Cell phones - Curiosity question


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Nearly everyone (not all) has a cell phone these days, and evidently have very different methods of where they carry their phones, store them, keep them, whatever.

On Days, the characters plop theirs on tables when they come into a restaurant, their homes, even when visiting someone else. Most men have theirs in an inside jacket pocket, the women in their purses (where mine is at all times, except when I use it).

In Salem, too often, way too often, characters misplace their phones, leave them on desks, tables, etc. Lani looks for her phone in her purse, figures it probably is back in the church. Just WHY would anyone have their cell phone OUT of their purse in a church. (most are adamant about turning off phones while there).

JJ left his sitting on his desk in the police station so Abby could take pics of what he had on it. So why, when cops have desk phones all over the station, would his even be out?

So........is this common? Do YOU take yours out immediately wherever you go, leave it sitting on tables, desks etc. when you leave the room, or the establishment? (Yes, I can see bedside nightstands). And yes, I realize that folks sometimes no longer have landlines, so might have their phone out AT HOME for easy access.

Just bugs me how often Salemites "lose or leave" their phones. LOL
I agree with you Poirot. But for me, it is humorous because where we live (NW Montana) there is very limited cell phone coverage so if we didn't still have a landline we'd never have a phone conversation. There is so much personal info on the cell phones one would think it might be necessary to watch who might find all your info.
LOL, same for me. Up north, very very rural. NO cell phone coverage where I live, none at all.
I carry my cell phone in pocket or in hand because it will slide/fall out of pocket. I do not carry a purse so that is not an option. I usually have my cell phone out because I am multitasking. I can be carrying on a conversation and handling business (like through text or internet) at the same time. I do make sure to always keep my ringer/sound off to avoid disturbing others which has caused me to misplace my phone many times.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at my best friend's house to help her tag garage sale items. Her house was empty and the items were only on one side of the garage because she is preparing to move. So we go to the garage to look at the stuff and I check my pockets to check my phone but it was gone. I went back inside because I could have sworn I put it on the counter next to my drink.

We searched high and low, inside and out, plus my vehicle. There was nothing in the house nor did I even go on the side of the garage with stuff on it. I gave up after about thirty minutes and just went and got a new phone.

At home later, I checked the device location and last place listed was at her house. It was never found. It can not be reset and used by anyone else so I don't know.
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To this day, I am not fond of all the technical devices people keep their noses poked into day and night. Try teaching children, who have one for safety [cheapies], not to be rude and ignore the people with you! I keep mine in my purse when leaving the house unless I forget it.

At home, it is on the side table in our great room because we no longer have a landline. At bedtime, I usually forget the phone and leave it in the great room. But of course the other family members have their phones on their night tables. I never worry about missing a call with 4 of us and various ringtones blaring in a silent night.
I have an old flip-phone and it's very small. Normally I carry mine in my pocket. If I'm wearing something without pockets, I put it in my purse. When I'm in church, I turn off the ringer, but have it on vibrate. My phone is always on when I'm out, in case my mum needs me. Several years ago, I was out and left my phone in the car. Came home and found my grandmother (who lived with us) frantic. My mum had had a heart attack and gram kept calling me, but to no avail. I looked at the phone and saw dozens of missed calls. From then on, I never left the phone in the car or turned off when I'm out.

But all of my friends have smartphones. Some keep them in their purses, others (men and women) just carry them in their hands all the time (like a security blanket, I guess?). They place them on the table, desk, couch, pew, etc. so it's within eyesight at all times. I find it so annoying to be trying to talk with someone and their eyes keep darting to their phones to see if they've gotten a text or some sort of notification. Or trying to hold a conversation and people are too busy playing with their phones to give you their attention.
YPG, that's weird you couldn't find your phone even though it was supposed
to be there. I always thought you could call your phone and find it that way. I guess
that won't work if phone is turned off.

I still have landline. I keep my dumb phone by my purse. I take it with me when I leave
I bought it because I used to travel long distances when I had a job. No one can
call me on it since it's always off.
We got rid of our landline last year since the only calls we got on it were telemarketers and political robo calls. So, I usually have my cell phone out at home. But I try to keep it in the same place so I don't lose track of it. (sort of the same concept as a cordless landline, I guess) Otherwise, the phone stays in my purse and I try not to use it in public places unless it is absolutely necessary.

I agree that the way some people are glued to their phone is very rude. I can't count the number of times (especially at work) where I am having a conversation with someone and they are constantly looking at the phone. It drives me crazy! I suspect that in Salem losing the phone is usually part of the plot but do you ever see them charging the thing? That is when I usually forget mine!
If it suits DA PLOT, they will do it. That said, I find the variety and multitudes of ways which our Salemanians use and lose their phones to be one of the most realistic things about the show.

Personally, you won't see me in a church so I don't know about etiquette there. I only turn it off in the theatre or if it's dying, and those happen rarely. Where I keep it depends on what I'm wearing. I like shirts with large pockets (in fact the last time I went shopping for shirts I made sure the pockets were big enough to hold a phone). In spring/fall weather I keep it in an inside jacket pocket (as my jacket is often "part" of my outfit). At all times when travelling it's in my coat/jacket pocket, but whenever I remove my coat, I remove my phone.

This leads to a conundrum when it's T-shirt whether or I'm indoors in a T-shirt! I will leave it on the table at a restaurant, or bar (rarely). I hate carrying it in my pants pockets unless I am wearing cargo pants or other loose pants.

