Castle - Season 7 (spoilers included)

Here's another that was released a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if it was posted here.

Kate Beckett means business! She is on the hunt for the love of her life and heaven help anyone who gets in her way. The way she tackles that man and then shakes him as she yells "what have you done" gave me goosebumps. I love how much she loves Castle!
Fantastic! Gotta say, whoever does these should give lessons to the people who do clips for Days. LOL

Boy, cannot wait for tonight.
I hope I can stay up and watch live since I'm taping something else
Yeah, it is on opposite BlackList......I really hate that.
NCIS LA is now on Monday. I taping tonight because 2nd part
episode from last season.
Well, after MONTHS of waiting to find out what happened to Castle, I was unfulfilled! He was missing for 2 months screen time and we have no clue who took him or why! :angry: And to top it all off, Beckett's trust in him waivered and now there's this obvious rift between them. We won't be getting that wedding anytime soon. :angry::angry:
I would agree. The beginning was great (those clips you posted were right on), but then to have him gone for 2 months, amnesia, and Beckett obviously thinking, at first, that he was lying, had been up to something. Plus........his daughter and mother (at the beginning, when the car was in flames, really did not seem all that horrified, upset, etc. That was strange.
Are there perhaps different writers this year?

And now, we have no idea who, why, etc. I did not notice that the episode was a
"part one", so do we spend the next season wondering and no closer, til perhaps the end of the season?
Then again, there was that mention of Dengue actually has hit a couple of people in Florida this summer, so anything is possible...I don't know too much about it, but I imagine it could be transmittable somehow and he would have been feverish and out of his mind with it. I just know that "true love will find a way" sooner or later, and I'm hoping for sooner!!
I expect it to play out all season Poirot. In the promo for next week, Castle gets a phone call relating to what happened to him.

Martha and Alexis acted as if they were watching Castle watching his car burn not as if they were watching him burn inside it.
I did not notice that the episode was a
"part one", so do we spend the next season wondering and no closer, til perhaps the end of the season?
I wondered the same thing. Now that Beckett's back story seems to be resolved, do we need a new story arc??? And will this be it for the season? I hope not.
I was able to stay up and watched the episode last night. I was disappointed too.
I guess they want to keep them "apart" awhile for some reason.

I waonder if there was a fake Castle running around. The person at
the trash container looked right at the camera like he knew it was there.
Having watched Days all these years......Castle could have been hypnotized, drugged, brainwashed, etc. into doing whatever they had him doing. Could have been held in a cell, as well, (like Rafe) although why all the elaborate doings to make it appear he had been camping, and on that boat, etc.
Last night's episode was like a rip-off of another episode where Jerry Tyson (the 3XK I believe) framed Castle for the murder of a woman. They had surveillance video of Castle in a jewelry store, his fingerprints at the crime scene, and found evidence in his home. In the early part of that episode Kate believed he was cheating on her and killed the woman to keep the affair quiet. No one believed he was innocent until they found the man who was impersonating Castle. Last night had the same theme. Kate believed he faked his own death/kidnapping to get out of marrying her. There were fingerprints and his clothing at the campsite and video of him dumping money. As I watched last night I thought, I've seen this before.
I thought the same thing cryin. it happens a lot of other TV shows too
I felt like the first part of the episode was fine, when they quickly figured out he wasn't in the car and was taken. But the more it went on and the more they put into this one episode, it felt too forced and cramped. If there was a way to spread out all the information and hints dropped (like the Dengue Fever). Alexis and Castle's mother not having a big part in the episode hurt it as well as the reaction scenes were way too focused Kate and Espo/Ryan and not enough on Castle's family.

I do think it's realistic to have them not pick up where they left off exactly because she did grieve and doubt and he didn't have that experience, so they are in two different frames of mind at this point. I do think the way it played out made it hard to feel for her or to understand her doubting Castle because the episode had crammed so much into the hour. But I do look forward to maybe a Castle-centered storyline to play out for a longer term than just one or two episodes....but I do want fairly quick answers about where he was and at least substantial clues to who's behind it and why.
Didn't Lanie say the Dengue Fever was tropical? Does that mean Castle was most likely taken out of the country? He was also shot! Why would they give us those details about what happened to him without giving some clue as to why it happened or who was behind it? I'm sorry, but I'm still bitter LOL because last night only left me with more questions. This felt more like a season finale, not a season premiere.
From what I've read just now, Dengue fever is only contracted by Mosquito bites...there's no mention that I can find about it being "contagious" it would seem that he had to be in the Florida Keys or more Tropical areas...however, they probably could import some of the mosquitos under superhuman efforts just to infect Castle...bizarre, but who knows what a TV program will do next?