Can I ask a dumb question here?

I would bet money, about the time Aiden and Hope really get together, they will recast Bo and he will come home. Wonder what they will do then?????

Yup, that's what I'm thinking. This way, the divorce letters perhaps not getting to him would make sense for that story, if they write it that way. Which will probably happen, let's face it; the writers love repeating storylines. I hope I'm wrong, since I love Hope with Aiden

Also, perhaps Bo and Hope married offscreen without it being mentioned. Given how backburnered all the vets have been, it's not completely unbelievable.
Yes true. I brought it up about notarizing because in soap land it could perhaps fly, as others have stated, we have to "forget" certain things, laws,ect. Just a theory I threw out there. I suppose it was just a way of her finalizing things to herself is all.
Bo has abandoned his family, deserted them, has not lived with them for over 2 years and his whereabouts are unknown to his family. She has grounds, and as I stated in another thread, the notification to Bo has to be published in the paper, if he has no address. (So he could appear in court or contest).There are x number of days from the date of publication of the notification. I think 60 days usually.
She DID begin that letter by saying she was sending to his last known address. This is just a personal letter to him, and if it is returned, well, she did try and explain how she felt.

The decree would probably be granted with no problem.

and by sending the letter and keeping it if and when it is returned as undeliverable, she proves attempt to contact and inability to find him. After all, remember the US Postal Service found Kris Kringle, so they get a shot at Bo, too!!
By having a divorce this leaves the door open for Peter Reckell (Bo) to possibly return in the future.

So would killing off Bo. This is a soap after all. :rolleyes:

I thought it was interesting that Hope wrote a letter rather than sent an email. What kind of law enforcement doesn't have secure email addresses?!? Puh-leaze!

In any event, I agree that Hope should be able to get a divorce on grounds of abandonment without issue. Bo has been gone well over a year.
In a way, the writers have addressed that Alamania marriage, through Marlena and John. Before John left Salem last year, Marlena mentioned that they had just got remarried (off-screen of course), so maybe they had a double wedding with Bo and Hope and the writers conveniently forgot to mention the fact to us the viewers.
@Heather.....Well, everyone does NOT have an e-mail address. If they do not have a computer, they do not have an e-mail address. And I have many friends who do not own one. Now admittedly living in a rural area is a disadvantage, as even if you have a computer, you have no access to internet. But I know folks that absolutely refuse to have one. And the fancy phone that do everything are useless in rural/remote areas for the same reason. No towers, no internet connections, etc. So most have those cheap non-contract phones, only use them when away from home, etc.

If Bo is deep undercover, then he is in a situation/area where there is no contact with him whatsoever, unless and until he leaves, or is pulled out by the "bosses".