To be fair, especially to those who feel the need to have phones on them at all times, I have been berated by co-workers, bosses, friends, even other volunteers at my non-profit when it took more than an hour to reply to their text/message. Even when I've been treating patients or driving. The expectation is that we are always "on." This is why France is passing laws about answering e-mail after hours!! LOL
LOL, small aside. MY phone is never ON unless I am using it to call out. No one has the number, and if someone asks, I tell them....pointless to have it, my phone is never on, cannot receive calls at home, only in town, so pointless. Which is why I have a cheapie, WalMart thing. LOL
Friend Jim yelled at me today because I didn't answer my cell phone when he called this morning. The phone was in the kitchen charging, and I was in the shower. Since my heart surgery several years ago, all of my friends expect me to have the phone with me. Nope, I refuse to take it in the bathroom.

My phone is off when I'm at Mass, a funeral, wedding, or working in a school.
I still have a land line, so my cell phone lives in my purse. Very few people have the cell number. The outgoing message asks the caller to call my house phone if they need to contact me, since I don't return messages left on the cell. (That really cuts down on nuisance/sales callers who don't have my home number.) I do use the text option, however, when I take what I consider to be a cute picture, usually of my puppy, and want to forward it to someone. I bought and use the cell in case I have an emergency situation when I am out and about. When I get home, I put my purse by my desk and connect the charger to the cell. That way, it's always ready to use.
Like JasonDiSpeech, I also think cell phone usage in Salem is one of the most realistic things - though it does bug me A LOT to see that their "screens" never seem to cut off. Never charging the phone is also annoying, as that could be a good drama point! Someone suddenly needs a heart transplant? You don't need to be at the Horton cabin with no cell service. Just run out of juice! LOL Anyway.

I don't consider myself an obnoxious user (does anyone?!), but I usually put mine on the table or somewhere visible, even if I'm visiting with someone or at a restaurant. I like to keep my attention on the person or people that I'm with, but I will make a quick glance if I get a notification. If it isn't important, which it usually isn't, then a reply can wait. But if it is important, I ask for a minute, take care of the issue, and go back to the people I'm with.

And because many of us handle our phones so regularly, and because many of them now are too large to fit in or stay in pockets when you sit down, it is fairly easy to leave your phone somewhere and forget where you left it. My husband also does this with coffee mugs and other drinks. He carries them around where ever he's going in the house, and quite regularly he'll throw his hands up and say "Where's my coffee?! I know I had it somewhere!" So, cell phones are very similar in that way.

I think - generally speaking - if you are the type that misplaces things, like keys, and you regularly handle/use your cell phone, you are just as likely to misplace your cell phone as you are your keys. If you are not one who typically misplaces your keys, you will probably be less likely to misplace your cell phone, even if you regularly handle it. If you don't regularly handle it, it would seem that you are less likely to lose it. Unless you are just the type that misplaces everything!

And Poirot, you asked "Do YOU take yours out immediately wherever you go?" Honestly, a whole lot of people already and pretty constantly have theirs out, so they aren't really considered "put away", pretty much ever. It's just a totally different mindset! :)
My smartphone is always with me and always on. I turn the sound off at certain times but leave vibrate on. I also have an "Apple Watch" that is always on. I try to buy pants with big enough pockets for my phone, but I can carry it in side pocket of my purse if I need to. I never put my phone on the table when I am out because I'm afraid I'll forget and leave it there. If I want to check incoming alerts I just check my watch. I try not to be obnoxious with it but I always have the ability to "communicate".:rotfl:
I also find interesting about Salem cellphones, is that no one has their phones locked where you have to use a code to unlock it to use it. But then again if they did that no one would be able to snoop in other Salemites phones and see information they shouldn't be seeing. Oh and it also amazes me they ALL have each others phone numbers stored in their contacts even if they rarely interact!
I have an old flip-phone and it's very small.
Ah, another person who still uses an old-fashioned flip phone. I resisted even that until I realized that public pay phones were a thing of the past. I don't know its phone number and it's always off. I only use the thing to check in at home in case I'm stuck in traffic and will be late, to get help from home when I'm dazed and confused about something on the super market shopping list, or to be able to order take-out without tearing myself away from whatever is on the TV screen.
I started my connection with the wireless world several years ago when I needed to get a pager when my mom entered hospice. Since I was the closest but didn't live in town, I signed a one year contract and she passed 2 days past the return with no penalty. So I gave it to my son. Then when that contract expired and he was out and about, as a lot as teen boys can be, I converted it to a cell phone.

A year later, I added the second phone to the mix for me. I used it to let him know I was stuck in traffic or to order pizza for dinner on my way home. Then the company purchased me a phone and paid the bill. All clients were given my cell so they could contact me if they needed help. I maintained two phones business and personal. Then I had to pay for my own phone after tax laws were changed. Ever since then, I've been with cellphone.

I have it with me always. In a pocket, or purse if pockets aren't big enough. Sound is off when at doctor's office, bank, dining out. I won't take a call at the table. If it is someone who is looking for the table, then I will, but honestly how often does that happen? It's rude and I am constantly letting the FAA know I don't want people being able to talk on their cellphone when on a plane. WHAT could be worse than listening to a one-sided conversation trapped in a 15 inch seat 30k feet above the ground???

I do love that Salem phones never need charging, always are in a strong service area even if that place didn't have service the episode before (I'm looking at you private area of the HTS). And yes, they never go dark.