, you are the man. Melanie Melanie Layton. LOLOLOLOL
I want to go to the reunion too. If I call Kpatch, will she write me in too? I can be the long lost cousin! Just kidding - the story is perfect the way it is!
I wish they could all stay in town, esp. Jack ... "Hortons never lie" :) (of course, maybe that was just funny to me)

Philip: I can. I will. Whatever it takes, Steph. I’ll give up everything for you.


Fantabulous Story, Kpatch!!! :clap:
Chapter 14 - The Finale


Bo: Are you happy, Fancy Face?
Hope: You have no idea.
Bo: It’s nice to have everyone home. Isn’t it?
Hope: Yes... but....
Bo: Come on ... there can’t be a “but.”
Hope: I was just wondering who’s gonna help me clean up.
Bo: Who? Me?
Hope: Yes, you.
Bo: I don’t think so.
Hope: You know, Brady, there’s just one thing that would have made today perfect.
Bo: I know.

[Please click here to listen to the song ...

Bo puts his arms around Hope. As they survey the backyard, they look at their family and friends and children, and they imagine their beloved Zack is playing with Ciara, Claire, Johnny, Allie, Jack Jr., and Joey.
That was beautiful and you brought tears to my eyes with Pallison's pictures. it has been a while since I saw all my favs and I do miss them. Thanks for the memories. (ALWAYS!) Keep up the great writing.:cry2::smile:
As you can tell I have so many emotions that one minute I am crying and the next I am jumping for joy. Thanks again and God Bless You!
Thank You Kpatch - This story had everything!! I'm feeling very nostalgic now (and I kind of want to go push Dorkay off a cliff) -- the pictures and music were a perfect touch!! Loved it!!! :clap:
What a great ending. Thanks for all the pictures. They really made it seem more real.
Thanks for the wonderful story kpatch. Boy all the right people are together. I have tears in my eyes listening to the song and looking at the pictures. It was an amazing ending.